Smoke Signal could not function without the many volunteers who help in various ways. There are the article contributors, the typing, editing, printing and putting the magazine together each month. Also, around 600 magazines are delivered throughout the village plus over 100 which are sold through the village's two Post Offices.
Signal relies on regular contributions from local people connected with village
life and activities. Without this willing band of writers - some occasional,
many regular - we're sure the magazine would not be as popular as it is today.
For almost ten years Dr Leading, assisted by the
Practice Secretary, has provided a monthly article on matters concerning general
health as well as news from the Crofton Health Centre.
Dr Leading came to Crofton
in 1979 after completing his training (medical andvocational) at Newcastle University.
Having been born in Wakefield he hadn't intended returning but the post in Crofton/Sharlston
came up just when needed and he says, he has no regrets. He took over from Dr
Colomosse and to start with worked alongside Dr Smith, Dr Vaughan and Dr Ashwell.
Crofton Health Centre has grown since then and now has medical students from
London, staying for a couple of weeks to get experience of general practice
whilst studying at university. Crofton is also a Training Practice so always
has a doctor training to be a GP as well as pre-registration House Officers
in their first year after qualifying.
The latest development is Appraisal - all GPs have to be assessed annually -
and Dr Leading is one of the seven Wakefield GP Appraisers.
He is married to Pauline, a theatre sister at Pinderfields Hospital, and they
both enjoy travelling. Dr Leading is a keen cyclist, taking part in the annual
Great Yorkshire Bike Ride. He is not competitive but likes to just set off for
a ride which might end up in Glossop!
He enjoys classical music, including opera, but also likes to keep up with contemporary
popular music. (Allegedly he's a great disco dancer and is usually the star
of the show at the staff Christmas "Do").
At present Dr Leading is researching the history of general practice in the
two villages - Crofton and Sharlston. Patients bring information in the form
of pictures, stories and cuttings from the past to the surgery, all he needs
now is time to put it together.
Pat has lived in Crofton for 27 years. She is married to John, chairman and
a playing member (tenor horn and persussion) of Crofton Silver Band. They have
two daughters and, to date, one grandson. Although their children no longer
live in Crofton they're not far away and Pat enjoys seeing them regularly. She
also likes reading, walking and travelling - both abroad and in England.
Pat joined the Practice in 1986 as Receptionist/Dispenser at Sharlston Health
Centre then came to the Crofton Health Centre as Practice Secretary in 1994.
Her work includes typing up such things as referrals, appointments, queries,
life assurance forms and medical reports. She also types Dr Leading's monthly
article for Smoke Signal, and adds the "Surgery News" contribution.
One of Smoke Signal's distributors is Ruth Marshall.
Ruth was born and bred in Crofton has lived here all her life, with the exception of three years in neighbouring Walton. She has always been a Christian, and has actively supported the Mothers’ Union for forty years. When the Crofton branch of the MU closed she began attending St Catherine’s church, Agbrigg, where she is now the vice president of the Wakefield Diocese Mothers’ Union.
Ruth started delivering what was then the parish church magazine at the age of 12 and has delivered the Smoke Signal since it first came out around 20 years ago. This means she has, in fact, been delivering a local magazine in the village for over 50 years. At one time Ruth delivered 68 magazines every month, she still delivers 49.