Meetings 2004
was a good turn out in March to hear local speaker, Roy Greatorex,
describe some aspects of life – and death – as a coal miner,
with special reference to the Miners’ Strike of
1984/5. His talk, filled with amusing anecdotes, was followed
by three short films he’d made during the strike – one of miners
‘prospecting’ for coal, another of a rally in Barnsley and the
third of the miners return to work – only to be turned away. |
added interest was a display of mining memorabilia, in particular the
Nostell Colliery “Signing In” book from 1923 to 1967 containing
names, addresses and county of origin of all miners as they started
work at the pit during those years. Many from the audience spent
time looking for details of their family members. There was also
a display of miners’ checks from just about every pit in the country
as well as a couple of safety lamps, photographs and newspaper
articles. |

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February The
publicised speaker, George Hubbard, was unable to attend the meeting but the chairman was pleased to welcome Joyce and
Cassie who talked about the history of
. Cassie described the
foundings of the church and was able to link it historically with
the beginnings of Nostell Priory and Whitby Abbey, much of her story
being taken from the writings of the Venerable Bede.
Joyce then described the church and many of its most
interesting features, including the font, the carved pew-ends and
the stained glass windows. |

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Monday 17th May 2004, twenty people turned up at the Waterton
Discovery Centre to hear Dave Mee, Senior Countryside Ranger,
give an illustrated talk about Charles Waterton.
started with a slide show of present day Walton Hall and surrounding
area - the golf course, the woods, the boundary wall and a 200 year
old stone built bird hide - all features of the life and work
of explorer, naturalist and conservationist, the Squire of Walton.
then spoke of the life and times of Charles Waterton, his trips to
South America
(showing us a photocopy of the original ‘Wanderings' notebook),
North America
, his discovery of an anaesthetic still used today and his skill
as a taxidermist. We heard of his generosity
towards the working classes, his love of wildlife and something of
his ‘odd’ behaviour that earned him the nickname “The
Eccentric Squire”.
of Waterton's grave by the side of the lake, a spot he had chosen
between two great oak trees, brought the talk to its close.
stimulating discussion that followed could easily have continued for
hours and we were disappointed that we had to leave. Luckily
Dave has invited us back in July for a Waterton Walk, more details
of that later.
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Monday evening,
19th January
we welcomed Ms Jo
Vickers who works as House Steward for the National Trust at
Nostell Priory.
is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the property and
its contents and talked to the group about cleaning and
conservation techniques. She had brought examples of her work and
demonstrated how silver and metal items must be cared for and
explained how furniture and paintings are cleaned and protected.
Photographs and pieces of textile showed the damage which can be
caused by sunlight, all of which prompted many interesting
questions. Jo also told us that the B.B.C. had been filming at
Nostell to
produce a programme on the collection of Chippendale items in the
Priory. This will be shown in the Spring (with Jo dressed as a
