Minutes of Meeting for Crofton Children’s Play Area Association

on 17th December 2002


Attendees:        Paula Baker, Robert Baker, Helen Tate, Christine Sinclair, Andrea Martin, David Wright, Julian Ellis and Arthur Ripley


Apologies:        Sharon Gallagher, Marie Binns, Duncan Thompson, Joan Helme and Bev Schofield.




1.    The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true and accurate record of events.

2.    Matters arising:

·         Jez will contact Julian in the New Year to arrange dates to go into schools and organise the children.

·         Sharon has all the pictures, etc. from the children and is particularly impressed with the work from Shay Lane Primary School’s Year 2, which is large and full of detail.

·         Sharon is disappointed with the response from Slack Lane Junior School.  After going in to write a tick list to show children’s preferences on the board, no input from the teachers has been given top our knowledge and the board is reported as still blank.

·         Arthur expressed a concern that Sharon has taken on too much and should only concern herself with filling in forms, which he considers a priority.  Paula answered by saying soon Julian will be taking over the High School and working on designs, so both herself and Sharon will have more time.

·         Arthur asked Julian about the leasing of the land, to which he said there should be no problem.

·         We would need to fundraise for a minimum of three years to cover the lease, after which we could hand it over, but Arthur states that Fair Share needs us to provide the upkeep for the full term of the lease (15 years).  This caused a general feeling of unease within the group and several comments were made to the unpredictability of committee remaining constant in 15 years.

·         Helen suggested disbanding after four years but questions were asked as to whether they would ask for their money back.

·         Julian stated that lease negotiating defines responsibilities and that a way to do it would be to have small trustees (say £50) who would only have to pay this amount if the worst should happen.

·         Unhappiness was felt by the group concerning the general lack of support from WMDC, re rent, insurance, etc.

·         Arthur suggested a new meeting with Alan Ayre, Julian, Paul, himself and Paula, Rob or Sharon, to clarify: rent etc; landfill tax; three years plus leasing.

·         Julian said he would look into further funding within the area.

·         Arthur suggested having a 12-month term for members of the committee, then re-election.  Helen asked the question why, as no one else seems interested in taking on the role.

·         David said that we are all committed at the moment and that we shouldn’t be afraid of taking this money and missing out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.  Paula, Andrea and Christine expressed their views that such a long commitment is scary.

·         Julian said that the Parish Council might pay for the playground upkeep and/or rent as part of the current package (i.e. football and cricket) and suggests we build ties with these community groups.

·         Arthur said he intends to ask Fair Share if he can sit on our management committee.

3.    Fundraising:

·         Thanks were expressed to the Parish Council for use of the Parish Council Rooms on 8th February 2003, free of charge.

·         It was suggested and agreed that we continue with the games theme and have a range of games, e.g. tombola, throw wet sponges at teachers, roll-a-penny, hook-a-duck, cards and a bottle stall, asking local shops for donations.

·         For the annual Crofton Gala, it was decided that we would ask for a stall to have the card game (everyone a winner) and pick a lolly.  Also, that we be located near the Brownie and Guide stall to help with manning the games.

4.    The date of the next meeting was arranged for 20th January 2003 at 7.00pm in Shay lane Primary School.