Minutes of the meeting on Monday 6th October 2003


Present:Paula Baker, Arthur Ripley, Sean Skidmore and Helen Tate

Apologies: Rob Baker, Joan Helme, Duncan Thompson, Christine Sinclair


1.      The minutes of the last meeting dated 8th September 2003 were agreed.

2.     Matters arising:

·       We are not able to apply to Lloyds TSB as we are not a registered charity.

3.     Asda donation:

·       We have received a hamper and toy.

·       They would like to use it as a photo opportunity for their magazine as they present the cheque to us and are willing to allow us to invite the Wakefield Express.  This needs to be in daylight on site but not on a Saturday as he (Steve Perry) goes fishing.  Provisionally Sunday 19th October at approximately 11.00am.  This allows us to publicise our raffle & Hallowe’en party.  Helen to invite the Brownies & Guides.  Helen to ask if EY can walk to the site on Wednesday afternoon to take a photograph for this use, as Paula will also be present.

4.     Crofton Parish Council meeting and site meeting:

·       CPC have donated the money requested as a pledge, on condition of planning permission being met.

·       Paula & Julian have met with Richard in Planning, permission only needs to be got for the hard surface of the skatepark.

5.     Barclay’s Bank – Graham:

·       Graham Barber was unable to join us tonight due to a lack of transport.

6.     Donations / other fundraising ideas:

·       Paula was shown a Christmas card by the printer, who suggested selling them for a fundraising.  Costing 4000 for £80, which works out at 20p each to break even.  It was felt that it we sold them for 4 for a £1, this would be a lot of work for only a little profit.

·       Arthur suggested trying to do 3 raffles a year (fitting in a Christmas one later this year), as we have already bought the license.

·       Helen suggested holding a bingo.  Paula will speak with the Community Centre.

·       Sean suggested a sponsorship of some kind, Arthur agreed that if we could get the children involved during the summer, it would be even better.

7.     Raffle and Hallowe’en party:

·       Money in to date £250 banked, £80 to bank which gives us £330.00 to date.

·       CCC booked - £20 for room hire, which we will get back if we spend over £200 over the bar.

·       Duncan cannot get the DJ – does anyone know a DJ who may be available?  Paula to ask Bev for details of the one they use in school.  Arthur to ask at Royal Oak.

·       Cost for entrance: £1 per adult, children free & pot for donations.  Children need to be accompanied by an adult.  Prizes left from the gala include mainly £1 toys.  Groupings by school, i.i. pre-school (under 4), infants (4-7), juniors (7-11) & high school (11-16).  Paula to buy prizes - £5 book vouchers for first prizes.

·       Need to be there for 5pm to allow DJ to set up.

·       Paula to ask Paul to judge the fancy dress.

8.     Next meeting:

·       Monday 3rd November 2003

9.     A.O.B.

·       Arthur has suggested that we collect quotes for the other areas of our play areas & put in planning applications for it all together.

·       Julian showed information and a design from Sutcliffe Play, who are a company who would be able to design our play areas for us.

·       Apparently Alan Smith has said that WMDC will not maintain the site unless it remains the same size.  Julian will look into this.  Arthur will find out how much WMDC spends on leisure facilities at other sites, as at the moment WMDC do not pay towards Crofton as Crofton Parish Council covers the village.
