Minutes of the meeting on Monday 3rd November 2003


Present:       Sharon Gallagher, Paula Baker, Rob Baker, Arthur Ripley,

Julian Ellis, Helen Tate and Christine Sinclair

Apologies:    Joan Helme, Sean Skidmore


1.      The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

2.     Matters arising:

·       Wren application has been completed.

·       VOX application to be in by the end of January.  If we are successful the money will go straight in the bank account with 12 months to spend it in.

·       Paula would like to concentrate on filling in application forms.

·       Planning application only has to be for the hard surface of the skatepark.  It will be in tomorrow, Julian is hoping for WMDC to pay for this application.  The timing fits in with Wren application.

·       Arthur suggested submitting all the planning applications at the same time but due to time limitations this has not been done.

·       13 conditions to be met for VOX.

·       Arthur will try to hurry Barclays along.

·       The Millennium fund has a meeting in November.

·       We have not yet enquired at the CCC for a bingo.

·       Meeting on Saturday morning at the Cock & Crown at 9.30am, to visit Normanton and Ferrybridge parks.

·       Julian thinks the site will be maintained by WMDC, they are just being prudent.

3.     Barclay’s Bank – Graham has not attended the meeting.

4.     Hallowe’en Party

·       Sold 1135 tickets.  Took £114 on the door.  Cost £20 for prizes, £75 for DJ (who was good, especially getting the children involved and dancing).  Printing & raffle tickets cost £88.50.  Room hire was £20, which we should get back.

·       Suggested ask CCC to go halves with DJ costs in future & for all night party.

·       Arthur suggested having another raffle for Christmas but the consensus of opinion was that it was too soon.

·       Helen suggested having anther disco with just a small raffle, to keep the interest & the support.

5.     Wren application:

·       28th November a recommendation.

·       9th Dec the board will meet & make a decision:
-    flat no, cannot re-apply for the same zone
-    no, until criteria met
-    yes – only 2 months until planning permission is given to them, letters from all other funders stating monies in
-    1 year to spend the money
-    they pay the contractor direct
-    our contact remains neutral.  She will let us write her paragraph on why we want funding.

6.     Next meeting:

·       Monday 15th December 2003

7.     A.O.B.

·       It was asked what would happen to our site if the parish council have an offer made on the land.

·       The licence for the lotteries needs to be renewed.

·       A donation of £100 has been received from the Pinders and Constables Charity (famous in the village), along with a lovely letter.  We need to publish an acknowledgement in the Smoke Signal.

·       Crofton Junior Football Association have donated £200.

·       We have registered with VAWD (Voluntary Action Wakefiedl District).  They send out a bimonthly magazine that contains funders and information.