Attendees: Paula Baker, Christine Sinclair, Duncan Thompson,

                   Julian Ellis, Helen Tate & Joan Helme

Apologies: Robert Baker & Arthur Ripley,


1.       The minutes of the last meeting dated 28th March 2003 were agreed.


2.      Matters arising:

·         Julian has insisted they cut the vegetation to ground level and it should be kept at this level and an order has been put in for the work to be completed.

·         Duncan has reported that he is taking our idea of themed hats seriously and has designed a hat that includes a 9V battery and a motor, to produce a rotating roundabout!  The idea is that we want to be noticed as people who are having fun and are capable at getting to the children’s level.  (It looks like we will achieve our objective! HT)  We are looking forward to seeing the masterpiece in action!!

·         Duncan’s Mum will sit on our stall during the procession, (as volunteered by Duncan).

3.      High School visit:

·         Julian reported that the children have now reached the stage of making 3D models, although Julian wasn’t able to attend the session due to a prior arrangement.

·         Duncan & Paula to accompany Julian into the High School on 5th June (room 13, 9.00am).

·         The school are very happy with their involvement with the project and would like to involve the press, which we are thrilled about.

·         They would also like to make plans to take their work and plans to the feeder schools in the village, with members of the committee in attendance.  It was decided this could take place the first week of the term, w/c 9th June 2003, if this is convenient for the High School (Julian will check).

·         Due to the timings of assemblies at each school, it is possible to do all three in one day.


Slack Lane Juniors

Julian, Paula & Christine


Shay Lane Primary

Julian, Paula & Christine


Crofton Infants’

Julian, Paula, Christine & Helen




4.      WMDC:

·         As requested by the group, Julian is going to look into the possibility of removing the plants and bushes from the site, as it will save money in the long run and make it a safer environment.

·         A report has been prepared, containing an update on the insurance required.  Paula & Julian to meet this Friday (at the Cock & Crown for a working lunch, between Julian’s meetings) to complete a proposal form for Zurich.


5.      Crofton Gala:

·         It was asked if a prize was required for the Community Centre’s raffle this year.  Helen reported that she wasn’t aware a request had been made, so no.

·         Rob, Joan, Duncan & Claire (Paula’s sister-in-law) volunteered to work on the stall.  Helen & Christine gave their apologies as they are already committed to other stalls but Helen is to try to get all three stalls (Playground, Guides & Millenni-Mums) together, so that we can all help each other out as necessary.  Helen will also to try to get the Guides to help run some of our games.

·         Helen’s Dad has bought £30.00 worth of toys for our lucky dip, at Helen’s request.  A cheque was given to reimburse him.  The toys include skipping ropes, recorders, cars & guns, & apparantly usually retail at £1.00 to £1.50.


6.      Recruitment drive:

·         Paula would like to formulate a recruitment drive to build up our numbers & get different ideas.  However, Duncan, Helen & Paula herself commented that they have asked already but although people are interested & supportive, they do not want to become involved.

·         We will put an article in Smoke Signal & posters up requesting new volunteers to join our group.


7.      Date of the next meeting:

·         The next meeting of Crofton Children’s Play Area Association will be held on Monday 16th June 2003, in Shay Lane Primary School at 7.00pm.


8.      A.O.B.

·         Paula has written lots of letters requesting donations of children’s prizes for use on our stall but unfortunately has only received apologies.

·         As an alternative to Fair Share funding, we could apply for money in stages (incremental funding), which would leave the council with the rent, maintenance & insurance to pay.  Gaps of 18 months would be necessary between bids for funding to the same funder, but any combination of grant applications could be made, of which Paula has many.  It was decided we do this alongside the Fair Share grant application, in case it doesn’t work in our favour.