Attendees: Sharon Gallagher, Paula Baker, Robert Baker, Christine Sinclair, 

                   Duncan Thompson, Arthur Ripley, Andrea Martin, Julian Ellis & Helen



Apologies:   Bev Schofield & Joan Helme


1.       The minutes of the last meeting dated 24th February 2003 were agreed.


2.      Matters arising:

·         It was reported that the current shrubs in the park have not been removed because the WMDC have ordered them to be cut down to a height of 4”.  This was unanimously agreed to be unsatisfactory and Julian is finding out if we can get permission to remove them ourselves.

·         Andrea reported that the said bushes were actually on fire at the time.  Rob immediately went to inspect the scene but reported no major damage.

·         Many of the children’s designs are now on display in both the baby clinic in Crofton Health Centre and in Crofton Community Centre.

·         Arthur has found out more information about VOX, meaning voice in Latin.  The council has been instructed to gather information about its communities to take into Parliament, to develop better links between the government and community groups.

·         On the subject of leasing the land from WMDC, the legal department has said that there are no peppercorn rents.  All rents have to have cabinet approval and are preparing a report.  This will need to include the rent, maintenance and insurance costs.

·         Paula has tried once again to find insurance cover but was unsuccessful, even with the WMDC.  The reasons we can’t get public liability are that we don’t possess any buildings and are only a small group, so we wouldn’t be profitable enough.

·         Julian to look into us paying the park insurance, rent and maintenance direct to the WMDC and them to continue to insure, etc.  This would need yearly invoices to formulise the procedure but would enable us to get insurance.  He will also contact the Lottery to see if this is acceptable to them.


3.      High School visit:

·         Julian has started going in to Paul Jarvis’ class every Thursday morning for an hour, working with the children on the technology project. 

·         The first step was to write a brief, telling the children our aims and reasons.

·         Julian intends to take the children on site to undertake a survey.  This will entail plotting slopes, current play areas, trees, etc.  Also access and circulation will be examined.

·         The next step will be to return to the classroom and develop designs.  Julian will take in the graphs produced from the children’s designs already collected for use at this time.


4.      Foresters:

·         Paula and Helen reported to the group about an interview they had with representatives of the Foresters Financial Services Ltd.  Although they are a financial service provider, they are also dedicated to helping communities and individuals.

·         They are interested in helping our group in any way they can, be it through ideas for publicity, to improve our web page or fundraising.  All they ask in return is that we publicise their involvement and support.

·         They also gave us a form to fill in to apply for one of their grants.  It was unanimously agreed that we go ahead with this involvement and apply for the funding.

·         We will publicise the Forester’s involvement on our web page and posers, etc.

·         It was decided to invite the NE President to our AGM.


5.      Nominations for posts of Chair, Secretary/ies and Treasurer:

·         As the next meeting is the AGM, we need to be thinking about the role we each want to play in the coming year.  These posts will need to be filled by enthusiastic members of our team, with the full support of the team.


6.      Date of the next meeting:

·         The Annual General Meeting of Crofton Children’s Play Area Association will be held on Monday 28th April 2003, in Shay Lane Primary School at 7.00pm.


7.      A.O.B.

·         Sharon has been into Shay Lane Primary School by invitation, discuss with the children of Mrs. Harvey’s year 1 class the drawbacks of our current playground.   Sharon will continue to liaise with this class.

·         Julian has, through work, written a report on new innovative schemes of high impact and has mentioned our Association.   It is hoped some funding may be forthcoming as a result.  It was decided that we would invite the Chief Executive of WMDC to attend our AGM.







15 Holly Crescent,





20th April 2003




Dear Sir,


I would like, on behalf of the Crofton Children’s Play Area Association, to invite you to our Annual General Meeting.   This will be held in Shay Lane Primary School on Monday 28th April, at 7.00pm.


It is our belief that you will then see for yourself the commitment and enthusiasm that we have for our cause, to provide a safe and stimulating environment for our children to play.


I understand that this is late notice and I do apologise.


I look forward to welcoming you to our team.



Yours faithfully,





Helen Tate

Joint Secretary.