Attendees: Paula Baker, Robert Baker, Christine Sinclair, Duncan Thompson,

                   Julian Ellis, Arthur Ripley, Sharon Gallagher & Joan Helme

Apologies: Helen Tate, David Wright


1.       The minutes of the last meeting dated 19th May 2003 were agreed.


2.      Matters arising:

·         Julian told the group the bushes around the existing park had been cut down on Saturday 14th June.  He didn’t know whether they had been cut to four feet or completely to the ground.

·         It was suggested letters were sent out with pupils requesting volunteers, and Julian mentioned he might have another volunteer for us.

·         Julian is to meet with Paul Jarvis on Thursday 19th June in room 13.

3.      Update on WMDC progress:

·         Julian has arranged to meet with a playground manufacturer on Wednesday 18th June.  Paula and Arthur are to attend this meeting on site.

·         The council will always maintain the site as they do now (!?! – PB).

·         Julian is to bring a copy of the report which is to go to Cabinet regarding playgrounds.  Nothing has been done to forward the lease as we are awaiting confirmation of Public Liability Insurance.


4.      Crofton Gala:

·         Paula asked if it was OK to buy prizes for the Gala as no donations had been received.  It was agreed she could buy around £30 worth.

·         Duncan has already got the ‘Splat the Rat’ and ‘Play your cards right’ games in his garage.

·         Volunteers for the day are: Duncan, Joan, Rob, Paula, Claire (Paula’s sister-in-law) and Alison (Paula’s Cousin).  Helen and Christine will be on hand to help if we get really busy.  Duncan, Sharon, Paula, Claire, Jean (Paula’s mum) and Mavis (Paula’s aunt) are all to walk in the parade.

·         Christine thinks a table will be provided by the Community centre on the day.  Paula will check this with Marie Binns before Saturday.


5.      Skate Park:

·         As mentioned before, Julian is to meet with a playground manufacturer to discuss the requirements for the skate park.

·         Julian will ask Paul Jarvis for plans of the skate park to take with him to the meeting.

·         Julian described the other skate park projects he has been involved with and encouraged the group to visit one if possible to get an idea of what the kids want.


6.      Funding:

·         Arthur suggested we apply to the Parish Council for a pledge of around £3,000 to use for match funding against the Wren application.

·         Other funders to approach were mentioned.  These included the Local Network for Children and the WMDC Community Chest.

·         Paula mentioned she had requested an application form from WREN.  Julian and Sharon have offered to help Paula complete the form.  They will arrange a time and place convenient for all to meet.


7.      Date of the next meeting:

·         The next meeting of Crofton Children’s Play Area Association will be held on Monday 21st July 2003, in Shay Lane Primary School at 7.00pm.


8.      A.O.B.

·         Julian offered to ask for the old Thornes Park equipment to be relocated to our play area.  The group declined this offer.