Minutes of Meeting for Crofton Children’s Play Area Association on 10th June 2002


Attendees:                   Paula Baker, Robert Baker, David Grundy, Bev Schofield, Andrea Martin, Arthur Ripley, Sharon Gallagher, Duncan Thompson, Joan Helme, Trish Richardson, Granville Marshall


Apologies:                  Paul Beckett, Helen Tate, Marie Binns, Christine Sinclair



1.     The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true and accurate record.  In point (2) it was requested the amendment made to read ‘type of equipment’.

2.     Rob advised the group Helen Tate has taken over the position from Nikki Coleman and will be dealing with the minutes and agenda for future meetings.

3.     The interview aired on BBC Radio Leeds was played to the group.  It was suggested we keep in touch with Radio Leeds, by sending a letter of thanks, and ask them to advertise Crofton Gala.  Granville Marshall advised Crofton Community Centre advertise on Ridings FM.

4.     The information gained through the questionnaire was given to the group (copy attached).  It was agreed, in light of this information and the regulations, which need to be adhered, to (as advised by Trish), the most suitable site will be where it is currently situated.   Rob advised he had spoken with some of the youths that use the existing play area in the evening.  He told us they wanted such things as Astroturf.  Granville advised the Community Centre is trying to have an all weather sports pitch built on their site and already has a play area, which is available to all members.  Arthur told of his investigations of the current site and gave his ideas towards future security.  Concerns were voiced over the issue of high fencing around the new site.  It was suggested we invite the local police to one of our meetings.    It was agreed a ‘mini newsletter’ would be sent to all people that gave personal details on the questionnaire, to keep them informed of the group’s work.

5.     The timetable for the Gala volunteers was distributed.

6.     The next meeting is to be held on Monday 8th July at 7pm in the Crofton Shay Lane Junior School Building.

7.     It has been agreed, as a cost cutting exercise, no minutes or agenda will be sent to any person whom is absent from two consecutive meetings.  Paula advised a website is being constructed as a way of advertising the association.  Trish asked if the Scarman Trust had been in touch and Paula advised they hadn’t.  Trish gave information about a Race Night as a way to increase funds.  Sharon advised she could probably get a number of raffle prizes from Leeds United.  Sharon also asked if the ‘Better Play’ magazine should be approached.  Trish advised we wait until a plan has been put together before we ask a Community Advisor to come and see us.