Minutes of the meeting on Monday 12th January 2004.


Attendees:  Robert Baker, Paula Baker, Arthur Ripley, Joan Helme,

Sean Skidmore, Helen Tate, Maureen Cummings, Duncan

Thompson & Cllr Albert Manifield.

Apologies:    Sharon Gallagher, Graeme Isherwood, Julian Ellis & Vicky Hunt


  1. The minutes of the meeting dated 15th December 2003 were found to be a true and accurate representation.


  1. Matters arising:


  1. Skate Park Visits:

·       Allerton Bywater, Royston & Normanton skateparks were visited by Rob & Sean.  The covered shelters were moved in one case and abused, with evidence of drugs and alcohol abundant.  This has out us off the idea of having a shelter but it was thought we had already decided not to have any.  At Allerton Bywater the surface was concrete and seemed much more durable.  Perhaps we could look into using concrete instead.  Julian needs to be notified and asked to look into costings.  The flooring we intend to use is not suitable as it had gaps and was slippy.  If the planning application has gone through we can simply notify them of the change with the reasons why.

·       We intend to provide a wall for spray painted graffiti, which we can repaint for a fresh start.  Often the youngsters involved are creative and it would be nice to give them a place where this is accepted.

·       Albert was concerned about WMDC taking on the maintenance if we used concrete.

·       Arthur will bring this up in his meeting with Alan Smith on the 28th.


  1. Planning Application Update:


  1. Next Meeting:


  1. A.O.B.: