Minutes for the meeting dated 15th December 2003


Present:       Paula Baker, Robert Baker, Helen Tate, Arthur Ripley, Sean

Skidmore, Cllr Albert Manifield, Duncan Thompson, Julian

Ellis & Joan Helme

Apologies:    Sharon Gallagher, and Christine Sinclair


1.      The minutes of the last meeting dated 3rd November were agreed to be an accurate record.

2.     Matters arising:

·       Arthur has spoken to Barclays.  They have accepted our application and hopefully it should be decided in January.  The lady sounded interesting and may want to see the site.

·       As arranged we visited other new parks in the area, getting ideas and collecting photographs.  These are available via email.

·       A donation of £100 was received from Constables and Pinders charity.

·       Crofton Juniors Football Club has donated £200 but we have yet to receive the cheque.

·       The ward will be changing in June.  Crofton will now be with Ryhill, Havercroft, Cold Hiendley, Notton, Bleakly, Wintersett and Walton.  Albert has been chosen to stand for election by the government.  He has joined us for this meeting to get a better insight into the local groups.  He offered his help.  He has had experience fundraising and supporting groups.  Julian vouched for his enthusiasm and commitment.

·       Julian was asked again to get that the site will be maintained by WMDC in writing.

·       Albert asked about planning permission.  It has been in for approximately two months now.  Albert would like to write to support our application.

3.     Funding applications:

·       The Foresters Fund for Children application has been refused, as it is too big a venture.  Arthur has spoken to them and suggested we apply again for specific items, which can have a plaque stating thanks to funders.  They are happy with this and told us to reapply.

·       WREN met last Tuesday – THEY HAVE ALLOCATED US A GRANT FOR UP TO £25,000!

·       We have 6 months from 10th December to secure the funding.  We need to spend it within 12 months.

·       We have applied to Comic Relief, Local Network Fund, and Barclays.

4.     The Wakefield Express article was good.  It was felt that the photograph of the children with their model was better than the one of the committee members.  Very positive.  Unfortunately Millenni-Mums was not printed as a supporter (this information was given).

5.     The date of the next meeting is Monday 12th January in Shay Lane Primary School, at 7.00pm in the staff room.

6.     A.O.B.

·       Julian has brought a quote and design plan for the play equipment.  This quote is not inclusive and includes bark chippings instead of the cushioned flooring that we would prefer.  It does not include earthworks.  (Julian will look into this.)

·       The costing for the plan supplied is for £42,030.45 plus VAT.  This would leave us with only approximately £8,000 for the earthworks and tarmacing.  Our fundraising may need to be reassessed and increased.

·       We may have to put the play equipment in in stages, as we originally planned, to allow for further fundraising.  It looks as though we may have to find an extra £20,000, after we have had match funding.

·       We would like to have extra traditional swings included.

·       Sean suggested we check the design with Health and Safety.  Julian said he would check.

·       Arthur and Albert will meet at the site on Thursday at 9.30am to show Albert.

·       Sean & Robert will meet on Saturday at 10.30am, to visit skateparks, collecting ideas & photographs.

·       Paula suggested applying to Biffa (up to £25,000).