Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17 September 2013.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley,

Towns, Wrigg and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;            5 members of the public

                                    District Councillor Manifield.

                                    PS Brooke and PCSO Stevens.


09/073             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Brooke, presented the Safe Scheme report covering July, August and September.   He commented on the       daily briefing report for 01 September concerning a death by dangerous driving on Santingley Lane, where a female pedestrian was struck by a car. A local 18yr old male was arrested at the scene. Enquiries were being conducted by MCAT (specialised traffic dept).

Cllr Wilby asked if PS Brooke was aware of an accident on Shay Lane near to

Goldwing Farm, where a car had crashed into a hedge on the same night as the incident on Santingley Lane, but he was not aware of the accident.

Cllr Bennett enquired about the electric box which had been positioned at Doncaster Road/Cock Lane. He was informed that if vehicles exceeded 30mph then a warning message would flash to alert them, the box was at present being shared with the NPT.

Members were informed that a traffic officer was to be allocated to Crofton, Cllr Chalkley asked that the traffic officer be vigorous in his patrols given that the schools

had now returned.

PS Brooke asked members if there were any areas of concern that would benefit from a patrol, he was informed that drugs were being openly dealt on the streets near to the Slipper Public House, he duly noted the information.


09/074                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

Cllr Manifield informed members that;

The damaged tree on the Sidings which was reported at the last meeting (see minute 07/056), would be removed.

Following on from previous reports that the traffic islands on Doncaster Road had been reduced in size for the benefit of the farmer, members were asked for their views. Cllr Manifield was asked to contact WMDC Traffic and ask them to contact the Parish Council who would provide a response.

Due to the proposed route the HS2 was to take, some bungalows on Holly Close would be very close to the route. The residents had been informed, but it was noted that the properties belonged to WDH who had not been contacted by the consultants,  Cllr Manifield would contact WDH and ask them to contact the consultants.

Cllr Hewitt informed members that he had witnessed a contract maintenance team for WMDC (RCK Groundworks), break the chain on the gate to gain access to the Sidings. The entrance on Hare Park Lane was not to be used (see minute 06/038).

Cllr Cummings had reported the incident to WMDC Street Scene and asked for an

investigation to establish if the contractor been informed not to use the entrance

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and what action would be taken. Ian Jones WMDC Street Scene Manager, assured

her a full investigation would be carried out into this matter as a priority and the site made secure.

With regard to the information received from District Councillors that Crofton would

not receive a Christmas tree unless they paid for one, members voiced their disappointment that they were not informed sooner to consider alternatives (see also Note 16; minute 09/086).

Cllr Chalkley commented that as the Parish Council would soon to be considering

setting the precept, he asked Cllr Manifield to ensure the information received this year from WMDC, was not as confusing as the previous year. Members were informed that a workshop on precepting had been organised (see also Note 3; minute 09/086).

Cllr Bennett mentioned that the recent wet weather had once again created flooding on High Street/Harrison Road, Cllr Manifield was asked to report the matter again.


09/075                         Public Participation session

A resident asked PS Brooke if he would take action against vehicles parking on the double yellow lines outside Sainsburys on High Street and in particular between the times of 5pm and 7pm. The request was duly noted.

Further to minute 06/039 concerning a bus shelter erected in place of the seat at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road (see also minute 02/164), the resident asked members of the Parish Council to support further efforts to have a shelter erected.

It had been noted that the gate leading to the Crofton Academy car park was not being closed on a night, this encouraged groups to gather there, Cllr Bennett offered to raise the matter with the Academy.

Residents asked if a defined crossing point could be placed outside the Academy, they were informed that an assessment had been carried out by WMDC which did not support one being placed there. Despite the considerable efforts of the Parish Council which had been well documented, there was no likelihood of a solution in the foreseeable future.

Clarification was sought about the amount of traffic that would pass through the village should the Co-Op mine project become a reality. Residents were informed that traffic surveys had been carried out to ensure there was no adverse impact on the village and that traffic would be restricted and travel through at specific times.


09/076                         Apologies for absence          

Received from Cllr Schofield. District Cllrs; Cummings and Heptinstall.


09/077                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


09/078                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 July 2013, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


09/079                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had received no response from District Councillors requesting that WMDC provide a parking enforcement vehicle

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He had sent a reminder to WMDC Rights of Way asking for action to be taken about the gate obstructing users of the path from Hare Park Lane through Larkdale Farm to Shay Lane. They had responded and stated that it was their intention to try and

negotiate the installation of a gate to facilitate permitted access whilst maintaining the

security of the yard. The constraints of the location meant that some reconfiguration of the gate layout and/or fencing would be required, but would be subject to available resources and be considered for the Autumn/ Winter maintenance programme.

He had contacted the War Memorials Trust and the National Inventory of War Memorials who confirmed that there were no ownership records. He had now contacted WMDC Conservation to ask them for any information.

He had received a response from WMDC Land drainage who had visited the gully/watercourse on the Sidings (to the rear of Holly Close) to assess the condition,   they had sent a request to WMDC Street Scene on the 11 September with a request to carry out strimming work.

He had received a reply from All Saints Church who had suggested that a meeting be held on Wednesdays about the footpath from Ashdene Crescent, the Clerk was asked to respond and request suggested dates.

He had contacted WMDC Road Safety to seek clarification that concerns about the accuracy about traffic survey carried out on Slack Lane had been noted. The survey was a School crossing patrol count, although they did not recall getting the e-mail, they confirmed that the results had met the criteria to enable the warden to remain.

WMDC Planning Services had been contacted about the new plans which form part of the LDF and the effect on Crofton.  The reply stated that at this stage in the process there are no specific policies or land allocations identified. However at the next stage it will become clear what types of development and land in Crofton Parish might be affected and further consultation will take place. It was suggested that the Parish Council engages with the process.                                                                                                             He had received a response from the Woodland Trust regarding free trees for local Councils. Packs of trees come in various mixes of 30, 105 or 420 saplings approximately 20-40cm tall. Applications to be considered for a pack to plant in November needed to be submitted online before 13 September 2013. Given the timings members decided to delay an application till next year.                                                                                He had now received a response to the 2nd letter sent to Ian Thompson regarding Bedford Farm, the letter would be circulated to members.                                                                                                                                                         He had contacted WMDC Electoral Services Team Leader to obtain the number of houses registered in Crofton from 2009 to 2012. However he was unable to provide the figures, as they only produce reports from the current register and the electorate analysis produced now includes only figures for the electorate and not properties. The Clerk was asked to try and obtain the information from the Valuation office.


09/080                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Townss had noted that the Centre had been hired by the McMillan Charity, she asked members that the cost of hire be waived given the nature of the event. Having given due consideration, members agreed to do so.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

There was to be an event held on the grounds to promote the ‘Love Where you Live’

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Family Fun Day on Thursday 31st October. There was to be provision of stalls, bouncy castles and childrens rides. Members raised concern at the timing of the event as the weather may restrict numbers but were agreeable to the event taking place.

(see also minute 09/086).

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

More plots had been allocated at the Pontefract Road allotment site.

Due to the preparation of the plots, the grass removal had resulted in a large pile being formed which would need removal. Cllr Hewitt requested members to agree to the cost of a tractor and trailer to remove the pile, following discussion this was agreed.

Report Parish Cemetery

The Clerk reported that;

A meeting with Rayners Memorial Masons had taken place to discuss recent memorial applications received that were not complying with the Cemetery rules. Following discussion dimensions for future applications were agreed.


09/081                         Traffic issues

See minute 09/073.


09/082                         Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Chalkley asked members to consider the Parish Council producing its own web site at a projected cost of £350, this would be funded by £100 from the Neighbour hood Plan Budget Expenditure and £250 from the S137 Budget Expenditure.  Following discussion and with reference to the Standing Orders 2012, members voted by a show of hands; 9 For  0 Against, for the web site to be formulated.

Members were informed that an update had been received from WMDC that the application for a designated Neighbourhood area was 4 weeks into the 6 week consultation period. They had received 4 comments so far but there were no negative comments or objections to the application. 


09/083                         Cleansing/Environment

Members commented that the road sweeper had been active in the village.


09/084                         Planning Notifications

Cllr Hewitt noted that despite the planning decision for 13/00946/FUL, for the siting of a storage container at 7 Smithy Close being refused, the container was still in place.

The Clerk was asked to contact the WMDC Planning, to clarify what action was to be taken to enforce the decision.


09/085                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts, Cllr Towns noted that the Electricity bill for the Parish Centre seemed large.

It was noted that the Clerk’s salary is in accordance with the scales agreed between NALC and SLCC. Following a pay freeze of 2 years, a pay award of 1% for 2013 has now been agreed by the NJC for Local Government Services. The new pay rates apply with effect from 1 April 2013 and increases are backdated to this date.


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09/086                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular,

Note 3; from WMDC Town & Parish Council Liaison Group, that there will be a workshop on precepting on Tuesday 15 October at 2pm.The Clerk intended to be present.

Note 16. Following the e-mail received from District Cllrs regarding savings that need

to be made by WMDC which will result in Crofton not receiving a Christmas tree, members agreed that a Christmas tree should be purchased for the village and to accept the offer of a donation from the District Councillors of £800 towards the total cost of £1600. Whilst agreeing to the above it was noted that the explanation that Crofton would not receive a tree because they received their Christmas Features at no cost was incorrect.                                              

Note 18; Following discussion, members agreed to the request from District Cllr Cummings to provide funding for the childrens rides at a cost of £300 (see minute 09/080).


09/087                         Parish matters

Members discussed the report received concerning the damaged inspection cover on the grassed area of the Parish Council car park, it was agreed that since the cover and chamber had been placed there by WMDC to enable an electric supply for the Christmas tree, the ownership and responsibility was theirs.

Cllr Chakley had made arrangements with Crofton Silver Band to perform at the Christmas Lights switch on at 7pm on the 03 December, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Building Services to confirm the arrangement.

Cllr Bennett provided members with an update on his recent attendance at Crofton Academy, repairs had been carried out on the boundary wall fronting Harrison Road and the dead tree nearby has been removed.


09/088                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 15 October 2013 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


09/089             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


09/090                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing to discuss


Signed            ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council