Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18th September 2007.                             


Present;          Councillors,             Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K, Duffy S,

Jacques, Makin, Schofield , Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                        1 member of the public.

                                                District Councillors; Manifield and Isherwood.


09/859             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of July and August 2007. Cllr Bennet asked if the burglaries were in a particular area, PC Daley stated that they were not. Cllr Makin had noted that there was to be a change to the method of local policing and asked PC Daley to elaborate. He stated that there would be a re-structuring of the Ward areas, as a result of this he was not sure if PC Davis would be deployed elsewhere. District Councillor Manifield informed members that they had been involved in consultations on this matter and was confident that the new measures would improve policing drastically. Cllr Bennett suggested it would be useful if the PC’s allocated to Crofton had some knowledge of the area.

Cllr Duffy(K) alerted PC Daley to an Ice Cream van that was obstructing the Highway, he stated he would address the situation. 


09/860             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Isherwood thanked members for their good wishes during his recent illness.

He informed members that they were posting information leaflets in the area. Cllr Manifield told members that he was making enquiries about the missing signs from Coppers Lake, whilst on this subject, Cllr Chalkley informed the District Councillors that the ill feeling amongst residents over what had happened had not dissipated.

With regard to a previous matter (minute 05/812), Cllr Manifield distributed to members a map showing ownership of the Cemetery grounds, members disputed the accuracy of the map. Cllr Bennett had made an observation that the flower displays in Sandal were tended by WMDC and was curious to know why, Cllr Isherwood stated the reason being was because a residents association had purchased them from the authority. Cllr Schofield took the opportunity to thank Cllr Isherwood and the Environment teams for the excellent work done in the Cemetery.

Cllr Jacques informed District Councillors that he was concerned about the condition of the village, he felt that it was dirty, he had noted that rubbish was left for weeks, he stated that WMDC had a duty to maintain the cleanliness of the village but was failing to do so. Cllr Isherwood duly noted his concerns and asked the Clerk to send him Cllr Jacques e-mail address so that he could correspond with him in an effort to resolve the issue.


09/861             Public Participation session

Resident Barry Murphy, informed members that he felt the letter received from WMDC in response to a letter sent by the Parish Council in support of his enquiry to have a footpath recognised as a Right of Way, was not satisfactory. District Councillor Manifield asked the Clerk to send copies of the correspondence for his consideration.

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09/862             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Cummings.

Councillors; Hewitt and Ripley.


09/863             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


09/864             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th July 2007, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


09/865             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

It was suggested that the Parish Council Car Park could be a possible site for another bottle bank, but before any decision was to be taken, the Clerk was asked to seek clarification on the information he had given to members that glass and plastic bottles would in future be collected directly from houses, which would lessen the need for bottle banks. 

The Clerk was asked to send a 2nd letter to the Scout Leader as the area by the hut had yet to be cleaned.


09/866             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques informed members of progress made with regard to the refurbishment of the Parish Centre, at present the Clerk was awaiting Building Regulation approval before instructing the builders to commence the second phase of the work.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin took the opportunity to thank members of the District Council following the receipt of an award from the Community Chest. Cllr Bennett informed members that a lock had needed replacing on the front door. Of concern was the high cost of a recent Electricity bill, it was felt that the water heater may be faulty, he had therefore instructed the electrical contractor J.Jennings to inspect and make comment.

Report Allotments

Members were unhappy with an article in the Smoke Signal newsletter about the allotments at Hare Park, it was felt that the comments did not present a balanced view, Cllr Chalkley suggested that a response was needed. Following a visit by Parish Council members to the Pontefract Road allotment site, it was stated that planning permission would be needed for a parking area.

Report Parish Cemetery

The Clerk informed members that Oxley-Smith still owed money to the Parish Council, members asked the Clerk to send a further letter asking for payment before any legal action should be taken. The Clerk informed members that the supplier of the plaques had ceased trading, having considered other types of signage, it was agreed that a bronze plaque was the preferred choice, Cllr Schofield had sourced a new supplier namely Falon Nameplates, the Clerk was asked to place any outstanding and future orders with them.

09/867             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report

09/868             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.

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09/869             Cleansing/Environment

See minute 09/860.

09/870             Planning Notifications

The Clerk was asked to object to planning application 07/02343/FUL a residential development of 1 dwelling at 14 Farnham Way, Crofton.


09/871             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

 A meeting was arranged with Cllr Makin who has agreed to carry out and report on an annual review of the effectiveness of the Parish Councils internal audit controls.


09/872             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 7; members decided to accept the quote received from T&D Contractors as opposed to that of K.W.Garden Maintenance. Note 11; members did not want to be involved in any discussions. Note 13; members were in agreement that payment should be made to renew the membership.


09/873             Parish matters

Members discussed adopting the new Model Code of Conduct, they agreed to adopt the Code unamended with one exception paragraph 12(2).

Cllr Jacques stated that the sign on the Car Park had been damaged, he informed members that Briggs Signs, who had originally erected it, had repaired and re-bolted it at no extra cost, members asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks for the service they had provided. Cllr Duffy(K) had noticed that Ryhill, Sharlston and Featherstone had received planters from the WMDC ‘Wakefield in Bloom’ initiative, Crofton had asked for bulbs to be planted around the village as opposed to the planters, the Clerk was asked to ascertain when this request would be actioned. It had been noted that the War Memorial land had been not been cut recently, the Clerk confirmed that it was due to be cut 7 times a year, he was asked to contact the contractors T&D, to remind them of their contractual obligation.

Cllr Jacques informed members that he had made a request to WMDC for the Xmas Lights ‘switch on’ to be the 04th December, this would help in co-ordinating Crofton Silver Band’s attendance. He was told that the level of service had yet to be discussed,

this was somewhat surprising given the fact that a condition of the purchase by the Parish Council was that the lights/fixtures included their erection, storage, maintenance and re-erection. Cllr Jacques made the recipient aware of this fact but had yet to receive a reply, the Clerk would make further enquires.


09/874             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 16th October 2007 at 7pm in                               Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.

09/875             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed

09/876             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.


Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council