Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

                                           Tuesday 21st September 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.


                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs K Duffy, Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg,  S Bennett, T Chalkley, S Duffy, JR Hewitt &

                                                                                                     P Jacques


                                                                             Residents:         Mrs M Brown & Mrs C Dickinson.                                                                                                     


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police: Pc P McMahon


                                                                             District Councillors                   G Isherwood & A Manifield    


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      Ms M Cummings, G Makin, G P Jackson, A Ripley & J Voros


                 The chairman Cllr P Jacques presided over the meeting.


04/148      West Yorkshire Police


PC Paul McMahon presented the safe scheme report for July and August, generally the report represented a good picture however there is still problems with youths congregating throughout the parish.


Youths are regularly moved on from Rectory Crescent only to re-group in Hare Park Lane.


Paul explained that he was now willing to issue Anti Social Behaviour Orders (ASBO’s), but to do so he needs help. Witnesses have to be prepared to come forward and identify those associated with Anti Social Behaviour.  ASBO’s can be processed without publicly identifying any witnesses.


Paul sought and was granted permission to spend safe scheme resources on identifying offenders who can be issued with ASBO’s.


The chairman thanked Paul for his attendance.


                 The priorities for the summer to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak, Medical Centre along with any other areas brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


                 Address problem with youths in the vicinity of Rectory Crescent


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.




04/149      Ward Councillors


                 Cllr Isherwood informed members that the ward councillors had worked hard in support of the Play Area Association, Crofton Community Centre and Youth Services throughout the summer.


                 The planning application for the new Youth Centre has been submitted and the closing date for objections is 24 September. If no objections are received officers using delegated authority will decide the application.


                 Cllr Manifield advised members that Crofton residents had made several requests for the removal of the seats at Rectory Crescent, Sycamore Crescent and Santingley Lane. Cllr Manifield asked if Parish members would re-consider their position on the provision of seating and allow the seats to be removed.


                 Following protracted debate councillors agreed that the seats could be removed on the proviso that they could be replaced in the future if there was a need for them.


04/150      Public Participation Session


1.      Signage – Ashdene Approach/Harrison Road


Cllr Jackson reported by proxy that the signage depicting the mini-roundabout at the above junction was facing the wrong way.


The clerk to report the matter.


2.      Footpaths


            It was reported that signage at the junction of footpaths 4 and 5 needs replacing.


The clerk to inform the countryside unit.


3.      Allotments.


Mrs Dickinson produced photographs of several allotments, which were not been kept up to by the tenants and probably been used for purposes which contravened allotments rules. Mrs Dickinson asked what action cllrs were taking to improve matters.


Cllr Hewitt informed members that he was aware of the situation, he had discussed matters with Cllr Voros and would be approaching tenants very soon.


04/151      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


04/152      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.






04/153      Minutes


                 The following amendments to the minutes of the meeting held on 21st July were made after which the Chairman signed them as a correct record


·        04/129/4 –  Mr Salt to read Mr Shaw

·        04/134/2 -  Penultimate sentence to read

       Cllr Cummings informed the meeting that the Sure Start Scheme was in receipt of additional           

       funding and were looking into extending the Children’s Centres into Crofton           


04/154      Matters Arising 


1.      4 Springhill Drive.


The clerk reported that Environmental Services were unable to assist with this problem. Should matters deteriorate putting public health in danger they would re-consider the case.


2.      Chinese Restaurant – Ashdene Drive.


The clerk reported that Environmental Services have referred this matter to Highways who are to clean the offending area.


3.      Christmas Lighting


The clerk reported that Wakefield MDC had made contact requesting approval for the sighting of a permanent electricity supply to feed the Christmas tree. 


As the proposed sight was the same location as last year cllrs agreed to the request.


Cllr Ripley will be meeting with a Paul Goddard towards the end of October to fully discuss the provision of street lighting.


4.      Walton Reclamation Site.


            Cllrs reported that work on the Henry Daley Memorial clock has still not started.


It was agreed that the clerk contacts Allan Smith on the matter, Cllr Isherwood to be copied in.


5.      Crofton Triangle


                 Cllrs reported that motorcycles were still using the triangle site.


                 The clerk expressed the view that without the support of the landowner, who was probably well

                 aware of what was taking place at the site there is little anyone can do.

However the clerk would speak to Ian Garratt to ascertain if anything further can be done.


6.      Trees – Springhill Drive


Cllr Bennett informed members that the offending trees have now been removed following the intervention of Cllr Cummings.



However it wasn’t accomplished without incident. Wakefield MDC workmen turned up on the allotted day, not knowing which tree to remove until Cllr Cummings directed them in the right direction. They then parked their vehicle, a small lorry and a transit van on opposite sides of the road obscuring all visibility and then they managed to fell the trees into the road.


Cllr Manifield added that one of the residents who had asked for the tree removing volunteered to fund a replacement. Leisure services had therefore arranged for her to be invoiced, £168.  Rather more than the resident anticipated. The invoice has now been withdrawn.


04/155      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 The clerk informed cllrs that Wakefield MDC had now surveyed the centre concluded that the building would survive a good few years yet and was worthy of carrying out remedial works.


                 Cllr K Duffy reported that despite the heavy rains of august the centre had remained reasonably dry and there was nothing further to report.


                 It was agreed that the clerk seeks quotations for replacing the roof.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that the road had now been surfaced and was now liasing with the UK Coal over the payment of the £1,000 grant towards the cost.


                 A meeting has been held with Yorkshire Water over the outstanding water bill for the cricket club concluding that the supply was that used by leisure services who maintain the square. The outstanding account therefore is to be forwarded to leisure services.


04/156      Allotments - Convenors Report


1.      Hare Park


Discussed at item 04/150/3


2.      Pontefract Road


The clerk reported, that he had received further correspondence from Mr Salt..


Councillors noted its contents advising the clerk to notify Mr Salt accordingly.


04/157      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


Mr Schofield reported that T & D had recently visited the site and that the area was looking reasonable.


04/158      Special Services - Convenors Report


Slipper Football Club


The Slipper Football Club is seeking financial assistance for the purchase of two new football nets.


It was agreed that the Parish Council would make a grant of £180. This grant to be made using powers granted under section 137 of the LGA 1972 amended.



04/159      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 The clerk reported that Cllr Ripley had attended a meeting of the liaison committee where plans for the restoration of the site had been discussed.


                 Taking health and safety issues into account the future size of the slurry tanks and positioning of adjacent footpaths was agreed.


04/160      Old Library Site


                 Nothing further to report.


04/161      Cleansing


                 Cllr Jacques reported that several new waste bins have appeared throughout the village, these will need to be monitored to ensure they are emptied regularly.


04/162      Planning


                 a. Freightliner


The clerk reported that Freightliner have appealed against Wakefield MDC refusal to allow them to store coal trains at Santingley sidings.


Agreed that the clerk send councils objections to the Planning Inspectorate.


                 b. Other applications


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/163      Financial Matters


                 a. Salary Review 2004/05


It was agreed that all salaries be increased in line with national recommendations, the effect being to increase the hourly rate for Mrs Hardwick and Miss Reid from £5.32 to £5.47 and to increase the clerk’s salary from £3,521.44 per annum to £3,618.28.


b. Internal Audit Report


The clerk presented the audit report to councillors, stating that the accounts had been signed off and forwarded to the external auditors.  Recommendations in the report included, more detailed S137 records and quarterly I & E Accounts. The auditor also praised the detail of the risk assessment.


Councillors noted the contents of the report.


                 c. Accounts


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Ms Reid                                                        62.20 (Salary and Back Pay)

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             276.64 (September)

                                                                                      46.80 (Back Pay)

                 J F Shillitoe                                               1,138.47

                 P Taylor                                                      192.00

                 Yorkshire Water                                          165.96

                 PHS Group                                                 183.16

                 Vale                                                            178.43 (Plaques)

                 Slipper FC                                                  180.00


04/164      Councillors Attendance


                 The clerk reported that he had informed Mr D Marshall that his position of Parish Councillor had been revoked following persistent absence.


                 It was agreed that the clerk reports a casual vacancy to electoral services.


04/165      Crofton War Memorial


                 Discussions surrounded the condition of the memorial and the responsibility for its upkeep.


                 It was agreed that the clerk speak to leisure services and the British Legion in an attempt to determine responsibilities before any further action is taken.


04/166      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

- Community Assembly, Agenda and Minutes

- Standards Committee Minutes

- Green Space

                 West Yorkshire Police                          - Consultation Strategy

                 YLCA                                                  - Annual Conference Minutes and Agenda

                 YRCC                                                 - Annual Report

                                                                             - Country Air


04/167      Parish Matters


1.      Vicar


Cllr Jacques informed members that a new vicar, Rev Leon Collyer has been appointed and would be taking up his position at All Saints on Monday 27 September.


2.      Road Safety


Cllrs expressed concern over the lack of care taken by pupils from the High School whilst walking to and from school and during lunch times.


The clerk to contact Mr Myers, asking that pupils be reminded of the basic road safety principles 


3.      Hanover Developments.


Cllr Bennett reported that the road surrounding the new manhole recently created in the High Street to service the Bedford Farm development has still not reinstated.


The clerk to inform Highways accordingly.



4.      Grass Cutting – Springhill Drive.


Cllr Bennett informed members that the grass cutting team visited the area on 17 September 2004. It was raining and it was bin collection day. The operative cut around the wheelie bins and around the trees not finishing off whilst depositing grass all over the road and pavement.


Cllr Isherwood agreed to take up the matter with leisure service. 


5.      Hare Park Lane


The clerk to request the highways erect a no through road sign at the junction of Hare Park Lane with Harrison Road.


The clerk to request that leisure services replace the perimeter fence and bollards adjacent to Hare Park Sidings.


6.      Tree – Sandown Avenue


The clerk to contact leisure services regarding a overhanging tree adjacent to 20 Sandown Avenue


04/168      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 19th October 2004.


04/169      Matters Discussed in Private


                 Minuted under item 04/158 and 04/163/a.












     Chairman                                                                                                                      19th October 2004.