Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

                                          Tuesday 16th September 2003 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg, S Bennett,

                                                                                                     T B Chalkley, J R Hewitt, S Duffy, P Jaques,

                                                                                                     G Scargill & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:         Mrs P Baines, Mrs A Brown, Mrs P Walker, Mrs R Salt, Mr & Mrs Smith, Mr H Shaw & Mr G Schofield


                                                                                                                 Play Area Association               Paula Baker & Helen Tate          


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police              PC P McMahon


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      G P Jackson, A Ripley & D Marshall


                 In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Cllr G Scargill was proposed, seconded and agreed as chairman for this meeting.


03/141      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC McMahon outlined details of July and August’s crime report stating that the crime figures for the period were a vast improvement on June’s figures, this may be as a result of increased police activity in the area. Special Constables have been used widely throughout the parish and Police Vans have been operating in the district. Paul also reported that there appears to be an increase in motorists not wearing seatbelts. Action against these motorists will be taken.


                 Residents raised the issue of off road motorcycles and reported the case of an elderly resident been knocked from her wheelchair.


                 Pc McMahon informed the meeting that the force had a new operation, operation deli, which had been set up the combat illegal motorcycles.  He undertook to pass the information onto the team.


                 Mr & Mrs Smith raised the issue of traffic speeds and cars parking on the pavement along Churchfields


                 Pc McMahon agreed to visit the area to assess the problem, if the parked vehicles were causing an obstruction tickets could be issued to the owners.


                 Children using the cemetery as a playground and the dangers associated with such activities were raised by several residents and the question of, what can be done? posed.


                 PC McMahon informed the meeting that this area was a high priority to the police but unfortunately they could not police the area 24/7.


                 The clerk to ask Mr Myers to raise the matter during school assembly.




                 Mrs Salt raised the matter of The Priory Centre children using foul language, the Chairman informed Mrs Salt that this was due to a lack of social skills rather than an infringement of law, very little the police could do on the matter.


                 The priorities for September/October to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Post Office closing, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak etc.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery during High School lunchbreak.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge/Meadowfields.


                 Check vehicle speeds along Ashdene Avenue and Churchfields


                 Check Churchfields for vehicles obstructing the pavement.


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings             


                 The chairman thanked PC McMahon for his attendance.


03/142      Play Area Association


                 Paula Baker and Helen Tate addressed the meeting regarding the association’s plans and requirements for the re-construction of children’s play areas at the existing Hare Park Lane Site.


                 The overall plan is the construct three different play areas for infant, junior and senior children, starting with the seniors. Wakefield MDC have been involved from the very start, they are to provide the site, maintain the area when complete and provide insurance cover for the area.


                 The estimate cost of the scheme is £100,000, in order to raise match funding grants for the amount the association are seeking a pledge of £2,750 from the Parish Council, this along with grants from local industries would provide to starting point from which the “snowball” would role collecting match funding on its way around.


                 The chairman thanked Paula and Helen for their presentation, the council would discuss the matter further in private and inform them of the outcome.


03/143      Public Participation Session


1.      Parish Cemetery


Mrs Brown addressed the meeting, explaining that mindless vandals have seriously damaged her husbands memorial stone.  The cemetery had become a play area for children who have no respect for anything.


Mrs Brown asked what the council was going to do to safeguard the area and who is going to pay for the damage to the memorial.


The chairman explained that the council along with the Police do everything in their power to make the area safe, but unfortunately resources are not available to police the area 24/7. As for the cost of repairing the memorial, memorials are private property and the cost of maintaining them falls to the family  


As this point Mrs Brown expressed her dissatisfaction and left the meeting.


Mr Smith asked if it would be possible to close the footpaths which run through the cemetery or at least restrict access for cycles.


The chairman thought it would be very difficult to close the footpath as it is necessary for access to the church, the clerk to make enquiries regarding installing cycle barriers. 


2.      Hare Park Sidings.


            Mrs Baines reported that the wooden fencing between Hare Park Lane and the sidings was slowly disappearing.


Cllr Bennett agreed to raise the matter at the next Village Association meeting.


3.      Residential Development – Slack Lane/High Street


Mr Shaw asked if cllrs had seen the detailed plans of this development and if so had they objected to the properties being three storeys high. Three whole building was throwing a shadow on Rectory Crescent.


The chairman replied that the council had objected to the development on Highways grounds and therefore not had sight of the detailed plans.


It was agreed that the council obtains detailed plans for any future development.


03/144      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


03/145      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


03/146      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th July were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


03/147      Matters Arising 


1.      Youth Centre


The clerk reported that Wakefield MDC have now applied for planning permission to demolish the Youth Centre along with adjoining corridors.


Residents reported that Elderberries growing in the area to the rear of the Drama Hall needed removing and the Drama Hall kitchen door needed boarding up.


The clerk to pass this on to the High School.




2. Geo Atkins


The clerk reported that these premises have now been demolished and the site cleared.


3. Copse – Pinfold Drive


The clerk reported that T&D Contractors had asked if council required the elderberry trees removing from the copse.


This was agreed.


4.      Doncaster Road/Weeland Road


Cllr Bennett reported that the owners of this site have approval for the development and permission from Wakefield MDC to site their safety barriers within the Highway line. Should the development not be completed in a reasonable time scale the owners will be asked to reinstate the site and remove the fencing.


The clerk was asked to notify Mr Pearson of the situation.


03/148      Resignation of Councillor


The clerk informed members that he had notified electoral services of Cllr Gomersalls resignation, but as yet was not in a position to advertise the vacancy.


03/149      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr Scargill reported that T & D Contractors, The Playgroup and himself now held keys for the new gate lock.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett had nothing new to report, the same irritating problems were still occurring.


03/150      Allotments - Convenors Report


The clerk outlined the situation with regards the Pontefract Road Allotments, expressing amazement at the reaction of some residents adjacent to the site.


03/151      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 1. Wakefield Express


                 Cllrs voiced concerns over the recent press coverage of the re-opening of the Shaw family grave and the reaction of Mr Kershaw to the overspill affecting the grave of his daughter Gemma.


                 The clerk reported that he had been in constant touch with Mr Kershaw, apologising for any distress caused whilst informing him that the gravediggers methods were common practise, assurances had been given that extra care would be taken with any future re-openings.




                 Cllrs had been angered by the express’s comment that nobody from the Parish Council was available for comment.  The chairman explained that the express had tried to contact the clerk at 1.00 pm with a 3.00 pm deadline for comment, the clerk was unavailable due to work commitments. Normally Cllr Jackson acts as press spokesman but unfortunately he was unavailable also.


                 New cllrs asked why all press statements are channelled through Cllr Jackson. The chairman explained that this practise was to ensure that the council agreed line was quoted and not individual views, which had happened in the past. 


                 2. Maintenance


                 The clerk reported that Mrs Waite of Churchfields had made contact, asking that the grass cuttings placed in the beck be removed.


                 The clerk had instructed T & D Contractors to carry out the work.


03/152      Special Services - Convenors Report


1. Relate


It was agreed that a donation of £50 be made to relate.


2. Gemma Storey


Gemma had written requesting financial assistance with a trip to France.  Having been selected to play Rugby League for England U19s she had already played in Russia but funds were tight and the cost of the trip to France would be £500.


It was agreed that a grant of £100 be made to Gemma.


03/153      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 The clerk reported that Cllr Ripley had attended the last meeting. Very little to report, other than, work at the site was progressing to plan.

                 The community fund has £1000 remaining to distribute and unfortunately the Village Associations bid had been turned turn, following an objection from one member who felt that the Parish Council should fund this work. Cllr Ripley will be taking this matter up at the next meeting.


                 The clerk asked for a volunteer to replace Cllr Gomersall as Parish Council representative on this group, unfortunately there were no takers.                      


03/154      Old Library Site


                 Cllrs observed that works on this project were almost complete and that the facility was already well used.


                 Cllr Bennett reported that like many other project, the contractors have completed 95% of the work and then left site.  Wakefield MDC is in the process of getting the contractors back to site to finish off.







03/155      Planning


1.      Land at Doncaster Road.


Cllrs reported that Mrs Ramskill appears to be demonstrating vehicles once a month between the hours of 7.30 and 9.30 am, making it very difficult for planning officers to observe.     


It was agreed that the matter be held until Cllr Ripley returns from holiday in order that he can contact the appropriate planning officer.


2.      Hare Park View and Bedford Farm           


                 The clerk reported that approval for 7 dwellings at Hare Park View and 15 dwellings at Bedford Farm had been granted despite the Parish Councils objections to the Bedford Farm development.

                 Cllr Ripley appeared before the planning committee to voice councils objections without success however he asked that the Parish Council write to the Chief Officer expressing concerns over the housing types approved. None of the sites approved recently contain any affordable housing for those attempting to get a foot on the property ladder.


                 This course of action was approved.


3.      Other matters


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


03/156      Financial Matters  




                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.



                 Vale                                                            118.28 (Plaques)

                 Ms Reid                                                        53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             276.64

                 Mr Joyce                                                     151.50

                 Yorkshire Electricity                                    160.13

                 Yorkshire Water                                             21.85 (P Centre)

                                                                                      83.68 (Allotments)



                 Ms Reid                                                       53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                            276.64

                 Mr G Terry                                                180.00 (Cemetery Plinths)

                 Miss G Storey                                            100.00

                 Relate                                                           50.00                  








03/157      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

                                                                             - Community Assembly Meeting, 23 September 2003

                                                                             - Area Panel Meeting, 18 September 2003                                                           

                                                                             - Libraries Newsletter

                                                                             - Survey into Walton Traffic Calming Scheme               

                                                                             - Wakefield Energy Efficiency Advice Centre, Newsletter


                                                                             - The Citizen

                 YLCA                                                  - Annual Conference

                                                                             - Wakefield Branch minutes and agenda

                                                                             - Association minutes and agenda

                                                                             - White Rose Update                                                   

                 YRCC                                                 - Country Air

                 Mr Murphy                                          - Information re fluoridation of Water supplies.

                 West Yorkshire Police                          - Annual Report

                                                                             - Minutes of Normanton Police Forum

                 The Boundary Committee                     - Final Recommendations

                 Wakefield Community Strategy - Fast Forward

                 Malcolm Stead                                     - Belarus feedback



03/158      Parish Matters


                 None raised.


03/159      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 21 October 2003.


03/160      Matters Discussed in Private


                 1.Crofton Play Association


                 After discussions it was agreed that the Parish Council would agree to pledging £2,750 towards the cost of re-constructing the Play Area in Hare Park Lane, however this would be subject to the association clarifying the situation regarding planning permissions.  Should planning permission be required the Parish Council also reserved its rights the comment freely.










     Chairman                                                                                                                      21st October 2003.