Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21st September 2010.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Bennett, Duffy, Healy, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin,  Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       4 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Manifield.


In the absence of the Chairman Cllr Chalkley, it was agreed that Cllr Bennett would act as Chairman for the meeting.


09/073             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme      

PS Day presented his report for the months of July and August 2010.

Cllr Jacques asked if he was aware of a theft of an iron railing from the skate park an the Sidings Playing fields, however comment was made that the missing section was in the nearby bushes, Cllr Manifield was asked to report this.

Cllr Hewitt expressed his concern about an individual who had been arrested for being drunk and disorderly but was released and was to be seen in the village. The person had also committed other offences within the village, but was still at liberty to be in the area.

Cllr Hewitt informed members that a resident had provided information on a drug dealer within the village, PS Day was asked if he was aware of this, he informed members that he could only act on corroborated evidence.

It was noted that a bench stolen from Slack Lane was not on the report.

Cllr Bennett provided an early reminder to PS Day for arrangements to be made to supervise the Remembrance Sunday procession on Sunday 14th November, he confirmed this had been arranged.

Cllr Duffy asked if any thefts from the allotments had been reported, he would check the police log for this and other areas and provide a report in due course.

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had attended a Police meeting which had discussed the Northdale Project, the project was aimed at ways to prevent crime happening rather than reacting to it.

Cllr Bennett asked that the following areas were patrolled regularly; Hare Park Lane, the Sidings and the rear of the shops on High Street.

Cllr Towns informed all present that the PCSO’s were in attendance on a monthly basis at the Library, she also asked that members inform residents of this service, Cllr Jacques suggested that it should be mentioned in the Smoke Signal.


09/074                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield updated members on previous matters raised and provided information from the report produced by Cllr Cummings;

Hedges on Santingley Lane and overhanging tree branches in Coppers Lake had now been cut back.

With regard the lack of bins in the play area, it had been agreed to provide a wheelie

bin to resolve the matter, which would be anchored to the ground, Cllr Bennett asked that

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care be taken to position the bin correctly.

The scheduled sweeping of the Sidings Cycle track was to be added to the timetable of work for other footpaths in Crofton, Cllr Jacques stated that the track had yet to be swept.

The area in front of the Health Centre had been cleaned, he confirmed it would now be done on a regular basis.

Litter accumulating on Slack Lane at the site of the former bookmakers shop would be dealt with despite it being privately owned. Cllr Jacques also commented on the overgrown vegetation in this area.

Cllr Manifield stated that he was still to make enquiries about the cleaning and sweeping

of the ginnels from Pinfold Drive to Slack Lane and through to Churchway, also he had yet to resolve the problem of the lampposts that had been incorrectly positioned in the drain on Doncaster Road. Comment was made about the length of time it was taking to have this matter resolved.

Cllr Manifield informed members that the Capital Grant for the Playbuilder Scheme due for the Sidings, was in doubt following the Government announcement about funding.

He also commented on the commissioned signs placed around the entrance to the Santingley Estate, warning potential cold callers that they were unwelcome on the estate and that residents are empowered to report anyone who knocks on their door. Members, whilst welcoming the news, voiced their displeasure about not being invited to the launch, it was another example of procedure not being followed.

Cllr Jacques enquired if window stickers associated with the project, could be obtained to distribute around the village, Cllr Bennett reminded him that as the initiative was a trial this might not be possible, Cllr Manifield would enquire further and inform the Clerk.

Cllr Manifield commented on possible housing developments within Crofton that were identified within the LDF, Cllr Bennett asked for District Councillors to lodge an objection (see also minute 09/082).

Cllr Manifield was asked to take action on the following matters;

If the Parish Council purchase a bin for the Parish Centre to replace the one stolen, could it be placed on the rota for collection by WMDC.

Cllr Bennett referred to the comment from Cllr Cummings that Walton Fishing Club had been asked to fish at Coppers Lake, he enquired if they had yet.

The pot holes on Wentworth Drive by the telegraph pole had still not been attended to, along with the potholes leading from the access road from the Sports Pavilion to Shay Lane also that the Springhill Avenue road surface had begun to break up.

Cllr Schofield stated that the trees in the Churchyard belonging to WMDC, were still in need of attention despite previous assurances given that action would be taken.

Cllr Wrigg stated that the disused shop on Hawthorn Avenue, which was the subject of press coverage giving assurances that action would be taken, was still in a state of disrepair and had been subjected to more damage in the meantime.

Further to Cllr Voros informing members that the District Council had agreed for Highways staff to repair the pot holes at the same time as repairing the roads, this had yet to be done.

Cllr Makin enquired if the project to clean the drains on the Sidings had started, a resident confirmed that it had started that day.

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09/075                         Public Participation session

A resident queried why grass cuttings were blown into the highway rather than being collected and asked if bushes could be removed from a property on Rectory Crescent.

It was suggested that the property belonged to WDH and their permission would be needed before any action could be taken, Cllr Manifield offered to investigate further and check procedure for both matters.

A resident commented on gully covers being removed, such instances needed to be reported to the Water Authority.

A resident asked if Cllr Manifield would enquire if the trees that were at the junction of Shay Lane and Thorntree Avenue, could be crown thinned as they were causing concern to local residents.


09/076                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors Lodge and Cummings.

Councillors; Chalkley, Ripley and Smithson.


09/077                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


09/078                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th July 2010, were signed as a true record by the Acting Chairman, Cllr Bennett.


09/079                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

Despite new dates being offered to WMDC Highway Management (who wanted to attend a Parish Council meeting to explain how the programme of works are devised), confirmation had yet to be received. The meeting would also present an opportunity to discuss other Highway matters such as road safety, installation of speed cameras, highway flooding and signs placed without consultation.

Application forms had now been received from WMDC Rights of Way concerning the ginnel through the Churchyard, these would be distributed to members to enable further consideration to be given before any proposed action.

Members agreed that it would be more convenient for the mining engineer to give his presentation at a time and date separate from the Parish Council meeting. The Clerk was asked to arrange this and inform members in due course.


09/080                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that;

The damaged panel had now been replaced.

A letter had been received from Crofton Art Group confirming that they will no longer be using the Parish Centre from January 2011.

Report Village Association

Nothing to report.

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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Following burglaries at the Hare Park allotments there had been an increase in the number of tenants requiring keys for the entrance gate.

A meeting had been arranged for the following day with David Oxley from Crofton High School, to discuss allotment allocation at the Pontefract Road site. Members asked the Clerk to contact the existing leaseholder to inform him of the requirement for part of the land to be released for use by the school and what his future intentions were. Following the meeting, the Clerk was to be informed of a proposed date for the project to commence

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Hewitt was in receipt of a letter from a resident who wished to erect a bench in the cemetery. The Clerk was asked to respond to the enquiry and inform members of the outcome in due course. 


09/081                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Makin commented on the obstruction caused by the White Transit van belonging to West Yorkshire Windows, which was regularly parking on the footpath at the junction of Slack Lane and High Street.

The Clerk was asked to report the matter to WMDC Highway Enforcement.

Cllr Makin thought that speed cameras installed on Doncaster Road, West Lane and at the Redbeck Motel would prove effective (see minute 09/079).


09/082                         Parish Plan

Members were informed that the Plan was near to being presented in its final format.

The public meeting held at the High School on the 14th September to discuss this further

had not been well attended.

The main topic of discussion was the concerns raised about the possible housing developments identified within the LDF (Local Development Framework).

Cllr Bennett would send the response he had prepared to the Clerk to enable him to distribute to members and to send a response to WMDC (see also minute 09/074).


09/083                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Duffy raised concerns about the smell being emitted from the drains around Meadowfield Drive/Road area of the village. The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Transport & Highways Network Management and ask them to investigate the matter.


09/084                         Planning Notifications

Members discussed the application to change the Sun Tanning Studio to a Take-away shop. Concern was raised about the number of take-away shops already in the village it was therefore agreed to lodge an objection to this application.


09/085                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts for July and August.


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The Clerk informed members that the Financial Accounts for 09/10, had now been approved by the External Auditor                             


09/086                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 4; The Clerk was asked to write to McInerney Homes concerning the proposed planning changes effecting Parish Councils involvement in the delivery of local homes,

stating that when more information was available from WMDC the matter could be discussed further.

Note 12; The Clerk was asked to forward the response document to Cllrs Bennett and Chalkley, received from Wakefield District NHS concerning the way specialist hospital services are provided.


09/087                         Parish matters

Cllr Schofield informed members that the bench which had been removed form its setting at Weeland Road/Doncaster Road, had now been returned.

Cllr Hewitt had noted a vehicle tipping rubbish on the Hare Park Sidings, to access the land the driver would need a set of keys for the gate, of concern was how the keys had been obtained. A registration number for the vehicle would be needed for the matter to be investigated further.

Cllr Towns commented on the gratitude expressed by a resident, following action taken by the Parish Council in contacting WMDC Neighbourhood Environment, to have some foliage cut back which was restricting pedestrians view of the traffic at a crossing point.

Members asked the Clerk what action had been taken concerning the Scout Group and their occuptation of the Scout hut, the Clerk had yet to liaise with Cllr Chalkley regarding the matter.

It was reported that Reverend Leon Collyer was to leave the Parish, the Clerk was asked to convey a message of goodwill to him.

Cllr Bennett commented on the Youth Day that was supposed to have occurred on 20th August, Cllr Chalkley had attended at the Pavilion in the morning, but the organisers did not arrive till later in the day, so the event did not take place.


09/088                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 19th October 2010 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


09/089             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


09/090                         Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that the Clerk should send a reminder letter to the allotment holder concerning the outstanding monies due for the previous years use of the allotment.


Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council