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Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15th September 2009.                             


Present;          Councillors; Chalkley(Chair), Bennett, Hewitt, Jacques Makin, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Lodge


09/074                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the month of August 2009.

Cllr Makin had observed a number of motorbikes being used on the Sidings on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings, whilst football matches were being played, PC.Daley was asked to patrol at these times.

Cllr Hewitt mentioned that the fencing leading to the Sidings had been damaged, it was thought that this was because the ‘A’ frame gate restricted access. Information was given to PC Daley about the individuals who were responsible.

Cllr Towns informed PC Daley of an alleged incident of the Post Office selling alcohol to underage youths, he was asked to take action on this matter.

Cllr Jacques commented that because the schools had returned, an increase in parking on Slack Lane had occurred, the Post Office delivery van was also seen causing an obstruction, both matters needed to be addressed.

Cllr Voros had observed youths leaving the Post Office having failed to purchase alcohol, they vented their anger by kicking over bins on the High Street.

Cllr Chalkley stated that the previous Friday night he had witnessed mayhem in the village as a result of drunken youths, he wanted Inspector Brear to be aware of this.

Cllr Bennett commented that in view of the above mentioned comments alcohol was evidently a problem but was not being recognised.

Comment was also made that the application by Sainsbury for an extension of licensing times would not help the situation.

At such times when trouble occurred, there were a large number of youths from other areas present in the village, this was exacerbating the problem.

PC Daley was asked to consult with the School Liaison Officer, to discuss the matter and find a solution.

Cllr Towns commented that the Youth Club could be utilised better by being open for longer hours, she had noted that it was not open during the School holidays.



09/075                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Lodge informed members that she had no outstanding matters to report on.

She had noted the comments concerning problems caused by alcohol, she would contact Inspector Brear to seek what action could be taken.

Cllr Makin asked Cllr Lodge to contact Stephen Mills the WMDC Rights of Way Officer, to see when the agreed works to the Sidings new cycle track would be completed. Cllr Bennett stated that there were still unanswered questions concerning this matter, he suggested a complaint should be lodged.


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Cllr Wrigg stated that a hedge belonging to a bungalow on Holly Close was overgrown, a resident had asked what action could be taken, as the property was owned by WDH, it was suggested the resident contact them in the first instance.


09/076                         Public Participation session

A resident asked if there was anything the Parish Council could do to deal with a problem of an overgrown hedge on Shay Lane adjacent to the junction with Brandhill Drive. The Clerk would contact WMDC Highway Enforcement about the matter.

The resident had also provided a photograph of litter discarded on the Sidings advertising a Nostell Miners football match, the Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the football club.

PC Daley was also informed of an incident when an Ambulance was unable to access a call due to how cars were parked on either side of the road.

A representative from the Scout Group was in attendance, she informed members that numbers were growing. Cllr Chalkley took the opportunity to ask for the group to attend the Memorial Service for Remembrance Day.


09/077                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Cummings and Isherwood

Councillors Duffy, Healy, Smithson and Ripley.


09/078                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


09/079                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were subject to change before being signed by the Chairman.


09/080                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

Another letter had been sent to Metro seeking news about their discussion with Arriva concerning the withdrawal of the service along Pontefract Road, no response had been received.

There had been a mixed response to the e-mails sent to all other Parish Councils within the Wakefield District, about being consulted on the allocation of housing by WDH. Some were supportive of the idea, some against and some had not responded.

There was no response to the letter sent to WDH about being consulted on housing allocation. Cllr Hewitt informed members of a newspaper article he had read on a similar initiative by Councillors in Leeds, the Clerk was asked to write a letter of support.

An acknowledgement had been received to the letter sent to the WMDC Highway Network Manager about lack of consultation on Highway works/signs. A response would be expected prior to the next meeting.

Consultation has begun with the WMDC school travel planning team about a crossing on Doncaster Road/Pinfold Drive, following discussion the Clerk would seek to arrange a site meeting in October during the afternoon.



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09/081                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that the Centre was now receiving income from an increasing number of bookings.

Crofton Carnival had sent a letter requesting free hire, members were unable to accede to this request and confirmed that the general policy is to charge everyone.

Report Village Association

Nothing to report.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that he had created 6 allotments from the one allotment garden acquired from Mr.Bacon. They had now all been allocated and were being worked.

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he had received a request from Crofton High School wanting an allotment garden for the benefit of a number of pupils. Members were in agreement that the School could make an application.

Members discussed a further request from an allotment holder regarding having alpacas on her allotment. The previous decision to refuse the request was upheld.

Report Parish Cemetery

Members discussed the collapsed fencing (see minute 07/063) to the rear of Sandown Avenue. Before any action was to be taken, the Clerk would make enquiries with the Land Registry to establish ownership of the boundary.


09/082                         Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


09/083                         Parish Leases

The Clerk informed members no response had been received from Wakefield MDC, following the e-mail that had been sent cancelling the maintenance provided for the Priory Field. Members suggested that the Clerk ask for confirmation that the e-mail had been received.


09/084                         Cleansing/Environment

It was reported that the drains on the Ashdenes’ area, had been cleaned.


09/085                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to applications received.

It had been noted that building work had been carried out on at 3 Claremont Crescent, but there was no recollection of planning permission being sought, the Clerk was asked to seek confirmation.


09/086                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Since issuing the summons a response had now been received from All Saints Church, they had provided a copy of their accounts and a covering letter, it was agreed that the Clerk would provide all members with a copy to discuss the matter further.


09/087                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received.

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09/088                         Parish matters

Cllr Bennett commented on Darrington Parish Council having a Parish Plan, the Clerk would make enquiries about how it was being funded and if it was the Parish Councillors or the village residents, who were responsible for creating it.

Cllr Hewitt informed members that the owner of the abandoned shop on Hawthorn Avenue, had been contacted and he had agreed to undertake some changes.

Members discussed the increasing number of enquiries that were being received to have the trees in the village pruned. Cllr Bennett offered to produce a plan of trees for his area, Cllr Towns offered her assistance with regard to other areas.

Cllr Jacques would make arrangements for the Christmas lights to be switched at 7pm on Tuesday 01st December and Cllr Chalkley would contact Crofton Silver Band to see if they were able to perform.


09/089                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 20th October 2009 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


09/090             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


09/091                         Matters to be discussed in private

The Clerk would issue a letter to one of the employees.

The Clerk would provide copies of the employee contract and duties, then forward to Cllrs Bennett and Makin.



Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council