Crofton Parish Council


                                                      Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on

                                           Tuesday 17 September 2002 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                    Councillors:                  S Bennett, L Coates, T Gomersall,

                                                                                                     D Crowcroft, J R Hewitt, A Ripley, G Scargill & J Voros


                                                                 Residents:                     Mrs P Baines, Mrs R Salt, Mrs P Walker,

                                                                                                     Mr M Stead, Mr W Cook, Mr M Wood,

                                                                                                     Mr Wood, Mr Hepworth, Mr Scott, Mr Jacques

                                                                                                     & Mr G Scofield.


                                                                 West Yorkshire Police:  PC Whitworth


                                                                 The Clerk:                    J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                Councillors:                  I Beckett, P Beckett & G P Jackson


                 The chairman, Cllr  Ripley, presided over the meeting.


02/135      Mr M Stead


Mr Stead gave a short presentation illustrated with photographs on his trip to Belerus in June to assist in the running of a summer camp facility for underprivileged children.

He thanked the Parish Council for their contribution towards the cost of the trip.  One highlight of the trip was providing a hard of hearing child with a hearing aid, this act was appreciated so such that the child’s mother travelled six hours to thank the team personally.


Cllr Ripley thanked Mr Stead for taking the time to attend the meeting.


02/136      Public Participation Session


1.      Yorkshire Electricity Sub Station – High Street


It was reported that YE had not made any progress at the sub station which was now extremely overgrown and littered with rubbish.


Mr Cook informed council that he was an employee of YE and would arrange for the area to be cleared.


The chairman thanked Mr Cook.


2.      Yorkshire Water


            It was reported that the service road leading to the Yorkshire Water site off Shay Lane was becoming a dumping site.


The clerk to report the matter to Yorkshire Water.




3.      Seat - Priory Ridge


            In the absence of any report from PC Hawcroft it was agreed that both council and safe scheme officers continue to monitor the area surrounding the seat at Priory Ridge.


4.      Play Area.


            Cllr Ripley informed the meeting that all the schools in the centre of the village are to be canvassed regarding possible siting of a play area within school grounds.


                 Once all replies are received detailed proposals can be drawn up.


5.      Hedge – Pontefract Road.


                 Residents reported that the hedge adjacent to the Priory Centre playing fields is in need of trimming.


                 The clerk to report the matter.


6.      Stocks Lane


Concerns were raised over the siting of a skip at the bottom of Stocks Lane, virtually rendering access to the church impossible.  The rector has already written to the residents concerned with no effect.


It was agreed to write to highways to ascertain if authority to site the skip had been requested.


02/137      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC John Whitworth in attendance, explained that his role tonight was originally one of support for

                 PC Hawcroft, but unfortunately Graham Hawcroft was on sick leave.  PC Whitworth apologised in advance for not being fully prepared but he could report the following.


                 The accident that took place on Doncaster Road opposite its junction with Slack Lane, involved a car and van.  The driver of car is to be prosecuted for dangerous driving.


                 Work at Crofton Triangle, Shay Lane is currently on stop, due to a fall out between the site owner and the haulage company.  Police Officers have spent considerable time ensuring that the haulage company operate legally in the movement of materials from Shay Lane to Welbeck.


                 A lot of work has been spent on solving problems with anti social behaviour in Hall Park Avenue, as a result the area in now a lot quieter.


                 Youths continue to cause a great deal of problems, not just on Fridays but on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  Large amounts of alcohol are been consumed at various sites throughout the village.  Evidence that drug abuse continues to flourish.  Damage to schools (new fence at the High School in vulnerable, PC Whitworth to speak to Headteacher) and off road motorcycles are still causing problems.  PC Whitworth explained that these problems can not be eradicated over night, but the police are aware and making in roads.


                 Pavement parking is still a problem; the Police will visit schools to remind those concerned.  Smoke signal to be asked to run an article advising of the dangers connected to pavement parking not only adjacent to schools but on estates, where residents have space available in garages and on drives,.




                 Mr Cook explained that within the last two weeks there had been six break-ins in and around the Ashdene estate.  The culprits are so blasé that the have been seen to steal a hand bag from a parked car and then sit on a garden wall nearby going through the contents. 


                 The perpetrators of these crimes are known to residents, who are considering taking the law into their own hands and by doing so probably breaking the law.


                 PC Whitworth asked that Mr Cook talk with him outside of the meeting where more detail can be given. He assured Mr Cook that he would do all in his power to catch those concerned and get them into court.


                 The priorities for September/October to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Post Office closing, windows rear of High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak etc.


                 Continue to discourage anti social behaviour by the minority.


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings


                 Seat – Priory Ridge/Santingley Lane.


                 Visit schools to advise parents on the dangers of indiscriminate parking adjacent to schools.


                 The chairman thanked PC Whitworth for attending.                  


02/138      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No verbal declarations were made.


02/139      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


02/140      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 16 July were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


02/141      Matters Arising 


                 1. Youth Services


                 The clerk reported that he had spoken with Cllrs Beckett and Jenkins who agreed to attend the October meeting to update the Parish Council as to the latest situation.


                 Cllrs are still optimistic that new facilities will be provided but bureaucracy has delayed the decision making process.





                 2. 20 MPH Zone


                 The clerk produced the latest details of the traffic calming scheme.


                 Cllr Ripley explained that he had discussed matters with highways; the scheme is not totally in line with the Parishes requests, but not far away and should achieve the desired effect of reducing traffic speeds to 20 mph.


                 3. 521 Doncaster Road                       


                 The clerk reported that the verge adjacent to 521 Doncaster Road was not in the ownership of Wakefield MDC.


                 It was agreed that the clerk contact the land registry.


02/142      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr Scargill reported that the toilet at the Parish Centre was in need of repair.


                 Cllr Bennett advised that he identified a plumber and would endeavour to get him to carry out the necessary repairs.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that the heating system had failed again, requiring a new purge pump.


                 Also there was water finding its way into the ladies toilet, he had therefore arranged for the roof to be inspected.


02/143      Allotments - Convenors Report


Cllr Voros reported that Mrs Brown’s allotments were being tidied.  In the absence of a reply from John Feeney he had let all three of the allotments.


The site visit to Pontefract Road site although poorly attended took place.  The site was in need of clearing and making safe in the short term, an option for the longer term was to level the area for sporting use.


The clerk to ask contractors for quotations to make the area safe.  


02/144      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 Cllr Scargill reported that the Garden of Remembrance had now being tidied and the euro bin fastened to the garage wall.


                 The clerk to arrange for the keys to be sent to cleaning services.


02/145      Special Services - Convenors Report


                 Discussed and minuted under item 02/153


02/146      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Gomersall reported that sub group of the committee met on the 30th August to consider those applications received for grant aid.


                 Unfortunately he was not able to attend the meeting and therefore could not report on the decisions taken.


                 General operations at the site were running smoothly, there were still problems with ramblers trying to walk across the site and a resident of Ryhill objecting to noise from the site.  Both matters are being addressed by the operations manager .


02/147      Old Library Site


                 Nothing new to report


02/148      Planning


                 All applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


02/149      Financial Matters    


a.       Accounts


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 14 August 2002

                 Ms Reid                                                        24.91

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             249.60

                 Mrs Hemingway                                          100.00 (Grant)

                 Wakefield MDC                                          221.67

                 Yorkshire Electricity                                    102.91

                 Mr Joyce                                                       69.73 (Repairs)

                 17 September 2002

                 Miss Reid                                                      48.00

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             249.60

                 Mr G Terry                                                    150.00 (Repairs)

                 Mr P Taylor                                                192.00 (Audit Fee)

                 Yorkshire Water                                          111.76

                 Wakefield Hospice                                      100.00

                 Relate                                                            50.00

                 Homestart                                                     50.00


b.      Audit


The clerk reported that the accounts had been signed off by the internal auditor and passed to the External Auditor.  Two area of concern raised by Paul Taylor were the lack of risk assessments and standing orders.


The clerk informed council that he along with a local group of council clerks with similar problems would be compiling the documents required over the next few months.


02/150       Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                    - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

- Horizons, Environmental Action Forum


                 YLCA                                                  - White Rose Update

                                                                             - Internal Audit                                                             

- Race relations


02/151       Parish Matters


                 1. Turf Accountant – Slack Lane                      


                 Cllrs reported that the disused “bookies” in Slack Lane was falling into disrepair.


                 The clerk to contact the planning department, to ascertain if there is any action that can be taken, to encourage the owners of the property to carry out the necessary maintenance work.


                 2. Speed Cameras – Doncaster Road


                 Comment were passed on the fact that 40 sets of road traffic speed cameras are to be installed around Wakefield, yet none are to be along Doncaster Road.


                 The clerk to write to highways for an explanation as how Doncaster Road has been missed.


02/152       Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 15th October 2002.


02/153       Matters Discussed in Private


1.       Amber Hemingway


Cllrs ratified the chairman’s decision to make a grant of £100 towards the cost of Ambers trip the Germany as part of great Britain’s gymnastic team.


2.       Crofton Cricket Club


                 The clerk to obtain accounts from the cricket club.                     


3.       Wakefield and District Hospice


                 Council agreed to make a donation of £100 towards hospice funds.


4.       Hemsworth Home Start


                 Council agreed to make a donation of £50 towards Home Start funds.


5.       Relate


                 Council agreed to make a donation of £50 towards relate funds.





                 Chairman                                                                                                          15th October 2002