Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18 October 2011.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Schofield and Towns.


In attendance;                       4 members of the public, 2 Police Officers.

                                                District Councillor Manifield


10/092             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented his report covering 19 Sept to 18 Oct 2011.

He informed members that he had contacted WMDC Licensing Authority about criteria needed for an alcohol exclusion zone. He was informed there would need to be a significant number of incidences and further measures applied for an area to be considered for exclusion, current circumstances in Crofton would not allow this.

With regard to the Police report, Cllr Dart asked which drugs were being dealt, however this information was not known.

Comment was made about Metro installing cameras in Bus Shelters to deter anti-social behaviour and that this could be a future consideration for Crofton with reference to problems experienced at Rectory Crescent (see minute 10/094).

PS Day confirmed that the Special Constabulary would be in attendance for the Remembrance Sunday event and he had made arrangements for a Police presence during Halloween, Mischievous and Bonfire night.


10/092a                       Addendum – Fluoride in Water

Members discussed the report received from a resident who requested that the Parish Council petition the Government about fluoride in the water system. After due consideration it was agreed to not discuss the matter any further unless a consultation process was initiated by the Government or the Health Authority.


10/093                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

Information concerning the Ninelakes project had been circulated to members, it was agreed that Spawforth Associates would be asked to attend a further meeting with the Parish Council to discuss progress of the scheme.

The Clerk was asked to send a letter to the WMDC Planning Director about the public consultation process, members were concerned that there was not enough information concerning this.

Cllr Cummings had sent notification stating that the steering group for the Ninelakes project had yet to meet.

Cllr Manifield commented on the report received concerning youths digging the ground on Hare Park Sidings and using it to create ramps for the BMX bikes. The land has been left and not maintained, the possible reason why the youths were resorting to such tactics. Notification had been received that the land would be levelled out, turfed and reseeded, however Cllr Hewitt had concerns over this course of action, he also stated that the footpath sign to Larkdale Farm was still not replaced.

Cllr Manifield reported on matters raised under minute 09/075;

A contractor had now been appointed to commence work on the Hare Park play area,

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work was expected to be completed early 2012.

The promised slow sign markings for Doncaster Road would be implemented in the new year.                      

The tyre swings had been inspected and adjustments made.

With regard to concerns from residents about crossing Doncaster Road (near to Kingsley Close) to use the bus shelter, discussion was taking place to seek a resolution. Some suggestions included using different markings, pedestrian refuges with hatched road markings, however this was thought to offer no protection to those crossing. Cllr Manifield was asked to report such concerns.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Further to enquiries made about the missing bench, Cllr Kimbley stated that WMDC Street Scene were to be asked to investigate its whereabouts.                     

Cllr Chalkley asked if the fencing around the sheltered housing was to be continued, Cllr Manifield stated that WDH had it on their programme of work to do and for any other area where anti-social behaviour was reported.


10/094                         Public Participation session

A resident in attendance stated that although being thankful for the Police for dealing with the problem of youths congregating in the bus shelter on Rectory Crescent (see minute 09/076), she felt that that it had taken too long to resolve the problem.

A resident had noted a statement in the Smoke Signal which informed all allotment holders that they were to be given 3 years notice to move all animals that could not be kept legally on any allotment garden, he queried what animals could be kept. The Clerk confirmed that a tenant had a statutory right to keep hens and rabbits for non-business purposes and so long as they do not cause a nuisance or a health risk.


10/095                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Cummings and Lodge.

Councillors; Affleck, Ripley, Voros and Wrigg.


10/096                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


10/097                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 September 2011, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


10/098                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that the work on the Memorial Garden was now complete, it was reported that the appearance was now much improved. With regard to the existing ashes in the garden, it was suggested that they should be protected and not be disturbed, it was agreed to discuss this matter at a future date.

WMDC Highway Network Manager, Graham West, had been contacted about the adoption of ginnels, also about Coppers Lake and the purchase of boundary signs. A meeting had been arranged to discuss these matters further.  Cllr Chalkley and Cllr                                                                                                                               Bennett would attend the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had attended at the Town Hall concerning the LDF (see minute 09/085), he had registered his name to enable representation to be made at a later date.

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10/099                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart commented on the recommendations received from former Parish Councillor Peter Jacques (see minute 10/105), it was agreed that the Clerk would arrange a meeting for the Working Party to consider making any improvements.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin informed members that a cleaner had now been appointed, it was confirmed that new equipment would be needed for the work to be carried out effectively. There would also be a requirement for a significant amount of rubbish to be removed from the Pavilion.

The Clerk confirmed that PHS, the services provider for the Pavilion, had been contacted about equipment that was not functioning, he was awaiting a response.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

The Hare Park allotment car park had been sprayed with weed killer.

There was no further news concerning the installation of a water supply to the Pontefract Road allotments, the Clerk informed members that the High School had yet to appoint a contractor to do the necessary work.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The trees had now been pruned (see minute 09/080).

He was concerned that Memorials were being erected without consent, this was discussed further under item 18.


10/100                         Discuss Traffic issues

Members discussed information that had been received from Inspector Brear concerning speeding ‘hot spots’ in the Ward area. The Clerk confirmed that it would appear as a Correspondence item for the next meeting.


10/101                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he had obtained three quotes based on three different designs, a final decision on how to proceed had not yet been decided.


10/102                         Cleansing/Environment

It was noted that the street sweeper had been active in the village.


10/103                         Planning Notifications

Members commented about another planning application that had been received from 19 Weeland Road, the Clerk was to enquire whether the property was subject to overdevelopment.

Members asked the Clerk to submit comments concerning planning application 11/01850/FUL for 123-125 Ashdene Drive. There was concern about the safety of pedestrians and the condition of the car park.


10/104                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly and quarterly accounts.


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Since no accounts had been received from the Scout Group, members did not discuss a request for funding.        


10/105                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 1; the recommendations received from former Parish Councillor Peter Jacques to make certain improvements to the Parish Centre was to be discussed further by the Working Party for the facility (see minute 10/099).

Further to the comments concerning maintenance of the Stocks, members agreed that they would be prepared to take action to avoid them getting into a state of disrepair, it was agreed to take similar action for the War Memorial.

Note 6; The e-mail received from DC’s; Cummings and Manifield concerning the 9 Lakes was noted under minute 10/093.                                                            

Cllr Dart informed members that having read the letter concerning Britain in Bloom (see minute (09/087), that due to the activity being volunteer based, she felt that it would not be possible to generate interest to pursue the matter.


10/106                         Parish matters

Cllr Dart commented on the village web site which was produced by a local community group. There was further discussion on how this could be developed or the Parish Council having its own site, members agreed that further discussion should take place concerning this matter.

Members were in agreement that a further meeting should take place with Mr Birch from the Coal Mining Co-Operative, the Clerk was asked to arrange this and inform members in due course.

Cllr Kimbley informed members that the Fishing Club had received funding from the Police Community Fund.

The Christmas lights ‘switch on’ had been arranged for 28 November at 7pm.

Cllr Bennett informed members that Jenny Honeyman was the new Church Vicar.

An invitation had been received from the Wakefield Council Mayor’s Office to attend the Remembrance Festival on the 11 November, Cllrs Chalkley and Makin offered to attend on behalf of the Parish Council.


10/107                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 15 November 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


10/108             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


10/109                         Matters to be discussed in private

The Cemetery Working Party would confirm the reserved plots for Mr Graham.

Members agreed that not adhering to the Cemetery rules would not be tolerated, the Clerk would contact the Monumental masons and instruct them to remove the memorials that had been erected without the correct application form being used and without permission being granted.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council