Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19th October 2010.                             


Present;              Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Healy, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       7 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Manifield


10/091             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme

PS Day presented his report for the months of September 2010.

Cllr Schofield stated the All Saints Church alarm was activated following a burglary,

PS Day asked if the alarm was linked to a monitoring company but it was not.

Cllr Wrigg had noted the Police in attendance at the disused shop on Hawthorn Avenue, she asked if it was being monitored on a regular basis, PS Day stated that they had cause to attend and inspect the property but nothing else.

Cllr Hewitt asked if the breaking of the windows in the bus shelter and at the sandwich shop on High Street had been reported, it was thought that the same youths seen at the time, were responsible.

Comment was made that the breaking of the windows at the Parish Centre (also thought to be youths), was not on the report, yet a crime number had been issued.

Members felt that there was a lack of co-ordination with crime reporting, some incidents which had been investigated by Police Officers from out of the area were not being passed onto the local Police for them to follow up effectively, PS Day stated

that he eventually did find out but agreed it should be reported sooner.

Cllr Makin suggested that the date of the Police Report should be changed so that it was more up to date, rather than from the previous month end.

Cllr Bennett asked about how many of the recorded incidents of assault involved alcohol, PS Day said one.

Members were collectively concerned about alcohol problems within the village and PS Day was asked to note this.

Cllr Makin commented on the number of small cars (usually with many youths in them), seen driving around the village and incidents that regularly occurred which involved them. One such incident involved a Peugeot being driven the wrong way on Cock Lane. PS Day was asked to be vigilant concerning such matters.

Cllr Chalkley asked if any members had other suggestions for the Safe Scheme patrol, comment was made that the Halloween week-end and mischief night, be given extra duty time.


10/092             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield updated members on previous matters raised.

Bins were being emptied as per the agreed schedule.

Bollards on the Sidings were functional and in a good condition.

Although the former shop site on Slack Lane had been cleared of debris, it may prove difficult to do such work again due to it being private land.

Information had been received from WMDC concerning the purchase of a litter bin, subject to certain conditions there was an intention for this to be implemented (see

minute 10/098).

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Cllr Wrigg was informed that the abandoned shop on Hawthorn Avenue, had been re-inspected by WMDC Officer Nigel Markwell, he would be unable to support any action to improve the site as it was not considered dangerous, but he would contact the owner and request the site be tidied.

The iron railing removed from the skate park at the Sidings Playing fields, had now been re bolted into place.

Walton Fishing Club had yet to respond to the request to fish at Coppers Lake.

There was no planned litter picking during the winter months, but if there was a particular problem this could be reported for action to be taken.

Rubbish had now been removed from both sides of the Sidings,

The trees in the Churchyard belonging to WMDC, had now been attended to.

Engineers from Tadman Street had now been tasked with resolving the problem of the lampposts incorrectly positioned in the drain on Doncaster Road.

The flooding problem on High Street had yet to be resolved.

Cllr Manifield was informed that the pot holes on Wentworth Drive by the telegraph pole had still not been attended to, this was also reported the previous month.

Cllr Voros echoed the same comment, about the pot holes on Springhill Grove.

Cllr Bennett also added to the above, stating that the flooding problem on High Street had been reported several times and was still not resolved.

Comment was made that although the rubbish at the former shop site on Slack Lane had been cleared of debris, there was still debris to be seen.

Cllr Ripley had noted that although the hedge on Santingley Lane had been cut as requested, unfortunately it was the wrong side of the road, Cllr Manifield said he would re-report the matter.

With regard to all the above comments, members were left feeling annoyed and frustrated about jobs not getting done.

Cllr Wrigg raised concern about the bank of soil that had been built up near to 35 Shay Lane, residents were concerned that rats might be attracted as a result, Cllr Manifield was asked to report the matter to WDH, as it was their property.

Cllr Manifield was also asked for action to be taken to prune trees on Harrison Road, which were being hit by buses, the debris caused problems for pedestrians.


10/093             Public Participation session

A resident had observed youths being apprehended by the Police following unsociable behaviour around the bus shelter on High Street, PS Day was asked what would happen to the youths following this incident, he stated that if they were over 10 years old they would be arrested, however he was not aware of the incident but would investigate further.

A resident had noted the amount of debris that was to be seen at the properties at 91/91a High Street, Cllr Manifield was asked to report the matter to WMDC.

A resident was concerned about the short notice received concerning the possible housing development at Bedford Farm, he was informed that the Parish Council had been instrumental in alerting residents to the proposals, it was noted that the information provided within the Wakefield LDF (Local Development Framework), was difficult to navigate, the resident was assured that the Parish Council and District Councillors had lodged objections to the proposal and there was still time for residents to also submit objections.

The resident was also concerned that the planning application for a car repair business

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at Hill Top Farm (see minute 05/030), which had been refused and was adjacent to the proposal mentioned above, may be of significance. However it was confirmed that the application was refused because of visibility and road safety issues.


10/094                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Cummings and Lodge

Councillor Smithson.


10/095                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


10/096                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st September 2010, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


10/097                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Since issuing the Agenda for the meeting, the Clerk had now arranged a meeting with WMDC Highways Management officers, this was confirmed as being Wednesday 27th October 2010 at 4pm in the Parish Centre.

The meeting with the Coal Mining Engineer was confirmed for the following evening

28th October 2010 at 7pm in the Parish Centre. The Clerk distributed to members information that had been received in connection with the presentation.

The Clerk informed members of a letter that had been received following the issue of the Agenda, but due to the nature of the content which concerned the impending winter maintenance procedure, it was agreed to be discussed. The Parish Council had been invited to attend a meeting organised by the Area Engineer for WMDC Highway Network Manager, Cllr Bennett offered to attend on behalf of the Parish Council.


10/098                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy reported that;

The resident living adjacent to the Centre, had asked if the tree could be pruned as it was overhanging their property, the Clerk was asked to arrange this work to be done.

WMDC had now contacted Cllr Manifield about the criteria concerning the installation of a litter bin, members decided to discuss this further after the perimeter fencing had been installed.

Report Village Association

The Clerk was asked by the working party, to seek quotes from suitably qualified electrical companies, to replace the existing sensor switches to the manual type.

Cllr Ripley provided information to members about the benefit of installing a wind turbine at the Sports Pavilion. The Clerk informed members that he had still not received permission from the landowners WMDC, which would be needed to pursue the idea (as well as planning permission). Members agreed to discuss the matter further subject to Cllr Ripley providing a detailed breakdown of the costs and installation details.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Pontefract Road allotment site had now been ploughed and was ready for the plots

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to be measured.

The Clerk confirmed that an agreement had been reached with Mr Smith concerning the cancellation of the existing lease.

With regard to what rent would be charged and which type of agreement would be issued, members would defer the final decision following measurement of the plots.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

T&D Contractors had now commenced clearance work in preparation for the installation of the fence (see minute 07/062), a resident had complained about the removal of conifers, but he was informed that they could be removed without permission being sought.


10/099                         Discuss Traffic issues

Members were informed of another incident which had occurred near the Cock & Crown public house.

A flat bed vehicle which had been parked on Harrison Road, had caused access problems for a wheelchair user, there was a lack of consideration by the driver of the vehicle.


10/100                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that the plan was at the finalisation stage.


10/101                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Towns expressed disappointment over the lack of action that could be taken against properties with absent landlords.

The Clerk was asked to contact CE Electric and ask that they remove debris from the Electric Sub Station adjacent to the Royal Oak Public House.


10/102                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.


10/103                         Financial matters

Further to the Clerk informing members of invoices to be paid, comment was made about the Safe Scheme cheque, having considered opinions, it was agreed to release payment.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly and quarterly accounts.


10/104                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received.


10/105                         Parish matters

Comment was passed about vehicles parking on the grassed area on the former Library site, the Clerk was asked to clarify if the area was part of the Parish Councils lease or if it was the responsibility of WMDC, so that a deterrent could to be placed there.

Cllr Chalkley provided information to members on the condition of the Scout Hut, although some items had been removed there was still some that had not and the

grassed area was still untidy.

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The Clerk was asked to invite them to the November meeting.

Cllr Jacques informed members that the Christmas Lights ‘switch on’ would be at 7pm on the 01st December.

The Clerk was asked to arrange delivery of the wreath for Remembrance Sunday


10/106                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday,16th November 2010 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


10/107             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


10/108                         Matters to be discussed in private

The Clerk would remind Cllr Smithson that he needed to send notification if he was unable to attend.


Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council