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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21st October 2008.                             


Present;          Councillors,             Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K, Duffy S,

Hewitt, Jacques Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns and Voros.


In attendance;                6 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Lodge.


10/091             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley presented his report for the month of September 2008.

Cllr Hewitt informed members that an Ambulance had attended on Hare Park Lane to deal with youths under the influence of alcohol, he had noted that there was a lack of a Police presence on Friday nights (see also minute 09/073), when such incidents were likely to occur.

Cllr Bennett commented on the notification received that there was a lack of support for Crofton having an alcohol exclusion zone, yet on each Police report received there was regularly the mention of beer being seized and poured away, PC Daley commented that there would need to be a significant number of police recorded incidents to help support an alcohol exclusion zone and beer being seized is not classed as one.

Cllr Ripley asked if the introduction of an alcohol exclusion zone would restrict the sale of alcohol at social events within the village, PC Daley confirmed that it would.

Cllr Chalkley asked PC Daley to ensure there was a sufficient Police presence in the village for 04th November 2008.


10/092             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings, although not in attendance, had sent to the Clerk a report which was circulated to all members. It provided an update on action being taken concerning previously reported matters.

Cllr Lodge informed members that she had attended a meeting with WYPolice Inspector Mark Callaghan concerning home security, she had been given a number of information pamphlets for distribution, she also wanted to convey the message that all crime should be reported and it will be acted on and that if the public did not want to leave their name there would be no compulsion to do so.

Cllr Voros reported to Cllr Lodge that he was concerned that extra rubbish was not being collected in accordance with the permit he had been given to enable such a collection, he had to approach the waste collectors and ask them to remove the rubbish, a situation that should not occur.

It had been reported that gully covers were being pinched as the metal had a scrap value, it was suggested that as an alternative, plastic covers should be used, Cllr Lodge was asked to convey this message to the relevant WMDC department.

Cllr Jacques asked Cllr Lodge about the Councils £9million in Icelandic Investments,

at a time when services were being withdrawn, Cllr Lodge was asked if she was aware that money was used in this manner.


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Cllr Chalkley asked what impact this would have on local Councils, she stated that a meeting had been arranged to discuss this matter, a report would be madea vailable for members at a later date.

Cllr Duffy K, asked Cllr Lodge to make enquiries about an extra waste bin to be provided in the area of the Parish Centre.

Cllr Brown had been informed that tree roots on a footpath at Hawthorn Avenue/Shay Lane could cause a problem, she asked if Cllr Lodge would seek clarification on this matter.

Cllr Brown asked Cllr Lodge if she knew if the small green bins used for bottles would be replaced with a larger bin, it was confirmed they would be replaced.


10/093             Public Participation session

Whilst PC Daley was present, a resident asked if he would allocate some time to dispersing the large number of youths that tended to congregate near the Parish Centre and the bus shelter on Rectory Crescent.

Another resident asked what progress had been made with regard to Coppers Lake, it was reported that work had commenced and that an update from Graham West was due (see minute 09/079).


10/094             Apologies for absence          

District Councillors Cummings and Isherwood

Councillor Wrigg.


10/095             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


10/096             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th September 2008, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


10/097             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

A response had been received from the Traffic Dept, which acknowledged the request for signal timings to be altered at the junction of Black Lane/Doncaster Road.

The electrical inspection of the Scout Hut had been arranged for Thursday 23rd October, it would be undertaken by J. Jennings Electrical.

The Clerk had received a response from WMDC Highway Maintenance concerning improvements to the footpath at Weeland Road/Pontefract Road, it stated that the financial budget had been spent for the current financial year, but the scheme would be considered in the next financial year, the Clerk was asked to make a diary note to persue this next year.


10/098             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Clerk was asked to seek clarification of the attendance times of the cleaner.

Cllr Jacques also asked the Clerk to make enquiries about the installing of a water meter.

Report Village Association

The Clerk was asked to seek clarification of the attendance times of the cleaner.

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Report Allotments

Nothing to report.

Report Parish Cemetery

Further to the meeting arranged to establish ownership of trees in the cemetery, it was

agreed that some trees (not subject to any Tree Preservation Order) were in need of crown thinning.

Some graves needed a soil infill as they had sunk.

Undergrowth to the perimeter needed to be cut back.

Members had no objections to the work being carried out.


10/099             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley stated he had received no information from the Road Safety Committee for some time, he would make enquiries and inform members if there was anything of relevance to the village.


10/100             Parish Leases

Members discussed the proposal from Cllr Brown, it was noted that the cost was nearly 10% of the precept, in response members were informed that the facilities were well used by the community. Pitches at the Sidings were also well used and there was not much scope for extra pitches to be added.

Before any decision was to be taken, members agreed that the Clerk should make representation to WMDC about the cost involved and seek a reduction.

Subject to the response members agreed that the matter would be a future agenda item.


10/101             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Bennett suggested that WMDC should be sent a letter thanking them for the recent work undertaken to improve the footpath on Hare Park Lane, members agreed.

Cllr Hewitt had noted the inefficient use of the blowing machine by an operative whilst working on High Street, in addition, concern was given to the procedure used to clear grass cuttings and leaves from the pavement into the street.

It was reported that the brick bus shelter on High Street/Rectory Crescent which had been demolished, had been replaced with a plastic one, this was not what had been requested of Metro, the Clerk was asked to ascertain why this action had been carried out without the Parish Council being consulted.


10/102             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to the planning applications received.

Members discussed the information they had received from Jackson Associates concerning Birkwood House Farm, it was agreed to take no further action and that any future planning application received would be given due consideration as previous.


10/103             Financial matters

The Clerk confirmed that employees wages had been changed to conform with statutory legislation governing minimum wage rates.

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,


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With regard to the content of the monthly accounts, the Clerk was asked to give members clarification of the amounts allocated to the Safe Scheme.

Members were informed that despite efforts undertaken by Cllr Chalkley, a further quote (see minute 09/085) for the installation of concrete plinths, had not been

received, therefore it was agreed that the quote from G.D.Terry be accepted and that the 20 metre price(as opposed to the 10 metre price), be used as this represented best value (see also minute 10/108).


10/104             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received in particular

Note 7; the Clerk was asked to respond to the request from the Operational & Contingency Planning Officer of the WYPolice about a public event, that being the Xmas Lights ‘switch on’, but to ask them to liaise with PC Daley who had been involved in policing this matter on previous occasions.

Note 11; the Chair and the Clerk would represent the Parish Council at the Remembrance Festival on Friday 07th November at Wakefield Cathedral.


10/105             Parish matters

It had been reported to Cllr Ripley that fencing at Crofton bridge was damaged, the Clerk and Cllr Ripley had inspected the area but found no problem.

The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highway Enforcement about garage doors opening onto the highway on the road leading to All Saints Church 

It had been noted that the former betting shop site on Slack Lane was now for sale, the Clerk was asked to obtain the sale details.

Remembrance Day would be held on 09th November 2008 at 11.30am, the Clerk was asked to contact T&D Contractors to cut the grass and tidy the area. The Chair was asked to provide a wreath.

Having visited the NHS Crofton Health Centre, Cllr Hewitt informed members of his concern on the length of time taken from an initial appointment to having a blood test taken.


10/106             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18th November 2008 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


10/107             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


10/108             Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that a further quote be accepted for the concrete plinths, but if the price was higher there was to be no delay in proceeding with the quote already accepted.

If lower the order would be accepted and work commenced without delay.



Signed                                                                                Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council