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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 16th October 2007.                             


Present;          Councillors,             Bennett(acting Chair), Brown, Duffy K, Jacques, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                        2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Manifield.


10/877             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

Not in attendance.


10/878             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield informed members that residents concerns aboutsuch matters as; a lack of attention to flooding on Doncaster Road, reports of under age drinking and graffiti in phone boxes, had been duly noted and the appropriate departments were being contacted to resolve such concerns.

They were still seeking to ensure that funding will be provided for Coppers Lake, he

informed members that he had received notification from Peter Davis (the WMDC representative from land drainage), informing him that a contractor had been appointed to commence clearance works.

The Clerk passed correspondence received from WMDC (see minute 09/681) for him to make further enquiries.

Cllr Towns informed members that the traffic calming measures introduced to Pontefract Road were not working, upon making further enquiries she was told that because there had been no fatalities then no further action was required, however she had noted that speed wires had since been installed, Councillor Manifield was asked to make further enquiries and inform the Parish Council of any developments.

Cllr Towns stated that soil which had been removed following flood defence works at Birkwood Farm, had yet to be removed, Councillor Manifield was asked to contact Mark Cropley of WMDC Environment Services and advise him of the situation, the Clerk would also contact him to enquire what action was being taken.

Cllr Jacques asked Cllr Manifield to forward his thanks to Cllr Isherwood for arranging a meeting with Ian Jones of WMDC Neighbourhood Environment.

Cllr Duffy(K) mentioned that a cutting made in the pavement to the front of Sycamore Court had become a hazard, the Clerk was asked to report the matter to WMDC Highway Maintenance.

Cllr Voros informed members that the amount of rubbish and debris to the rear of the shops on High Street, constituted a public health hazard, he was aware that it was private land but asked if Cllr Manifield could offer information or make further enquiries on how the problem could be avoided.

Cllr Bennett commented that previous requests to have lighting on the pathway from Springhill Avenue to Meadowfields Close had not been actioned due, in part, to a lack of funding, Cllr Manifield was asked if a solution to the problem could be found as it

was felt that the lack of light constituted a health and safety hazard.



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Cllr Schofield had noted that the drain near to the junction of Harrison Road and the road leading to the Church, was overflowing and foul smelling, he asked if Cllr Manifield would report the matter to WMDC Highway Maintenance.

Cllr Jacques had noted that the directional sign at the junction of Harrison Road and Shay Lane had all the letters/numbers missing, the Clerk was asked to report the matter.  


10/879             Public Participation session

A member of the public, on behalf of some residents in Meadowfields, asked what had happened to the bench previously sited there. She was informed that following consultation with District Councillors it had been moved to the community centre.

Also of concern was the amount of rubbish to be found in the small copse adjacent to the entrance of the Village Association Pavilion. District Councillor Manifield was asked to approach the Neighbourhood Action team, the resident was also reminded that anyone could make an approach to the Neighbourhood Action team to report such matters.


10/880             Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Cummings and Isherwood.

Councillors; Chalkley, Hewitt, Makin and Duffy S.


10/881             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters.


10/882             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th September 2007, were signed as a correct record by the Vice Chairman.


10/883             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

In view of the information received about recycling schemes, members decided to delay a decision on a second bottle bank. No response had been received to the 2nd letter sent to the Scout Leader, the Clerk was asked to send a 3rd letter in an effort to obtain a response. Following the information about a sign for Sandown Avenue received by members, it was suggested that the offer of a ‘T’sign should be accepted as an alternative if the original request was still not ready, the Clerk was asked to ascertain the current situation.

It was agreed that the Clerk would meet with Cllrs Ripley and Duffy(K), to determine where the bulbs should be planted and then submit the request to WMDC.

It had been noted that T&D Contractors had cut the grass at the War Memorial, Cllr Ripley suggested that the area should be re-turfed and perhaps that funding could be sought from the Constable & Pinders Charity.


10/884             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Clerk informed members that at present they were still awaiting approval from WMDC Building Regulations before work could commence. The Clerk was asked to contact T&D Contractors to remove a large branch that was obstructing the entrance.


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Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett made comment about electrical work.

Report Allotments

The Clerk informed members that an Allotments Committee meeting had recently taken place. With regard to Cllr Towns request to have the lease for B.W.Smith changed to a tenancy agreement, after some discussion pointing out the merits of keeping it as a lease it was decided to refer the decision to a later date. With regard to the allotment garden at Pontefract Road which was the subject of re-allocation, the Clerk would remind those persons concerned, that at the recent site meeting it was suggested that allocation of the garden should be discussed initially with the residents concerned.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield informed members that he was still awaiting T/D Contractors to commence clearance works.


10/885             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


10/886             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


10/887             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques had met with Ian Jones of WMDC Neighbourhood Environment and Tony Bowler the team leader for Crofton, to discuss the lack of cleanliness in the village. They promised that changes would take place to improve the situation.


10/888             Planning Notifications

Cllr Wrigg asked members for comments on application; 07/02765/FUL.

With regard to minute 10/881; Cllr Bennett left the meeting and Cllr Ripley acted as Chairman.

Members discussed the application and after considering the comments made asked the Clerk to place an objection to the above application.

Cllr Bennett was asked to return to the meeting and continue as Chairman.


10/889             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections, he also informed them that the accounts for financial year 2006/07 had been approved by the external auditor, residents were able to view them as they were on display in the Parish Centre notice board.

Members had no concerns over the budget quarter figures.

Cllr Makin was not in attendance but the Clerk informed members that he had conducted an audit on the effectiveness of internal controls.

Oxley Smith had now paid their overdue account.


10/890             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 1; Cllr Towns offered to take the guide and provide the Clerk with the names of roads felt to


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have a safety issue. Note 2; Cllrs Towns and Wrigg agreed to attend the training event at the Town Hall, the Clerk would provide them with details. Note 4; the Clerk would enquire when the Licensing Committee held meetings to consider an application.


10/891             Parish matters

Cllr Jacques informed members that he had made enquiries with a company that were promoting an initiative to repair any stone work, he felt that it would be of benefit to some areas of the village, but it transpired that it was a competition rather than just submitting an application to have any work done.

Cllr Brown informed members that she felt that the general public were not aware that they could attend Parish Council meetings, she suggested that this fact should be more widely known, the Clerk was asked to contact Barbara Holden and ask her to mention this in her column. Cllr Ripley commented on some of the work undertaken by the Biodiversity Group, one aspect being to restore damaged hedgerows, he sought support for this initiative, members agreed to do so. Cllr Jacques asked the Clerk to seek information on what action was being taken with regard to the boundary issue on Harrison Road. Cllr Bennett commented on overhanging trees/hedges around the village, more notably on Wentworth Drive, Springhill Avenue and Ashdene Crescent.

They were causing an obstruction to pedestrians, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highway Maintenance and report the matter.


10/892             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 20th November 2007 at 7pm in                               Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


10/893             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


10/894             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.



Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council