Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18th October 2005.


Present;                                  Councillors Jacques (Chairman), Bennett (Vice - Chairman),Chalkley, Duffy(K), Hewitt, Makin, Ripley, Towns, Voros


In attendance;                        District Councillors; Manifield, Cummings.

                                                WMDC  Environment Area Manager Mr L.Deagan

                                                3 members from the playgroup

                                                1 member of the public


Apologies for absence            District Councillor Isherwood,

Councillors Duffy(S), Schofield , Wrigg.


The Chairman welcomed the new Clerk; Barry Riley


10/169             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC McMahon (PC 4874) and PC Daley (PC 1945) of the West Yorkshire Police attended and gave a written report on the Safe Scheme.

The following points were raised;

Cllr Towns asked for a patrol to be instigated to take in the area by the portakabin, youths were gathering there, and there was evidence of drug use which was also mentioned by the visiting playgroup.

Cllr Jacques enquired if any parking tickets had been issued with regard daytime parking on Slack Lane, following on from the issue of warning letters by the police but none had.

PC Daley addressed the ongoing problems of drugs and said extra resources would be needed ie Neighbourhood Policing teams, to cope with the problem, however the extra resources would help with the policing of mischievous night.

District Cllr Cummings publicly thanked the police for their quick response on all matters connected with the village.


10/170             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield followed up his previous comments about the amount and speed of traffic on the old Pontefract Road , and stated that he had received an e-mail from the Traffic&Engineers Design Dept who have agreed that this area will be assessed.

He also introduced Mr.Loz Deagan (see Cleansing/Environment)

Cllr Cummings said that the warning and flashing signals(which incorporated new technology) were now operational, Cllr Ripley asked that they ensure foilage is cut back as an ongoing process to enable the signals to be clearly seen.

The No Through Road sign for Hare Park Lane was now ordered. Cllr Hewitt asked if the Sandown Ave. replacement sign had been requested, but it had not been.

With regard to the hole adjacent to 34a Slack Lane they were awaiting the outcome of the inspection.

The Crofton War Memorial had now been cleared of debris, it was noted that a wreath laying ceremony was to take place on Sunday 13th November at noon.

Cllr Cummings had spoken to the Head Teacher at Crofton with regard cleansing as it was felt by councillors that much of the litter problem was caused by pupils, the Council feels the Headmaster should meet them and not just the District Councillors, the Clerk was asked to send a letter of invitation to attend the next meeting.

The smoke signal had been running a story that 3 groups (History, Gala Committee and Milenni Mums) were considering not continuing, but this is not correct following information gleaned from councillors

There is to be a dog micro chipping event in Havercroft, also vouchers are to be given for neutering; it was hoped to have the event held in Crofton.

Cllr Bennett addressed the District Councillors about two matters of concern; over the last few weeks he had noted the number of children in groups of 5 to 6 congregating on the High Street, and the lowering of the wall by the new flagged area around the new Youth Centre, had served to encourage children to jump off, both potential hazards.

Cllr Jacques mentioned that the number of pot holes on the Ashdene Estate was still of concern and needed attention. He also enquired if stone that was left over from the new wall could be used to repair other damaged walls in the village and stone missing from opposite Smithy Close.


10/171             Public Participation session

The Crofton Playgroup were in attendance, they raised their concerns about the cleaning of the building because of the condition of it on Thursdays. They reported that the toilets were not cleaned, cigarette butts were left, there was a hole in the door and safety issues with the portakabin, that they used for storage. Cllr Bennett suggested that the timetable for the cleaning could be looked at.

The playgroup also asked why they should be paying rent when the youth group using the facilities did not. Cllr Ripley stated that the paying of rent guaranteed its use as opposed to the youth group who had limited use, it was also pointed out that the rent was very competitive. At this point Cllr Cummings was asked how long the youth group intended using the premises. Cllr Chalkley suggested that if the Centre was not respected the facility should be withdrawn.

Cllr Bennett asked why the concerns of the playgroup was being brought to the Council’s attention in this format, when we had a convenor to appraise such concerns and then bring them to the attention of the Council, the convenor had invited the playgroup to address the Council.

A resident in attendance enquired if there was any news on the proposed cable ride in the play area, he was informed that it was still in consultation and upon receipt of the reports a decision will be made. The resident said the park only encouraged drinking which he had witnessed up to 11pm, he was asked to report this to the police as a matter for them to solve, it was stated that the benefit of the park to the children far outweighed any minor negativity which the resident was alluding to.



10/172             Declarations of Interest

There were none



10/173             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th September 2005, were approved without amendment; proposed by Cllr Duffy(K) and seconded by Cllr Voros and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


10/174             Discuss matters arising

It was agreed that the Reverend Ann Jordan be asked to make a contribution for their use of the Parish Centre. It was decided that the Clerk would write to ascertain their agreement.

With regard the Scout Group the council enquired as to the condition of their premises, Cllr Chalkley said that the school holidays would provide the opportunity to improve the appearance. One suggestion was to lay a membrane and cover it with chippings, however it was pointed out the chippings may be misused. The scouts do not pay for the facility,  and it was felt that if they do not improve the appearance of the premises then they should be charged a rent and that money would be used to tidy the area

The audit pointed out that we were spending more money on the allotments than was raised in rentals. Cllr Voros reiterated this by suggesting that they maybe the cheapest allotments in the country. It was agreed that a meeting would be held to review allotment rents at a future date.

Following a quote for the fencing in the cemetery, Cllr Jacques suggested enough money had been spent in the current financial year and this scheme should be deferred to next year which was met with approval.


10/175             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.19

Members of the public and others were notified of this requirement.


10/176             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

It was reported that there was a hole in the bottom of the door which could potentially be a fire hazard as youths tended to smoke and discard cigarette butts there.

It was suggested that a new or reconditioned portakabin be purchased to replace the existing one. Usage of the portakabin for storage by the playgroup would be suspended.

It was agreed that all users were to be asked to ensure they clean up after themselves, and to ask the playgroup what was needed from the Council to support them.


Report Village Association

Nothing to report


10/177             Allotments report

Nothing to report


10/178             Parish Cemetery report

Nothing to report


10/179             Special Service report

Nothing to report


10/180             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report


10/181             Pontefract Road land lease

Further to previous discussions it was resolved that the Clerk be asked to write to Mr.Smith and ask if he wanted to take the option of a further year as the current lease expires on 31st December 2005.

10/182             Cleansing/Environment

WMDC Environment Area Manager Mr.L Deagan had been invited by District Cllr Manifield,  to answer questions from councillors who wanted assurances that adequate resources were being deployed in the area and to question the performance of the teams. Mr.Deagan said that merger between depts, had resulted in improvements to some areas and not in others, it would appear thet Crofton had not benefited from this, but he would seek to give more attention to the area.

Cllr Duffy(K) said hedges and bushes by the New Crofton P.O./Manorfields area were in desperate need of cutting.

Cllr Towns however did give praise for the work done to the front of the P.O area on High Street.

Cllr Manifield said there would be provision of more dog litter bins and asked if the Council would provide help with their positioning, Cllr Hewitt agreed to do so.

Cllr Bennett raised concerns that grass cuttings had not been swept up properly

and blowers should have been used as was witnessed in the neighbouring village of Walton

In closing he stated he would take note of the issues raised and gave his assurance that they would be addressed. His mobile phone number is 07795 644727.


10/183             Planning Notifications

The objection to planning ref; 55175/D was upheld.


10/184             Financial matters

Accounts for the month enclosed.

The acting Clerk, Darren Byford, commented that the internal auditor had commended the Parish Council on their financial reports, and these had now been forwarded to Mazarrs the external auditors.

With regard new banking arrangements, Unity Bank were requesting the Parish Council Constitution to complete matters, this had been drawn up and subject to minor alterations, it was agreed to be adopted.


10/185             Correspondence received

The Countryside Agency had issued a conclusive map of registered land and open country, which was distributed to Councillors.             


10/186             Parish matters

The Parish Centre rooms are to be used by the Childrens Play Association on Saturday 26th November 2005.

It was agreed that the War memorial be further cleaned up in preparation for the November ceremony, the Clerk was asked to write to T&D Contractors to effect this.  

Crofton will have for the first time its own Christmas Lights display on High Street. Carol singers will also be present at the switch – on at 06.30pm 01st December 2005.

Edith Harrow’s bench, near the Health Centre, was in need of repair, it was understood that the bench was to be repaired and maintained by her son, it was agreed that the clerk would try and contact her son who lived in Crigglestone, to enquire if he still wished to do this or if he was willing to let the Council do so.

In his absence Cllr Schofield had sent a letter to the Chair, raising concerns that there was a lack of lighting on the path that led to the Church from the Ashdene estate. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Amey to investigate the concern.

The Parish Council had been invited by Granville Marshall the Trustee of the Community Centre to view the building/construction works on Tuesday 25th October  at 7pm.

Cllr Bennett had noted that the road sign, at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road had a number of letters missing from the area names. This had persisted for some time, it was agreed the Clerk would contact the appropriate dept. to resolve the matter, and copy the request to Cllr Cummings.


10/187             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 15th November 2005, at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


10/188             Matters to be discussed in private

The Clerk raised the subject of the Council’s computer, which at present is held by Mrs Shillito the former Clerk’s wife. It was resolved that since it would be subject to the cost of a Health & Safety report, its age with regard new technology and its limited usefulness to the present Clerk, that she be allowed to keep it subject to a payment of £100, and the Clerk was to make the offer.