Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

                                            Tuesday 21st October 2003 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg, T B Chalkley, J R Hewitt, G P Jackson, P Jacques, A Ripley

                                                                                                     & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:         Mrs P Baines, Mrs R Salt, Mr M Binns,

                                                                                                     Mr H Shaw & Mr G Schofield


                                                                                                                 West Yorkshire Police              Inspector Middleton


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      S Bennett, S Duffy, D Marshall,

                                                                                                     G Scargill & Pc P McMahon


                 The Chairman, Cllr A Ripley presided over the meeting.


03/161      West Yorkshire Police


                 The clerk presented the Police report for September. A total of sixteen crimes, ten of which were burglaries, five dwellings, (a male has been arrested in connection with some of these) and five others (two males having been arrested in connection with these)


                 Several motorists have been issued with tickets for speeding and not wearing seat belts


                 Checks for speeding offences and illegal parking have been made in Churchfields.


                 Residents again raised the issue of off road motorcycles and reported that scrambling bikes were being driven along the High Street at speed using the calming measures as an obstacle course. Other areas were off roading is prevalent are Hare Park Sidings, Priory Ridge, Towers Close and land to the rear of Towers Close.


                 It was agreed that the Police prioritise this issue and that a leaflet be circulated, detailing the fate of offenders and their motorcycles.


                 Cllr Ripley asked the clerk to contact Highways to ascertain the results of the recent Golden River survey of Slack Lane and High Street.              


                 The priorities for October/November to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Post Office closing, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak etc.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


                 Monitor use of seat adjacent 11 Santingley Lane.



                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings             


                 The chairman thanked Ins Middleton for his attendance.


03/162      Public Participation Session


1.      Drama Hall


Residents expressed great concern over the demolition of the Drama Hall, a 17th Century building situated in the centre of the village with great historical relevance.


Cllr Towns asked why councillors weren’t informed and consulted over the future of the building, especially as she had asked on three occasions whether the Hall was to be demolished and had been told that it wasn’t. 


The clerk replied that he was of the opinion that only the Youth Centre was to be demolished as only the Youth Centre was mentioned in the planning application.


Cllr Ripley added to this by stating that he had spoken to the LEA once scaffolding had been erected to ascertain what was to happen.  He had been informed that the Drama Hall had to come down due to it been in bad repair and containing asbestos.


Cllr Towns asked that the council’s disappointment be minuted, the centre of the village was now faceless with no character through the LEA taking the easy route rather than refurbishing a building, which should have been preserved.


Cllrs Jackson and Ripley whilst totally agreeing with Cllr Towns sentiment explained that the building was the property of the LEA over which the Parish Council has no jurisdiction. The building will be replaced with a new youth centre, which will serve the community as a whole.


It was agreed that the clerk write to the authority, asking for a detailed explanation as to why the building was demolished rather than restored.


2.      Post Box - High Street Post Office.


            Mrs Baines reported that the Post Box appears to have been nudged by a delivery vehicle, as it has a serious lean and the hand standing around it was severely cracked.


The clerk to contact Royal Mail.


03/163      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


03/164      Minutes


                 It was agreed that after minor amendment the minutes of the meeting held on 16th September be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.







03/165      Matters Arising 


1.      Wakefield Express


Cllr Jackson stated that he had never issued press statements as such, what used to happen is that reporters would contact him for an official comment, which he would only supply if the Parish Council had agreed a line to take.


Cllr Jackson added that he had decided that he was no longer willing to continue with this role, which would more appropriately be handled by either the Chairman or the clerk.


Cllr Jackson was thanked for filling this role over the years.


Cllrs agreed that in future any contact from the press be directed towards the chairman and clerk.


2.      Resignation of Councillor


The clerk reported that he was still not in a position to advise whether the vacancy can be filled by co-option or whether there would need to be an election. This information will be available for the next meeting.


The clerk also reported the Cllr Scargill has advised that he is to resign from council at the November meeting.


Cllrs were asked to consider taking on the roles of Parish Cemetery and Parish Centre convenor to be vacated by Cllr Scargill.


03/166      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


03/167      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 The clerk reported that a window had been broken at the centre, which had been boarded up awaiting repair.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Chalkley reported that the area was in need of tidying and litter picking.


                 It was agreed that the clerk contacts the Neighbourhood Action Team.


03/168      Allotments - Convenors Report


Cllr Voros reported that early indications suggested that three or four allotments would be vacated at the end of the year.







03/169      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 The clerk reported that Mrs Waite had made contact to inform council that the beck area was still littered with rubbish. The clerk therefore had made contact with T & D who informed him that they had removed all the grass cuttings placed at the bottom of the cemetery. The remaining litter appears to have been dumped by local residents.


                 It was agreed that councillors meet on site, Saturday 25 October at 10.00 am to investigate the matter.


                 The clerk asked that councillors carry out a risk assessment of the Parish Cemetery during their site meeting, recording their findings as a formal records needs to be kept. Cllr Chalkley volunteered to take the lead on this; he also agreed to carry out an assessment of the Pavilion.


03/170      Special Services - Convenors Report


1. Gemma Storey


The clerk asked councillors to ratify the decision taken at last months meeting to award Gemma a grant of £100, to be made under s137.


The decision was ratified accordingly.


2. Friends of Crofton Infants School – Story Sacks


The clerk presented a request for financial assistance towards the cost of updating the stock of story sacks.


Concern was raised over expenditure by the friends of £200 on Public Liability Insurance the consensus being that this cost need not arise if the school administered the Story sacks.  The system would then be self-financing as planned.


The clerk to contact the friends for more details.  


03/171      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Ripley explained that there was a problem with water escaping from ponds at the site. The biodiversity group and the site manager were monitoring the problem, looking for an explanation as to why.  The tanks were being topped up and water levels monitored over 5-day periods.


                 Cllr Ripley added that Mr Bolton the site manager wished councillors to know that he was more than happy to attend any council meeting to address questions surrounding operation of the site.


                 Cllr Chalkley asked how and when Crofton Juniors would receive the £1000 awarded to them from the Opencast Community Fund.


                 By cheque in the very near future was the answer, however Cllr Ripley agreed to follow up the matter to ensure that everything was in order.






03/172      Old Library Site


                 Cllr Jacques asked if all the works have now been completed.


                 It was agreed that Cllr Bennett be asked to look into the matter.


03/173      Planning


1.      Land at Doncaster Road.


Cllr Ripley informed members that the Planning Enforcement officers were to look into the activities at this site.


2.      Crofton Triangle    


                 The clerk reported that a company operating as Glassmead Ltd had approached him, (copies of which have been circulated to all members) seeking to attend a future council meeting in order to present plans for developing the Triangle site.


                 Their plans broadly include the transformation of the triangle into an area of community use whilst developing the adjacent land.


                 The clerk was instructed to inform Glassmead that council did not wish to meet with them and would use the planning process to comment on any formal application Glassmead wished to submit.


                 4. Property extension – 30 Springhill Avenue


                 The clerk was asked to request planners look at the development at 30 Springhill Avenue, as the new height of this building appears to be outside that permitted under the planning approval.


5. Other matters


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


03/174      Financial Matters  


                 a. Accounts                 


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Ms Reid                                                        53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             276.64

                 Mr Joyce                                                       46.30

                 Mr Taylor                                                    204.00

                 Mayfair Security                                            33.78

                 Wakefield MDC                                          305.00

                 PHS Group                                                 166.29

                 PWLB                                                     2,726.75

                 West Yorkshire Police                              2,000.00






                 b. Internal Audit Report


The clerk presented the audit report to councillors, stating that the accounts had been signed off and forwarded to the external auditors.  Recommendations in the report included, minutes to be signed off, VAT records to be completed, management of Risks, half yearly balance sheet and an annual review of charges.


Councillors noted the contents of the report.


c. Members Allowances.


The clerk informed members that due to changes in legislation councils wishing to pay members allowances and expenses must first have the agreement of a remuneration panel, which will set the levels to which payments can be made.


Panels need to be established and allowances agreed before the 31 December 2003. The Independent Remuneration Panel is to be set up by Wakefield MDC who as yet have not agreed allowances for their own members.


The clerk will keep members informed of progress.


03/175      Correspondence


1.      Wakefield District Community Safety Partnership


Letter received outlining a nuisance problem and requesting details of the owners of a seat adjacent to 11 Santingley Lane.


It was agreed that the clerk reply informing the CSP that the Parish Council are responsible for the seat which whilst they are not prepared to remove will instruct safe scheme officers to keep an eye on the situation.


2.      Craig Hunter – Cemetery Fence.


Mr Hunter had contacted the clerk again asking when remedial work would be carried out on the fence as advised in June.


The clerk to contact Mr Joyce.


3. Other Correspondance.


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

                                                                             - Area Panel Meeting, 16 October 2003                                                               

                 Wakefield District CSP             - Anti Social Behaviour Strategy

                 Wakefield District EAF             - Horizons

                 Eastern Wakefield NHS                       - Annual Report

                 Crofton Play Area Ass                          - Letter of thanks

                 Crofton Community Centre                   - Agenda and minutes.

                 Normanton Police Forum                      - Minutes







03/176      Parish Matters


1.      Graffiti – Hare Park Lane.


Cllr Hewitt reported that the Neighbourhood Action Team had visited Hare Park Lane but made no attempt to clear the graffiti.


He had therefore contact cleansing services, who after several calls had committed to carry out the work this week, w/c 20 October.


2. Street Cleansing – High Street


The clerk was asked to contact street cleansing asking that a road sweeper visit the High Street.


3.      Village Signs


Cllrs commented on how impressive the signs Walton Parish have erected alongside the approach roads were.


The clerk was tasked with contact Paul Taylor, Clerk to Walton to ascertain details of costs, planning requirements etc.


03/177      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 18 November 2003.


03/178      Matters Discussed in Private


                 1. Friends of Crofton Infants School


                 Minuted at 03/170/2


















     Chairman                                                                                                                      18th November 2003.