Crofton Parish Council


                                                                   Minutes of the meeting held on

                                             Tuesday 15 October 2002 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                    Councillors:                  S Bennett, L Coates, T Gomersall, D Crowcroft,

                                                                                                     J M Feeney, G P Jackson BEM,OBE,JP, A Ripley & J Voros


                                                                 Residents:                     Mrs P Baines, Mrs R Salt, Mrs P Walker,

                                                                                                     Mr G Scofield, Mrs Hemingway &

                                                                                                     Amber Hemingway


                                                                 Wakefield MDC           Cllr Wayne Jenkins


                                                                 West Yorkshire Police:  Inspector Heptinstall, Sgt Raworth,

                                                                                                     Sgt Hawcroft & PC Whitworth


                                                                 The Clerk:                    J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                Councillors:                  I Beckett, P Beckett, J R Hewitt & G Scargill


                 The chairman, Cllr  Ripley, presided over the meeting. 


02/154      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 Cllr Jackson declared an interest in agenda item number 02/165 Special Services, application for financial assistance from the cricket club.


02/155      Miss A Hemingway


Amber attended the meeting to give a short presentation to members following her recent success as part of the Great Britain gymnastics team competing in Germany.


The team competed in two disciplines eventually beating the USA to Bronze medal.


The chairman thanked Amber for attending, congratulated her on the teams performance and the quality of her presentation.


02/156      Public Participation Session


1.      Yorkshire Electricity Sub Station – High Street


It was reported that Mr Cook had arranged for the area around the sub station to be cleared.


Thanks to Mr Cook.


2.      Play Area.


            Cllr Ripley informed the meeting that all the schools had now submitted their ideas for the redesign of the play area.



Meetings with officers of the authority are now being arranged to progress the project.


                 3. Hedge – Pontefract Road.


            Residents reported that the hedge adjacent to the Priory Centre playing fields was still in need of trimming.


                 The clerk to chase the matter.


4.      School House – High Street


Concerns were raised over the condition of the chimneystacks at the schoolhouse adjacent to the infants school in High Street. The chimneystacks have trees growing from them, rendering them unsafe.


It was agreed that the clerk writes to the housing department on the matter.


5.      Middle Lane


Residents reported that there was a burnt out car on land between Nostell Brickworks and the Moorhouse Opencast.


PC Whitworth agreed to pass on this information to PC Andy Rogerson, the abandoned car officer.


02/157      Wakefield Youth Services


                 Cllr Wayne Jenkins, WMDC Cabinet Member for Education addressed the meeting.


                 Wayne explained that the education department have plans to replace the facilities at Crofton, a bid of £300k had been considered by the resource board on 7th October but not accepted.  This is not the result with he had hoped for and was disappointed by it. The scheme was still on the priority list and would be considered again later in the year, but no guarantees could be given.  Should a high priority scheme from another department materialise then that may take precedence.


                 Cllr Jackson replied by stating that Crofton is used to bad news such as this.  Three years ago the authority had promised that the development would go ahead and yet we still wait.  The numbers of youths in the parish is growing and the facilities are deteriorating, the youth club is a horrible place.


                 Cllr Jenkins accepted all that had been said regarding the situation adding that he was not in the game of making promises he couldn’t keep. He would continue to support the application for funds from the supplementary capital fund and do all in his power to secure a new youth facility for Crofton, however there are many worthy demands on the councils purse which may in the eyes of the majority take precedence over youth services.


                 Cllr Jenkins promised to keep the clerk up to date with any developments.


02/158      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC John Whitworth introduced Sgt Paul Raworth who would be taking over from Graham Hawcroft as safe scheme liaison officer and Ins Heppenstall who has overall operational responsibility for the Crofton area.




                 PC Whitworth commenced by informing the meeting that operations at the Crofton Triangle were still

                 quiet, in the main due to the lack of a haulage contractor, youth problems persist and drug/alcohol related offences continue.


                 The police continue to strive to improve matters especially in relation to the youth, drugs and alcohol related problems. A recent operation in the Ashdene area was successful in apprehending a speeding taxi driver (70/74 mph along High Street) the new traffic calming measures should prevent motorists travelling at such speed.  A stolen motorcycle was recovered and a grateful resident informed that his garage had been left open.


                 PC Whitworth stated that car crime is far too high and much more can be done to prevent this, the crime reduction officer, Peter Walker could attend a future meeting if members wished.  It was agreed that this be arranged.


                 Cllrs informed the police that Ashdene stores have stated that they are willing to stop the sale of alcohol to everyone after 6.30 pm, if all the other off licences were prepared to do the same.  This was thought to be extremely commendable but practicably impossible to achieve.  However PC Raworth would take the matter up with the shopkeepers.


                 Cllr Gomersall informed the police that due to prioritising a recent incident at Crofton Park wasn’t responded to for 7 hrs, surely this isn’t acceptable.


                 The priorities for October/November to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Post Office closing, windows rear of High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak etc.


                 Continue to discourage anti social behaviour by the minority.


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings


                 Seat – Priory Ridge/Santingley Lane.


                 Visit schools to advise parents on the dangers of indiscriminate parking adjacent to schools.


                 The chairman thanked the police contingent for their attendance.                       


02/159      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


02/160      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 15 October were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


02/161      Matters Arising 


                 1. 521 Doncaster Road                       


                 Cllr Ripley reported that he had discussed this development with the owner; Mr Smith, who had



                 informed him that he was going to formally apply for permission to take over some of the verge adjacent to his property.


                 It was agreed that the clerk write to the highways officer concerned asking that they be mindful of sightlines when considering any applications.


                 2. Speed Cameras – Doncaster Road


                 The clerk reported that Wakefield MDC were unable to install Speed Detection Cameras along Doncaster Road due to the area failing to meet all the strict criteria set by the Home Office.


                 Denby Dale Road and Horbury Road did meet the criteria and as a result 23 camera housings and three cameras would be erected.


02/162      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr Bennett advised that the plumber hadn’t as yet visited the centre but would be doing so in the near future.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett informed members that the pavilion roof had been inspected and was in good condition; the plumber was now to inspect the internal connections to ascertain where the water is coming from.


                 The plumber and electrician have still to carry out work on the heating system.


02/163      Allotments - Convenors Report


Cllr Voros asked that the pest control officer visit Hare Park Allotments.


Cllr Ripley informed members that the clerk had identified Mr BW Smith form Pontefract Road as a possible contractor to clear the Pontefract Road site.  During a site visit Mr Smith had quoted for clearing the site and asked if it would be possible to rent the area as grazing land.


It was agreed that members meet Mr Smith on site to discuss details.


02/164      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 It was reported that the timer on the footpath light needs adjusting to take account of the end of BST.


                 T & D to be asked to clear the walled bins.  Rubbish into the euro bin, soil to be spread.


                 The clerk to source a supplier of concrete plinths similar to those at Crigglestone Crematorium


02/165      Special Services - Convenors Report


                 Discussed and minuted under item 02/173






02/166      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Gomersall reported that a safe area around the site is to be created in order that walkers can cross the area. No date available at this stage.


                 Cllr Bennett expressed the opinion that since commencement of work at the Moorhouse site the dust levels throughout the parish have increased.


                 Cllr Gomersall reported that regular air samples were tested and nothing undue found, however he would ask UK Coal to widen the area and frequency of testing.                       


02/167      Old Library Site


                 Cllr Jackson reported that a meeting with the head teacher and officers of the authority had taken place to discuss development of the site.


                 Representations were now been made to WMDC Highways and Property Services. Highways to check the acceptability of the scheme and property services to investigate transfer of the site to the parish council.


02/168      Planning


a.       Application No 02/99/07547/M – Birkwood House Farm


Application for plant machinery demonstration and operator training area.  The clerk to obtain more details, especially relating to access.


b.      Application No 02/99/19322/U – Redbeck Filling Station


                 Application for permission to sell motor vehicles from site.  The clerk to object on highways grounds.


c.       All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


02/169      Financial Matters    


a.       Accounts


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Miss Reid                                                      48.00

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             249.60

                 PHS Group                                                  163.89

                 PWLB                                                     2,726.25 (Loan charges)

                 Yorkshire Electricity                                      61.19

                 Wakefield MDC                                          305.00 (Leases)

                 West Yorkshire Police                              2,000.00

                 Crofton Cricket Club                                   350.00






02/170      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

- Horizons, Environmental Action Forum

- Hemsworth Area Assembly Meetings Calendar

- Listening Days


                 YLCA                                                  - White Rose Update

- Wakefield Branch Minutes

- Executive Committee Minutes

                                                                             - Freedom of Information Act (2000)                                                        

- Race relations


                 West Yorkshire Police                          - Forum agenda and minutes.

                 Homestart                                            - Letter of thanks

                 Wakefield Hospice                               - Letter of thanks

                 Relate                                                   - Letter of thanks


02/171      Parish Matters


                 1. Care in the Community                    


                 Cllr Jackson asked if a follow up to Peter Loosemore’s public meeting could be arranged with officers of the authority.


                 It was agree that Elaine McHale, Social Services, be invited to attend a future meeting to explain how Wakefield MDC are to implement the changes to community care.


02/172      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 19th November 2002.


02/173      Matters Discussed in Private


1.      Crofton Cricket Club


                 After discussion it was agreed that the cricket club be awarded a grant of £350.







                 Chairman                                                                                                          19th November 2002