Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 20 Nov 2012.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;           3 members of the public

                                    District Councillor; Manifield

                                    PS Jonathan Day, PI Clare and a PCSO Bennett.


11/109             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented the Safe Scheme report covering October to November.

Cllr Chalkley thanked the Police for being in attendance on Remembrance Day.

Cllr Hewitt reported that there were large numbers of youths ranging in age between 10 and 14, along the length of Hare Park Lane (see also 09/073), they were using fireworks. PS Day commented that incidents on Hare Park Lane had been noted in the Police report, 7 calls had been received, in response the area had been visited on a regular basis and would be monitored further.

Cllr Kimbley commented that due to a car parking outside the Royal Oak in front of the bus lane markings, this was causing the school bus to park in an awkward position, this in turn was causing congestion. The police suggested contacting WMDC Highways to have the bus marking extended to resolve the matter. 

Cllr Chalkley asked that they continue to monitor the main access routes through the village and in particular Slack Lane (see minute 10/093 and 10/099) and if necessary issue tickets.                       

Cllr Ripley had noted on most mornings, a Post Office vehicle causing congestion by parking partly on the footpath and partly on the road at Slack Lane. It was suggested that an alternative was to park at the rear of the Post Office to solve the problem. PI Clare duly noted the request.   

Cllr Bennett asked if there was any further information regarding the extension time for The Slipper public house, comment was made that the hearing was not being held till 04 December, but it was noted that the building was for sale.


11/110                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield was unable to give a full update on matters previously raised, as

he was awaiting information from Cllr Cummings.

Cllr Manifield commented on the proposed UK Coal mining project known as Deanfield, despite posting leaflets which provided information and the consultation dates, they had not had much response.

Cllr Ripley voiced his concern about access to the site.

Cllr Towns suggested that the Parish Council needed to establish if it was for or against the proposal.

Cllr Makin queried if there was to be any financial benefit to the village, given the recent comment that the Co-Op mining group had indicated that their project would result in £50000 being shared between the 3 villages involved.

Cllr Bennett commented that if WMDC were not interested in altering the road system for the proposed Bedford Farm development, then the support of

District Councillors would be needed in identifying that this and future developments

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could have a cumulative effect, which will result in problems in the future.

Cllr Chalkley asked Cllr Manifield what benefit this development and future proposals would have for the residents of Crofton, he insisted that this was a question that needed an answer.

With regard to the comment made by Cllr Cummings (see minute 10/092), concerning the meeting to discuss the application for Bedford Farm on Thursday 18 October, Cllr

Wilby stated that a Councillor is an advisor and representative, however she expressed her disappointment that no District Councillors had attended the meeting. They had offered a written statement to oppose the application, but it was not read.

Cllr Manifield was informed that the Parish Council had made a complaint to the leader of Wakefield Council to express concerns about the actions of elected members on the Planning Committee. It was felt the hearing was going to be dismissed before starting and that Parish Council representatives were notably upset about how they had been received and regarded by the planning committee members.

The Parish Council were considering an approach to the Standards Committee about the matter.

Cllr Dart asked Cllr Manifield for an update to be provided for the next meeting on progress made by WMDC Legal Services, concerning the shops and garages on Ashdene Drive (see minute 07/056). A visit to the former Bookmakers site was still to be arranged (see minute 10/092), although it had been noted that the site was for sale.

Cllr Schofield commented on work having been conducted on Church Road but more is needed, Cllr Manifield duly noted this.

Cllr Hewitt stated that overgrown trees opposite the Weavers Green (near the junction of Slack Lane and Doncaster Road), were blocking the drivers view, Cllr Manifield was asked to report this.


11/111                         Public Participation session

A resident asked if PS Day would investigate the parking of a car on the pavement outside the bungalow next to Crofton Garage on High Street. It was thought that it was causing an obstruction.


11/112                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Cummings and Heptinstall.  



11/113                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


11/114                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 October 2012, were subject to change prior to signature.


11/115                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

A response has been received about trees obstructing driving visibility on Doncaster Road, stating that action would be taken, however it was reported that to date, no action had been taken. The Clerk was asked to make further contact with the landlord/owner of the properties.


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Further to contacting WMDC Highways about the reporting of mud on the road, the advice given was that Neighbourhood Action should be contacted, who will make arrangements for cleansing the area. If possible a note of the Contractor’s name and vehicle registration number will be useful as they work with WMDC Highway Enforcement to resolve such matters.

Cllr Manifield informed members he had not yet received a response from WMDC about the repainting of the zebra and No Entry sign at the former Library site, he expected to have an update for the next meeting.

Cllr Bennett informed members that Crofton Academy Headmaster Jez Horsley, had forwarded an apology for not informing the Parish Council of its intention to have a Sixth Form (see minute 10/105). Members were informed that an invitation had been sent to attend an information presentation on the 21      November, regarding the new Post 16 provision in collaboration with Wakefield College.

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had attended a further meeting with Jez Horsley concerning the structure and management plan for the Library, another meeting was planned for January.

Cllr Kimbley informed members that demolition of Hawthorn Court had commenced.

Cllr Kimbley informed members that an inspection of Coppers Lake had now been conducted (see minute 10/105), by Dr Andrew Worthington of Spirex Aquatec Ltd; some of the information received indicated extremely low oxygen content and that de-silting was required to correct a serious imbalance with the ecology of the lake.

Further to confirmation received that the Christmas Lights would be switched at 7pm on Tuesday 04 December, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC to ensure the provision of extra lights to assist the band.


11/116                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Chalkley reported that;

He had attended the Centre to open and close the building for the recent Police Commissioner elections.

Cllr Dart asked the Clerk for an update on changing the electricity supply for the building, he replied that he had yet to arrange a meeting with the independent contractor (see minute 09/080).                

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;                                                                                                              He had been approached by the Police to use the Sidings for a firearms exercise (not using live ammunition) to take place next year, members were supportive of the idea.

He was progressing the application for the provision of lights to aid visibility (see minute 09/080).

Cllr Bennett had been contacted by Mayfair Security stating that the alarm did not always appear to be in operation, the likely cause being the phone line. The Clerk confirmed that BT were not charging the Parish Council as the service had been discontinued but there was an active line to enable the alarm to be operational. It was agreed to monitor the situation prior to taking further action.

The Clerk informed members that he had received a response form Jez Horsley about the use of the Sidings football pitches (see minute 10/105), it was understood that a reciprocal arrangement had been made in which Crofton Juniors were using the Academy pitch at the weekend. The information was duly noted.

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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

The condition of the road through the Hare Park allotments was in a poor condition, he sought Council approval to order some scalping’s to repair the pot holes. Subject to adhering to the financial standing orders, Members agreed to the request.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The work had been completed on the removal of one tree and pruning of the other.

The Contractor appointed had completed a most satisfactory job.


11/117                         Traffic issues

Members discussed the accident that had occurred on Doncaster Road at 15.44 on 09 November 2012, There were multiple injuries sustained as a result of a car colliding head on with a bus, the car had been speeding on the wrong side of the road.

Cllr Chalkley asked the Police Officers in attendance, for further help in seeking a solution to make Doncaster Road safer, PI Clare said they would continue the enforcement of traffic regulations and to contact WMDC Highways to reassess the criteria used to enable a camera to be installed.

He was informed that Doncaster Road was already identified for the designation of a camera and was third on the waiting list, but his offer to contact WMDC was still to be welcomed, as it may move it further up the waiting list.

Cllr Bennett commented that even if agreement was reached for a camera to be installed, it may not occur due to lack of available Government funding.

Cllr Ripley commented that future developments such as the proposed mining works, 9 Lakes and Bedford Farm housing, would increase traffic volume and add to the problems being experienced on Doncaster Road. He suggested that WMDC Service Director for Planning, Transportation and Highways, Ian Thompson and WMDC Highway Officer Keith Bloomfield be invited to a Parish Council meeting, to discuss such concerns, PI Clare offered his support regarding such action.

Cllr Ripley also suggested that such developments listed above, should be asked to contribute to the purchase of a camera should there be a shortfall in funding.


11/118                         Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that discussion had taken place about the development of the plan. Following discussion, members agreed to discuss this further at a meeting to be held on Sunday 02 December at 6pm.


11/119                         Cleansing/Environment

The Clerk had contacted WMDC Highways to ask for action to be taken for the removal of leaves from the footpath and roads which were causing an inconvenience.

It was confirmed that action had now been taken.


11/120                         Planning Notifications

Members noted the content of the information provided for applications and decisions

The Clerk was asked to submit objections to planning applications;

12/01614/FUL, the change of use of land from agricultural field to a caravan and camping site at Haw Park Lane, Wintersett.

12/02151/RPP, the renewal of application 08/03076/FUL for the change of use of

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land from agricultural to recreation at Crofton Community Centre.

Cllr Bennett queried why an application concerning Wintersett was of interest to Crofton, the Clerk explained that Cllr Ripley had asked that the application be added due to the possible impact of traffic upon Crofton.


11/121                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid, was asked about the cost of the PHS invoice and if an alternative supplier could be sourced. The Clerk explained that the invoice had increased by 6% and previous efforts to source an alternative supplier had proved unsatisfactory. The Clerk was asked to contact PHS to query the 6% increase which was much higher than inflation.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk distributed the existing Risk Assessment for the Parish Council. Members agreed to review the content and discuss further at the next meeting.

The Clerk advised members that due to them recently signing the Code of Conduct

which included the need to disclose pecuniary interests, this had created an anomaly

with regard to making decisions at the precept meeting. He advised that a dispensation

may be needed to resolve the matter.

The Clerk informed members that due to changes introduced by the Inland Revenue,

from April next year employers will be required to submit PAYE in real time

(monthly) and not at the year end. To enable this it may be necessary to purchase

software to comply with the requirements. Members duly noted the comments.

Following the issuing of the Agenda, the Clerk informed members that he had

received a letter from WMDC Corporate Services (Finance and Property), concerning

information about provisions to introduce a new local Council Tax support scheme to

replace the existing scheme. The changes may impact on the income the Parish

Council receive via the Precept, however further proposals, if agreed, will not

impact on the income received. In view of this information the Clerk was asked to

contact the Finance department and enquire if the Parish Council would receive

additional money as a result of the Bedford Farm housing development.

With regard to the future salaries of employees, this would be discussed as part of the

Precept meeting held in January each year.


11/122                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular;

Note 6; as part of the pre-application process for the surface mining scheme known as Deanfield (West of New Sharlston), some members had attended the Public Information Exhibition held at the Crofton Community Centre on 07th November.

Note 9; further to receiving information about the application to change the premises licence for the Redbeck Motel, the Parish Council, although being consulted about  licensing applications, changes to licences and temporary event notices, was not a relevant body and therefore unable to submit further comment.

Note 11; having given due consideration to the information received from WMDC Street Scene, WMDC Rights of Way and residents, members asked the Clerk to respond and confirm that the track from the Pavilion to the entrance on Shay Lane, formed part of the cycle track constructed by WMDC Rights of Way and as such was their responsibility.


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Note 12; members were reminded about the invitation to attend the Wakefield Area Forum at Walton Village Hall.

Note 13; Members had no objection to the application submitted by Walton Parish Council for the designation of a neighbourhood area to establish their neighbourhood boundary, the Clerk was asked to make further enquiries about the designation of a Neighbourhood Area for Crofton.


11/123                         Parish matters

Members discussed ideas for improving the copse area (see minute 10/105),

suggestions such as appointing a contractor to remove weeds (near the footpath in particular) re-grassing or increasing the number of cuts, were discussed. Such work would need to be carried out in the Spring, it was therefore decided to make a decision nearer the time.

The Clerk was asked to confirm that a meeting with the Co-Op mining group would be more suitable in the New Year, when a more substantive update on the project would be available.

The Clerk had received an e-mail from the Crofton Academy Headmaster Jez Horsley requesting an update on the repair to the stone boundary wall, following discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Chalkley would discuss the matter further with Mr Horsley.

Cllr Schofield commented on the condition of the footpath leading through the Churchyard from Ashdene Crescent and what action could be taken. The Clerk commented that he had approached WMDC Highway Network Management and quoting S31 of the Highway Act 1980, which confers a power to dedicate the footpath, he had been informed that the Act did not impose a maintenance responsibility and therefore the Authority would not accept it onto the maintenance programme.


11/124                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 18 December 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


11/125             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/126                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing discussed


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council