Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15 November 2011.                             

Present;          Councillors,  Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, , Makin, Ripley,

                                              Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.

In attendance;                     2 members of the public

                                              District Councillors Cummings and Manifield.


11/110             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented his report covering 18 Oct  to 15 Nov .

Cllr Chalkley commented on the notable increase in crime on the report.

Cllr Towns asked if the increase in the number of incidents coincided with the onset of winter and dark nights, Cllr Makin commented that traditionally there was some correlation between such occurrences.

Cllr Hewitt asked if PS Day was aware of a report of an assault which had occurred in the village, but he had received no information concerning this.

PS Day was informed of the number of incidents resulting from the anti social behaviour of a family living at 91a High Street, it was felt that the agent was at fault for letting the property to unsuitable tenants. Cllr Chalkley asked PS Day and District Councillors to combine their effort to resolve the matter and suggested that the Wakefield NPT, PCSO’s and ASB units also be utilised.

Cllr Voros voiced his concern about cars parking on the footpath near to the surgery on Slack Lane, which was causing an obstruction to pedestrians.

Cllr Bennett commented on the report seen in the Wakefield Express about the new Marsh Way development (Trinity Walk) being granted an alcohol exclusion order despite the area not being subject to any recorded incidents. There appeared to be a different criteria applied to the granting of alcohol exclusion zones when considering that Crofton was unable to achieve the same status despite repeated requests and recorded incidents.

Cllr Cummings explained that there was no such thing as an alcohol exclusion zone, it was in fact classed as an alcohol designation order, which gives the Police the right to seize and dispose of alcohol in an area. In this instance Trinity Walk management had paid for the order to be instigated, it was also confirmed that any such order would need the support of the police for approval, which they had done for this order.


11/111                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

Cllr Wrigg thanked Cllr Cummings for dealing with a private matter.

District Councillors reported that;

A number of residents had asked if action was to be taken on WDH properties which had overgrown trees, they confirmed that a survey was to be undertaken to establish responsibility, a particular area of concern was Middle Lane.

Since the removal of the phone box on Santingley Lane the area left had been used as a public toilet, District Councillors were seeking a solution with WDH.

Speed signs had now been erected on Shay Lane.

There had been incidents of cold calling in the Cambridge Crescent/Kendal Drive

area, this had been reported to the Police, they had arranged for PCSO’s to be deployed there. No cold calling leaflets had also been distributed in an effort to deter

those responsible.

There was also other incidents concerning companies offering services at a cost to

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residents to have their Council Tax banding reduced, however it was confirmed that residents can apply to do this directly at no charge.

Cllr Voros informed members that he had also received nuisance telephone calls from a company offering to sell his house despite it not being for sale.

Cllr Manifield asked if Mr Thompson had replied to the Parish Council regarding the Nine Lakes project, the Clerk confirmed he had (see minute.11/116).

Cllr Makin asked if the project was stalling, it was reported that the landowners involved (including WMDC), were not in agreement and this was causing a delay.

Further comment on the subject was submitted by Cllr Dart who stated that the project managers, Spawforths Associates, had applied to the Regional Growth Fund, Cllr Ripley stated that planning permission was needed but no plans had been submitted.

In response to the question about the closure of some libraries, Cllr Cummings confirmed that no decision had yet been taken concerning the closure of Crofton library, an evaluation was taking place and a result would be known in the New Year, following that, then decisions would be made.

In support of keeping the library open, Cllr Dart informed Cllr Cummings that she had information showing the usage of Crofton Library and that it was cost effective, she also asked if the library could be protected as it was connected to the High School, however Cllr Cummings was unsure as the school was now an academy and no longer associated with the Local Education Authority.

Cllr Hewitt asked Cllr Cummings to report the flooding on Hare Park Lane.

Cllr Chalkley asked Cllr Cummings if the leaders of the Coppers Lake Fishing Group had been CRB checked, Cllr Cummings stated that in this instance it was not a legal requirement only a recommendation.


11/112                         Public Participation session

A resident from Bedford Farm Court commented on the increasing incidence of youths congregating in the arch way entrance. Abusive language and disturbing behaviour was being endured by residents particularly on an evening, he asked that the Police patrol the area, PS Day duly noted the request.

A resident commented further on the library provision (see minute 11/111) and felt that books provided were geared towards the needs of youths rather than offering varied reading to all groups,


11/113                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor; Lodge (none received).

Councillors; Affleck and Kimbley.


11/114                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


11/115                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 October 2011, were subject to change prior to signature.


11/116                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Cllr Bennett provided information to members following the meeting held with Graham West of WMDC Highways:

Coppers Lake; Despite information received to the contrary, additional storage space

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had been created, de-silting had taken place and existing silt traps are to be re-instated

and maintained. The Lake is now classified as a reservoir which will preserve its future and involve the Environment Agency carrying out inspections to the headwall.

A camera survey had been conducted throughout the outlet pipe, tree roots from residents gardens were seen to be encroaching into the pipe, it was noted that residents may not be aware that the pipe was crossing their property.

Adoption of Ginnels; He would promote the un-adopted footpath but advised that improvement work was unlikely due to priority requirements and funding. Cllr Bennett suggested that this matter should be raised again to ensure it is adopted.

Salt provision; Following information received (see minute 11/123 note 5.), members agreed to take a delivery, the Clerk would contact WMDC Highways and request that 2 tons be delivered in 25kg bags to the Sports Pavilion, members were to be informed when the delivery would take place. It was noted that the salt was to be used on the adopted highway not on private roads or driveways.

Boundary Signs; The location of the signs were discussed, the Clerk was asked to forward information to Mr West about the request to purchase signs, to enable a cost to be provided.

Other; With regard to the recently discussed speed ramps to be placed at the junction of High Street and Slack Lane, since Parish Councils could now provide Highway Schemes this could be pursued further with funding from the Parish Council and the design and construction work carried out by WMDC Highways.

The request for slow signs and ghost islands on Doncaster Road were the responsibility of WMDC Officer Keith Bloomfield, in view of this, members agreed that the Clerk request a meeting with him to discuss the above requests and also the provision of a speed ramp. To give weight to the request Mr West would inform Mr Bloomfield of the discussion that had taken place with Cllrs Bennett and Chalkley.

Members duly noted the meeting arranged with the Coal Mining Co-operative representative Mr Birch on 29 Nov at 18.30.

PHS the service provider for the Sports Pavilion, had been contacted again, a meeting had been arranged with Cllrs Bennett and Makin (see minute 11/117).

A response had been received from Ian Thomson WMDC Service Director for Planning, the Clerk read out the content of the letter which stated that WMDC were not leading the project and were seeking clarification about future public consultation which was expected in the Autumn (see minute 11/111).

A request had been sent to Spawforth Associates to arrange a meeting, a date had been offered but had been declined, the Clerk had offered alternative dates and was awaiting a response.


11/117                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

A request to use the Parish Centre for PACT meetings had been received, following discussion members agreed that the centre would be made available on Monday evenings with no charge levied.

The Working Party were to meet on Sunday 20 November to discuss a maintenance

programme of work and the appointment of a cleaner.

Report Village Association


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Cllr Bennett reported that;

A meeting had taken place with PHS, a new contract had been signed for the preceeding 12 month period. Agreement had been reached to remedy the blocked urinals and replace the hair dryers and sanitary bins.

Cllr Bennett raised concerns that the recently appointed cleaner was not following procedure with regard to her duties, although it was accepted that the cleaning work which had been carried out had resulted in a marked improvement, suggestions of how to improve the building and what needed to be changed and the removal of goods was subject to consultation not subject to demand.

Youths had been seen on the roof it was agreed to use anti climb paint (as previously used on the Parish Centre) to deter this practice, a warning sign would have to be erected.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt  reported that;

He had ordered a quantity of rat poison which he would distribute. 

He was pleased with the overall appearance and the ongoing improvements being made at the Hare Park allotments. 

He was concerned with the lack of progress by the High School on their allotment at Pontefract Road, he would enquire the reason for this.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that the working party had met and discussed what action to take concerning memorial masons not following procedure. It was agreed that the services of G Hill & Son would not be used in future, however E Walters had contacted the Clerk and resolved the outstanding problem concerning his memorial.

The reserved plots (see min 10/109) for Mr Graham had been discussed, it was agreed to offer him 2 other choices in an attempt to resolve the confusion, the Clerk would confirm this by letter and subject to approval by the resident he would alter the cemetery records.

In view of the problems caused by reserving plots, Cllr Towns suggested that any future allocation be withdrawn, members agreed, the Clerk would ensure that this was added to the cemetery rules.


11/118                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley had recently attended a Road Safety meeting, discussion had taken place that the group may be disbanded due to recent problems such as non-attendance and minutes not being distributed. A lack of support from the Police and WMDC had resulted in the future of the group being brought into question.


11/119                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that the plan was expected to be available for the New Year.


11/120                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report


11/121                         Planning Notifications

Cllr Dart commented on planning application 11/01850/FUL (see minute 10/103), the Clerk had submitted comment to WMDC Planning about the safety of pedestrians and the condition of the car park, however it was thought that a letter to the property

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owner should be sent to further enforce action to be taken, a picture of the car park was to accompany the letter.


11/122                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Further to distributing the Risk Assessment to all members, it was agreed that changes would need to be made to the current issue, the Clerk was asked to implement the changes and re- distribute the revised version for a decision to be reached at the December 2011 meeting.


11/123                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular;

Note 5; the offer from WMDC to accept a delivery of rock salt would be accepted (see min 11/116). WMDC were also offering to supply blue bins filled with rock salt, the Clerk was asked to enquire what the cost for such provision would be.

Note 7; the new Police non-emergency contact number 101 was duly noted.


11/124                         Parish matters

Further to information received from Cllr Kimbley concerning the Sidings playing field being used by a group of people for dog training, members were not aware of any official approach concerning this, however, it was reported that WMDC Dog Wardens had previously used the field without permission for such activities.

Cllr Ripley informed members he had reported to the Clerk that there was a water stop tap cover missing from the footpath on High Street, however it was confirmed that the cover had now been replaced.

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he and Cllrs Makin and Bennett, had attended the signing of the Parish Charter. He and Cllr Makin had also attended the Remembrance Festival at Wakefield Cathedral, he stated that the evening was most enjoyable and well attended.

Cllr Chalkley thanked all those who had attended the Remembrance Service on Doncaster Road.

The Christmas Lights ‘switch on’ would be at 7pm on Monday 28th November.

Cllr Dart informed members that the Ryhill PC web site was operated by a Parish Councillor, the projected cost to host the site was £70, the Parish Councillor had offered his services should members wish to pursue the matter.


11/125                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 20 December 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


11/126             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/127                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing to report


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council