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Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 16th November 2010.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       3 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield


11/109             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report covering 01st October to the 16th November.

He also introduced the Police Officers for the Ward 5 area.

Cllr Bennett requested that attention be given to cars parking at Crofton Infant School as it was causing congestion, PS Day duly noted the request and stated that he had previously visited the area due to concerns previously raised, he was aware that having a presence there acted as a deterrent.

Cllr Wrigg informed PS Day that youths were still entering the disused shop on Hawthorn Avenue, he assured her that he was aware of the situation and action would be taken.

Cllr Chalkley asked PS Day to arrange a meeting with Inspector Carlson, he duly noted the request.

Cllr Chalkley asked members if they had any areas they wished specifically to be patrolled, Hawthorn Avenue was requested and also Hare Park Lane, Cllr Bennett was aware that the main area of policing was centred around High Street but he asked that ‘the area’, was spread further.

Due to the expected number of people attending the switching on of the Christmas Lights, PS Day was asked to ensure a police presence for the occasion.


11/110             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield updated members on previous matters raised.

He had received information from WDH Officer Paul Harvey, that the “no cold calling” initiative would need time to become established before other areas were to be considered.

The trees at the junction of Shay Lane & Hawthorn Avenue were due to be inspected and if they presented a danger action would be taken, it was mentioned that WDH were considering appointing their own tree surgeon.

Further to WMDC Highway Maintenance giving an assurance that they would carry out the work to resolve the problem caused by the incorrect position of lampposts on Doncaster Road, he would be seeking written confirmation this had been completed.

Further to the request to have lampposts sited on the ginnel leading from Ashdene Crescent to the Church, WMDC had informed him that there was no funding available to enable this in the current financial year, Cllr Bennett asked that he monitor the situation as it was possibly a health and safety issue that would need to be addressed.

With regard to the former shop on Slack Lane, although litter had been removed the overgrown vegetation was still a problem, he was informed by WMDC Officer Mick Duffield, that they would be contacting the owner to enable further action to be taken.

In an attempt to resolve the flooding outside Crofton High School, an inspection was

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to be arranged during a spell of wet weather, Cllr Manifield was asked to liaise with WMDC Highway Maintenance Officer Paul Platts, who was aware of the problem as the matter was discussed at a recent meeting held with Parish Councillors.

District Councillors were also asked to liaise with WMDC Officer Andrew Skelton,

who had also attended the above meeting, concerning improvements to the approach road to the Sports Pavilion.

Cllr Bennett commented on the appalling condition of the road surface at Springhill

Avenue/Mount and asked that district councillors visit the area to witness the problem Cllr Cummings informed members that she was pursuing information concerning the previously reported shop on Hawthorn Avenue, although the shop was secure the garage was being used for unpleasant activity. 

An answer had yet to be ascertained concerning the fishing of Coppers Lake.

Cllr Bennett questioned a previous report stating that the bollards in the cycle track had been removed, but they were still there.

Cllr Chalkley asked District Councillors if they could suggest any action that could be taken to address the problem concerning the number of accidents and fatalities on Doncaster Road.  He was frustrated that despite the road being identified as a priority for action to be taken, funding cuts had resulted in no progress.

Cllr Cummings expressed her frustration at not being able to present Parish Councillors with a resolution to their concerns.

Cllr Jacques took the opportunity to invite both District and Parish Councillors to the Crofton Art Group Exhibition taking place at Shay Lane Primary School on Saturday 20th November 2010.

Cllr Chalkley informed all present that he along with Cllr Makin and the Clerk, had attended the Remembrance Service at Wakefield Cathedral on behalf of the Parish Council, he had noted that there was no presence of local MP’s at the event.


11/111             Public Participation session

A resident asked the District Councillor if there was any news to the request to have the bushes cut back on Rectory Crescent (see minute 09/075). Cllr Cummings offered to make further enquiries.

A resident confirmed that the land drainage channel (see minute 06/038) on Hare Park Sidings has now been cleared of debris.


11/112             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge

Councillors; Healy and Smithson.


11/113             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Ripley declared his interest with regard planning application 10/02054/FUL.


11/114             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th October 2010, were subject to change prior to signing.


11/115             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Information from representatives of the Crofton Scout Group.

The new Scout Leader confirmed that the grounds had now been given attention, the

gas bottles had been removed and some goods that were being stored in the hut had

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now been removed.

The treasurer informed members of the cost of hiring school premises for their meetings and asked for a contribution of £480 from the Parish Council.            Members agreed to discuss the request further, under item 18 on the agenda.

The Scout Group Leader was asked to supply the Clerk with keys for the entrance gate and the Scout Hut.

Cllr Towns sought an assurance from them that recent improvements would be maintained.

Cllr Chalkley thanked them both for attending the meeting.


The Clerk reported that;

Despite contacting CE Electric and receiving an acknowledgment that the sub station

would be cleaned of debris and foliage, this had yet to occur, the clerk was asked

to pursue this matter further.

Arrangements had been made to have the tree in the Parish Centre grounds cut back.

Further to confirmation that WMDC were responsible for the grassed area at the former Crofton Library site, the Clerk had requested that action be taken to deter vehicles parking on the area and therefore causing damage to the grass. As yet he had not received a response.


11/116             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that;

The notice board outside the Centre had now been treated.

The Clerk confirmed that a Public Notice had been issued in accordance with Financial Regulations 2010, to obtain quotes for the erection of perimeter fencing at the Parish Centre.

Confirmation had been received that planning permission would be needed.

Report Village Association

The working party had carried out an inspection of the property and reported as follows:

The shower drainage channel was cracked and would need attending to.

Painting was needed

Comment was also made about the cleanliness of the interior, particularly the toilets and shower areas, it was agreed to discuss this matter at the next meeting.

The Clerk confirmed that WMDC Property Management required that the information already provided for the Wind Turbine, needed to be supported with detailed drawings, before they would grant permission for the land to be used to erect the Turbine. 

Cllr Chalkley had prepared detailed figures to enable members to give consideration to a decision on the Wind Turbine installation, it was thought that whilst awaiting permission from WMDC Property, that a visit to observe a similar turbine in operation would be beneficial.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had been locking the gates to the Hare Park allotments on a more frequent basis

following information that the travelling community had been sighted in the area.



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He confirmed that a meeting had been arranged for the steering group involved with

the Pontefract Road allotments, it would take place at the High School on the 22nd November at 3.20pm.

Report Parish Cemetery

The Clerk confirmed that the public notice discussed under the parish centre report, was applicable to the erection of fencing at the Cemetery. 

Confirmation was obtained that planning permission was not needed in this instance. Subject to the quotes received being to budget expectation, work was likely to commence late December.


11/117             Discuss Traffic issues

Members who had attended the recent meeting with representatives of WMDC Highways, had been given a copy of the minutes taken by Cllr Bennett, he asked that they contact him should they have any further comment before they were submitted to Wakefield Council.


11/118             Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he would arrange another public meeting, probably in January, to seek views of residents before the final draft of the plan was produced.


11/119             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Hewitt noted that the WMDC road sweeper had been active in the village.


11/120             Planning Notifications

Members asked the Clerk to re-submit previous comments lodged against planning application 10/02054/FUL.


11/121             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid.

Members felt that the cost involved in preparing drawings and support information for planning applications had not been discussed sufficiently. Members agreed that in future, approval must be sought at the Parish Council meeting before such costs are incurred.                                       

Members discussed the Risk Management for the Parish Council, it was agreed to change the wording for the Employer Liability section and the Inland Revenue risk,

to include that any percentage increase in wages, will be that awarded by Unison to Local Government staff.


11/122             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 1; Cllr Towns agreed to be nominated for a vacancy on the Rural Action Yorkshire Trustee Board, the Clerk would make further enquiries concerning the requirements of nomination.

Note 10; Members agreed to discuss this matter under item 18 on the Agenda.


11/123             Parish matters

Information was provided on the recent meeting with the Coal Mining Co-operative

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representative. The presentation given had proved interesting and it was generally felt

to be a good idea, but it would require much commitment. Should any further help be requested, it was agreed to support a public meeting to encourage volunteers to join the co-operative.

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had received correspondence concerning a meeting to be held by WMDC on the 01st December. The subject matter was the future spending plans of the District Council, he asked members to contact him should they had anything they wished discussed. 

It was confirmed that Crofton Silver Band would be performing at the Christmas Lights ‘switch on’.


11/124             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 21st December 2010 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


11/125             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/126             Matters to be discussed in private

A proposal to part pay the donation to the Scout Group, was proposed by Cllr Jacques  and seconded by Cllr Duffy.

A proposal to pay the donation in full to the Scout Group was proposed by Cllr Ripley and seconded by Cllr Towns.


Members voted as follows;     Part payment  For 2

                                                Full payment; For 8


Cllr Smithson would be disqualified for non-attendance.


Members were in agreement that future payments to the PWLB could be paid by BACS transfer, having observed that the payment was a fixed amount per year.



Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council