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Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17th November 2009.                            


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Healy, Hewitt, Jacques, Ripley, Schofield, Smithson, Towns and Voros.


In attendance;                       3 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


11/110                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the month of October 2009.

He was informed of a black car seen constantly causing an obstruction by parking outside the Doctors Surgery.

Cllr Voros made PC Daley aware of problems he had experienced with youths outside the Post Office.

Cllr Schofield asked if PC Daley would attend at the cemetery grounds after the meeting, to disperse youths who had gathered there

Cllr Chalkley made PC Daley aware of the Cold Calling initiative being introduced by WDH and the Trading Standards and asked him to thank the officers who had attended at the Remembrance Service.

Cllr Cummings informed members that she had recently experienced attending a Friday night with Safe Scheme officers in the Walton/Crofton area, she witnessed the benefit of having the Scheme in place.

PC Derek Farr based at Normanton, introduced himself as the Neighbourhood Watch Officer. He spoke of his intentions for the area and provided literature on house safety. Cllr Ripley suggested distributing leaflets to inform residents of the scheme.


11/111                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised.

She informed members that she had been approached by several people asking if Anglers Park was to become a Theme Park or be subject to Open Casting. Although there was some permitted development she would provide information to the Smoke Signal to clarify the matter.

Cllr Cummings was asked to assist with the following;

Cllr Schofield stated the seat situated at Weeland Road/Doncaster Road had been removed without notice.

Cllr Hewitt asked if she would arrange a meeting with WMDC Officer Graham West to discuss flooding.

Cllr Ripley asked if an approach could be made to WMDC to change the name of the Walton Nature Reserve to incorporate that of Crofton.

Cllr Ripley also stated that the Traffic Warden on Harrison Road needed advising on her technique as she tended to jump out at vehicles and he was concerned she may get injured.

A resident stated that there was no traffic sign to inform residents leaving Brand Hill Drive and Thorntree Avenue about the 20mph speed limit on Shay Lane.

Due to housing improvement works in the Middle Lane/Beech Avenue area, a number

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of contractors vehicles had been parked without consideration to other road users. Cllr Cummings was asked to contact WDH to try resolve this problem. PC Daley was also asked to assist.

Another resident reported that the dog bin sited at the Coppers Lake fields had been removed and asked if it could be replaced.

Cllr Hewitt expressed concern that a contractor engaged by the School was trying to gain access to the Sidings via Hare Park Lane to repair some school fencing. The gate was locked so the contractor hack sawed the chain link which locks the gate to gain access. Cllr Hewitt explained to him that the school did have keys to the gate and that he should not have 'vandalised' the chain link. Cllr Cummings was asked to investigate.

Having received documentation from WMDC that they would accept Public Liability for the cycle track, Cllr Bennett commented that it did not state liability from the Pavilion to the Shay Lane entrance.

He also asked Cllr Cummings to report to WMDC Highways, that the flooding experienced from Sandown Avenue to the High School, was a drainage problem and not because of the level of the road, which had been given as the reason.
Members asked when Recycling bins would replace the boxes presently being used, Cllr Cummings stated this would be in 12/18 months.

Cllr Smithson asked if any information could be provided concerning work to be done at Coppers Lake.


11/112                         Public Participation session

A resident in attendance stated the storm drain on the Sidings Field at the rear of Holly Close, needed to be cleared, Cllr Ripley would contact WMDC Environmental Officer Mark Cropley about the matter as he had previously been consulted regarding this problem.

Another resident complained about the amount of litter to the rear of the Community Centre, he was provided with the phone number for the Neighbourhood Action Team

and advised to report the matter.

He also asked when repairs would take place to improve the road from the Community Centre to Middle Lane, it was suggested that this would take place when other planning works were commenced.

The disused Sunblest Van on Spring Lane, was still present and creating an eyesore the Clerk would contact Nostell Priory Estates and gauge their response before deciding on further action. One suggested course of action was to report the matter to Wakefield Express.

Cllr Bennett asked if Cllr Cummings could enquire about having the fishing platforms returned to Coppers Lake.

Cllr Ripley also reported that bins were missing on Doncaster Road and one that was left on the floor, Cllr Cummings duly noted the areas in question and would seek to resolve the problems.


11/113                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge and Isherwood

Councillors Makin and Wrigg.


11/114                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters

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11/115                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th October 2009, were subject to change before being signed by the Chairman.


11/116                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that following a letter received in May 2009 from the Director of Passenger Services at Metro, stating he would discuss the withdrawal of the bus

service on Pontefract Road with the Managing Director of Arriva, he had yet to receive a response despite sending reminder letters. It was suggested that should he be unable to obtain a response then the matter should be reported to the Wakefield Express.

In response to the letter from WMDC Highway Network about why the road closure on Santingley Lane was necessary, members were concerned with how it was managed rather than the reason for the closure.

Members discussed information received from YRCC and Darrington PC about the introduction of a Parish Plan. It was agreed that a meeting should be held on Tuesday 08th December at 7pm at the Parish Centre to discuss an action plan.

The Road Safety Officer for WMDC School Crossing Patrol, had provided a response and an explanation of what action was taken following the absence of a patrol officer.

However they had experienced difficulty recruiting cover for the role.


11/117                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that the Centre had received quite a number of bookings.

A hand dryer had now been placed in the toilet area.

The external wood cladding had been treated.

Arrangements had been made to clean the windows and pvcu cladding every two  months.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett reported that a security check had been undertaken, so the Clerk could expect an invoice for such services.

He reported that the light fittings were failing and would need replacing, he asked members to consider an offer of funding towards the cost of replacement.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that new tenants were due to commence cultivating their allotments.

Members were in agreement to a request for the hire of a skip.

Members gave consideration to a request from a Walton resident for an allotment at Oak Street, but decided that the prevailing rules be adhered to, which excluded anyone not resident in the village.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield had nothing to report.

Cllr Smithson stated that rare albino crows had been spotted in the area, it had been reported to the RSPB.


11/118                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Smithson asked what action could be taken with regard to the parking of cars outside Sainsburys supermarket which were causing congestion.

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He was informed that the Parish Council had previously attempted to address this situation, they had been informed by the WMDC Senior Traffic Engineer that within a village setting, congestion is one of the most effective forms of traffic calming. To remove the restrictions on the opposite side of the road may lead to speed increases and detrimental effects on fronting residents. However he had proposed to undertake a detailed investigation and possibly write to residents who would be affected by changes to parking restrictions.

Cllr Chalkley would also report the matter to PC Daley for consideration.


11/119                         Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


11/120                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Schofield commented on the road sweeper that was in operation on a Saturday and Sunday on Ashdene Drive, he questioned the efficiency of this when considering the number of parked cars which restricted its progress.


11/121                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.


11/122                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Cllr Jacques queried why there was no income recorded against Hare Park Pavilion, the Clerk stated that income received as a result of the recent payment of invoices agreement, was recorded in the Miscellaneous column under the Income heading.


11/123                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 1;

Cllr Smithson was given the information on the Plunkett Foundation to enquire if funding was available for a local initiative.

Note 6;

Cllr Towns was given the Country Air magazine.


11/124                         Parish matters

Members listened to a presentation given by a representative of the Energy Saving Trust, it was their intention to send letters and visit residents to provide information about insulating their homes and what assistance was available.

Cllr Smithson had given a petition to the Clerk, which in turn had been distributed to members for their consideration. The petition had over 160 names supporting a request for an improvement and extension to the existing Crofton Skate Park.

Cllr Healey informed members that prior to the receipt of the petition, she had a pre-arranged meeting with Cllr Cummings in January to discuss improvements to the play area (since it was owned by WMDC). It was suggested that she should discuss the petitions content with Cllr Cummings and the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Parks and Public Realm asking for their consideration.


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Cllr Smithson informed members of comments he had received about constant foul language being used at football matches on the Sidings, he asked what action could be taken to stop this. Cllr Chalkley suggested that a letter be sent from the Parish Council to the Referees Association asking them to take responsibility. The Clerk would contact Cllr Chalkley to obtain the information.

Cllr Hewitt informed members that the bridge connecting Hare Park Lane to the private road on the other side was to be replaced. Although there may be a fault with the existing structure, he was somewhat surprised that considering the cost and

logistics involved to enable this, it seemed inappropriate as it was not a public thoroughfare. The Clerk was asked to establish if the private road was a public Right of Way.

Cllr Jacques confirmed the arrangements for the Christmas lights to be switched at 7pm on Tuesday 01st December (see minute 09/088).

Cllr Bennett provided the Clerk with a list of trees that were overhanging the Highway, he was asked to contact the WMDC Highway Enforcement to have them pruned.

Comment was made regarding the on-going enquiry received from residents of Pinfold Drive, concerning trees to the rear of their property (see minute 07/062) which was on Parish Council owned land. It was felt that the engagement of an independent tree surgeon might be the best course of action subject to budget provision.

Cllr Chalkley thanked everyone who attended the Remembrance Service.

Following the response received from WMDC Planning Services that under the umbrella of Schedule 2; Part 12 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, had enabled the cycle track to be allowed as permitted development, Cllr Bennett had obtained a copy of the Act.

Having provided information to members of the content, the question of whether to consider a legal challenge to be made against the development was raised. Members voted; 3 For, 5 Against, to not pursue such an action.

A letter was received from a resident concerning dogs on the public footpath from Larkdale Farm to Walton, this was to be placed on the Agenda and discussed at the next Parish Council meeting. 


11/125                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15th December 2009 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


11/126             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/127                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.



Signed                                                                         Date                                               Chairman Crofton Parish Council