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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18th November 2008.                             


Present;          Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Hewitt, Jacques Makin, Ripley, Schofield and Towns.


In attendance;                       2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


11/109             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the month of October 2008.

Cllr Towns asked if both incidents involving fuel thefts, had occurred at the Redbeck Petrol station, he answered that only one was.

Cllr Ripley informed PC Daley that the former coal site off Santingley Lane, was being used by 4x4 vehicles and quad bikes for off-road driving. More worrying was the incidence of shooting fowl. Having checked with UK Coal, no permission had been granted to anyone for such purposes, PC Daley was asked to investigate.

Possible drug dealing by the occupants of a blue car seen regularly parked on Hare Park Lane, was reported by Cllr Hewitt to PC Daley, he was asked to investigate.

Cllr Bennett asked if the new style format for the SAFE Scheme report could be changed back to the previous format, in particular the top section.


11/110             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings offered her apologies for not being able to attend the Remembrance Sunday event in Crofton due to other commitments, she also provided members with the following information;  

The road resurfacing programme for Ashdene Drive would commence from Monday 24th November 2008.

A programme for the replacement of external doors and increased lighting by WDH had commenced, this was due to the number of burglaries that had occurred in Bedford Close.

June Rothwell WMDC Environment Manager, had been approached to confirm arrangements for the collection of leaves from the footpaths and highways.

Following the request from Cllr Duffy K, for an extra bin for the Parish Centre, the WMDC Environment team leader for Crofton had confirmed that although the request for a replacement bin had initially been denied, a re-appraisal of the situation would be undertaken.

Regarding the investment by WMDC in Icelandic Banks, although the money was unlikely to be returned, this had yet to be confirmed.

Cllr Hewitt asked Cllr Cummings if she could make enquiries about having land adjacent to Doncaster Road/Pinfold Drive cleared of debris, Cllr Cummings was aware of the land in question and stated it was privately owned by a farmer, she would contact WMDC about the matter.

Cllr Cummings was asked to contact Highway Maintenance about the grate/drain cover adjacent to Premier Stores which was reported in September (see Minute 09/074), was still in need of attention.


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11/111             Public Participation session

Members listened to a speech from a resident concerned about the damage caused by fluoride in water.

Another resident asked why the brick bus shelter had been replaced with a Perspex shelter. The Clerk stated that the Parish Council should have been consulted on a replacement shelter but had not been, an investigation by WYPTE was underway to establish why this procedure had not been adhered to.

Following a report he had received from WMDC Officer Graham West, Cllr Bennett informed all those present about the progress of works at Coppers Lake.


11/112             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge and Isherwood

Councillors, Duffy S, Duffy K, Voros and Wrigg.


11/113             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters.


11/114             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st October 2008, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


11/115             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk informed members of the content of the letter received from WMDC Transportation & Highways concerning signal timings, having considered the response given, members asked the Clerk to invite the writer to a meeting of the Parish Council.

Members discussed the results of the survey for the electrical inspection carried out on the Scout Hut, in view of the content, it was agreed that the money required to improve the system would be allocated in the next financial year.

No further information had been received about the replacement shelter (see minute 11/111).

The Clerk had now received the sale particulars for the vacant land on Slack Lane, they were distributed at the meeting to members, for consideration.

No response as yet had been received from WMDC Highway Enforcement, concerning the garage doors, the Clerk would endeavour to seek a response.


11/116             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Clerk informed members that he had received no response to the letter sent to the cleaner about attendance, Cllr Jacques asked that he pursue the matter further and ascertain an answer.

Members were informed that the premises had been hired for a Police Meeting the following evening.

Report Village Association

The Clerk informed members that he had received a response to the letter sent to the cleaner, which confirmed when she was in attendance.

There were no other matters to report.


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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt informed members of an arson attack, which had occurred at the Oak Street allotment site and which had damaged sheds, he asked if PC Daley was aware of this incident, but he had received no report concerning this matter.

Members discussed whether the cost of an allotment tenancy should be increased for the next allotment year (January to December), after due consideration, it was agreed that the working party would discuss this matter at a later date to seek agreement.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield informed members that a further quote (see minute 10/108), had been received which was more competitive, members agreed to accept this and asked the Clerk to liaise with Cllr Schofield to proceed with placing an order.

Members discussed the issue of a former resident who had recently died but wished to be buried in the cemetery, after due consideration and with reference to the cemetery rules Section 1 (ii), permission was granted.


11/117             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


11/118             Parish Leases

The Clerk informed members that no response had been received from WMDC concerning the cost for maintaining the Priory Field site. With regard to the cost proposed by WMDC to cut the hedge (see minute 09/079), Cllr Cummings suggested to members that an application be made to the Community Chest for the amount needed.

It was suggested that an approach to Crofton High School about using their pitches could provide an alternative to the Priory Fields.

The use of the pitch at Crofton Community Centre was also suggested, but after some discussion it was agreed not to pursue this idea.


11/119             Cleansing/Environment

It had been noted that overgrown bushes at 1 Ashdene Crescent were causing an obstruction to pedestrians, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Environment to have them cut back.


11/120             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to the planning applications they had received, the Clerk informed members, he had again objected to the re-submission of the Planning

Application received for 14 Farnham Way.


11/121             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Cllr Chalkley suggested extra lighting would enhance the Christmas Light display, members were agreeable to this.


11/122             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received in particular;                                 Note 3, having given due consideration to the content of the letter from the 31st


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Wakefield (Crofton) Brownies, members agreed to support the request for financial support.


11/123             Parish matters

Cllr Bennett informed members that the perspex bus shelter at Pinfold Drive/ Doncaster Road had been vandalised, a brick bus shelter would not have been damaged to such an extent, which provided a reason why they should be kept and maintained.

Further to the comment from Cllr Hewitt concerning blood tests (see minute 10/105), he had ascertained the reason for the delay was due to the nurse, who conducted the tests, being in attendance only one day a week. This had now been identified as a problem and Cllr Hewiitt had been informed that the system would be changed to alleviate the time delay.

Members were made aware that the bus service along Pontefract Road had been suspended, the Clerk was asked to contact the WYPTE, to ascertain the reason for this and what alternative arrangements would be introduced.


11/124             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 16th December 2008 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


11/125             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/126             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.




Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council