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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 20th November 2007.                             


Present;                      Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Hewitt, Jacques, Schofield, Towns and Voros.


In attendance;                        approx 30 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Isherwood.


11/895             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of September and October 2007. Residents in attendance took the opportunity to ask that he give attention to the number of youths now congregating in the Greenside area, a

suggestion to deal with alleviating this problem was to introduce outreach workers which was in use by a neighbouring authority.


11/896             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

With regard to the number of residents in attendance and the extra time envisaged to let them voice their concerns, District Councillor Cummings thought it would be more appropriate to let the Clerk circulate to members the responses received from Wakefield MDC about matters raised at the previous meeting.


11/897             Public Participation session

The residents in attendance wanted to make the Parish Council members aware of the rat problem being experienced in the Greenside Park area of Crofton and to ascertain what action they could take to alleviate the problem. After listening to the information and suggestions provided, residents were given an assurance by Cllr Chalkley that the Parish Council would liaise with District Councillors and organise an appropriate response to there concerns.The Clerk was given a number of the residents’ e-mail addresses and was asked to communicate to them what that response would be.

Residents were also asked to contact the Neighbourhood Action Team to make them aware of the situation.

A resident voiced concerns that the directional markings in the village were insufficient, he was informed that the Parish Council were seeking to address this situation with WMDC Highway Maintenance.


11/898             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Manifield.

Councillors; Bennett, Brown, Duffy K, Duffy S, Makin, Ripley and Wrigg.


11/899             Declarations of Interest

None declared.


11/900             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th October 2007, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


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11/901             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk informed members he had received an apology from Mr Stead the Scout Leader about not contacting him, but they had now tidied the area by the Scout Hut and had also planted 50 new trees on the Sidings as a gesture of goodwill.

Members duly noted when meetings were held by the Licensing Committee and the ownership of the War Memorial. Responses to the questions posed to WMDC Environment and Highways Maintenance had not been received at the time of the meeting, the Clerk was asked to ascertain a response and inform members accordingly.


11/902             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques informed members that preparatory works had commenced, the builders had laid the concrete bases for the steel supports and the electricians had commenced the first fix. A broken window had now been replaced.

Report Village Association

Members of the working party were not in attendance, however Cllr Duffy (S) informed members that he had been told that the competence of the cleaning was in question, before the cleaners would be contacted the members of the working party would be asked for their opinion. Cllr Towns enquired if a donation would be forthcoming from the Association to the Parish Council.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt, Chairman of the Allotments Committee, was pleased with the ongoing improvements, he had organised a skip to be provided at the Hare Park Allotments to assist with removal of rubbish from a relinquished allotment garden. (see minute 11/907).

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield informed members that he was satisfied with the current situation at the cemetery.


11/903             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Towns reported that cars were still parking on Slack Lane and the Post Office vans were once again causing an obstruction. The Clerk was asked to contact PC Daley regarding both issues. Cllr Voros had noted that a white van was parking on the junction of Harrison Road/Church Hall Farm and causing an obstruction, members informed him that it was perhaps a temporary measure as building work was being undertaken nearby.


11/904             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


11/905             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Schofield had noted that there was a hole in the road on Slack Lane near to the junction with Fernlea Close, the Clerk was asked to report this to WMDC Highway Maintenance.

See also minute 11/897.


11/906             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.

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11/907             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections, he informed them that of several invoices received from PHS he would query why the usual quarterly charge for services had been changed to yearly. Members agreed that the Clerk arrange an account with Kinsley Skip Hire.


11/908             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 2; members were aware that the lack of lighting was a problem and had asked WMDC Street Lighting to add the request for extra lighting to their list, District Councillors were also asked to also make a further enquiry. Note 7; the Clerk was asked to write to All Saints Church and state that consideration would be given to this request when the other planned works had been completed. Note 8; see minute 11/909.


11/909             Parish matters

Members discussed the article to be placed in the Smoke Signal concerning the

Community Centre, Cllr Chalkley would prepare a response.

Cllr Jacques confirmed that the 04th December was the date set for the Christmas Lights to be switched on. Following a discussion members agreed to the cost of extra lighting to be provided for the Crofton Silver Band and the carol singers at the event.

Cllr Schofield felt that improvement work was still required at Coppers Lake, the District Councillors were asked to make further enquiries with the WMDC Officer dealing with the matter and inform members of any decision taken.

Cllr Chalkley thanked all people that were in attendance at the War Memorial for Remembrance Sunday.


11/910             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18th December 2007 at 7pm in                               Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


11/911             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/912             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.





Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council