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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  21st November 2006.                             


Present;                                  Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy K,

Duffy S, Hewitt, Jacques, Schofield, Towns and Wrigg.


In attendance;                        3 members of the public

                                                District Councillors Manifield and Cummings.


Apologies for absence           District Councillor Isherwood

Councillors Makin, Ripley and Voros



11/703             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC Paul McMahon gave his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of October 2006, he informed members that following bonfire night he had checked the Police computer for a report on any incidents however there were none. Cllr Hewitt informed members that damage had been caused to a dog foul bin on Hare Park Lane, the damage had caused it to come off the post, he suggested that hammers must have been used, PC McMahon took note of this. Cllr Towns commented on the large number of youths drinking beer and leaving cans on the path from Springhill Avenue through to the Priory Ridge estate, PC McMahon stated it was his intention to bring extra Police into the area at the weekend and would patrol this area. Cllr Towns also commented about children riding bikes with no visible lights, or indeed any lights, Cllr Chalkley suggested that all local schools should be contacted to gain their support to stop this, the Clerk was asked to arrange this. 


11/704             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings informed members that District Councillor Isherwood had suffered a mild stroke and would therefore not be in attendance at PC meetings for a while, Cllr Chalkley asked Cllr Cummings to send the Parish Council’s best wishes to him. A fire had started at 91/91a High Street, this had been reported to the relevant WMDC Dept to ensure it was made safe. The overgrown hedge on Slack Lane was still creating a problem but efforts were being made to rectify this. It was hoped a bollard would be installed from the Churchway end to the Slack Lane end of the ginnel, in an effort to dissuade youths from coming straight out into the road.

The Police meeting held on the 15th November 2006 at the Parish Centre, attracted a good attendance, it was reported a white transit van was selling alcohol, Cllr Cummings asked members to make a note of the licence plate and use the Police Non Emergency number 0845 6060606 and report it to PC Eddie Davis. Other matters raised at the meeting were off road bikes being misused, Cllr Hewitt witnessed a go kart being misused, an adult was using one whist holding a baby. Cllr Cummings made members aware that the licence for the Slipper Public House was becoming due for review, it was stated that a fine had been imposed for under age drinking. Cllr Manifield informed members that WMDC were to recruit 23 PCSO’s in a partnership arrangement with the Police.



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11/705 Public Participation session

Members listened to a representation made by a resident whose flat was opposite the bench on Bedford Close, she had experienced eggs being thrown at her door by youths who gathered at the bench and she wished to give her support to its removal, she had also spoken to one of the fund raisers involved with the purchase of the bench, who wished to give her support for the removal, Cllr Jacques asked how many residents used the bench, the resident replied that not many did, so to re-locate the bench would not be a problem in that sense. Cllr Cummings suggested moving the bench to the Community Centre, Cllr Chalkley stated that moving the bench may be the subject of much criticism, he asked members to discuss this later in the meeting (see minute 11/719).

The representative (and secretary), from the Crofton Carnival Committee, Chris Neale, stated that it was the committee’s intention to attend Parish Council meetings to provide updates, he also informed members that Crofton Carnival had been held every year since the Millennium (2000), the Carnival now in it's 7th Year, would be next held on the 23rd and 24th June 2007, the theme to be Cartoon Characters. Information could be viewed by using the web-site;

A resident commented on parking outside Sainsbury’s Supermarket which was causing a build up of traffic, it was suggested that moving the mini-roundabout might help, further comment was also made about traffic on Slack Lane caused by parked cars, the resident was informed by members that such concerns had been previously discussed and were still trying to be resolved to some extent, it was suggested that by writing to Sainsbury and asking them to alleviate the situation may help, however it was felt that WMDC Highway Enforcement would confirm that they are conforming to regulations.


11/706             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters.


11/707             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th October 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


11/708             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk informed members that Paul Harvey from WDH was to instruct a survey of the trees on Santingley Lane and inform the Clerk of the result. The Clerk informed members that no progress had been made in finalising the lease for the Car Park, given the problem of cars parking longer than expected, and as Cllr Jacques noted, the No Entry sign was almost worn away, the Clerk was asked to ensure all these points were dealt with before signing any proposed lease. There had been no response to the e-mail sent by the Clerk to the political researcher of Jon Trickett MP, requesting a meeting, the Clerk would make further attempts. Members had noted that the fencing to the rear of the Youth Centre was now complete. No response had been received from the Community Centre as yet, the Clerk would make a further enquiry.



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11/709             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Clerk had arranged and attended an electric meter reading of the Parish Centre, he also informed members that Classic windows were due to commence works in the next few days. Cllr Duffy (K) informed members that a Police meeting had been held on the 15th November 2006.

Report Village Association

Nothing to report

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt informed members that the placing of skips at Hare Park and Oak Street, had been well received. A long standing allotment holder Mr.H.Walker had unfortunately died, he had two allotments, these would now be designated as spare. Cllr Jacques enquired if a previous problem of multiple occupancy of allotments was

still a problem, members of the allotment committee present at the meeting, informed him that efforts had been made to reduce this. Members agreed to not reduce in size, the allotment garden held by B.W.Smith at Pontefract Road and subsequently held a vote to decide whether to issue an allotment tenancy agreement for his allotment garden or to extend his lease by another year, votes cast were, 4 for and 4 against, the Chairman, who in such a situation holds a casting vote, decided to vote for an extended lease, it was resolved that an extension of 1 year on the existing terms of the lease, be offered to B.W.Smith by the Clerk.

Report Parish Cemetery

Members agreed to not change the wording in the rules or application forms, the Clerk would arrange to meet the working party for the cemetery prior to the next meeting to agree charges or rule changes in principal, for a decision to made at a full Council meeting.


11/710             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report


11/711             Parish Leases

Nothing to report


11/712             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Hewitt informed members that the WMDC Cleaning machine had been in operation in the village. The Clerk was also asked to contact the newly appointed Neighbourhood Environment Manager; June Rothwell, about the amount of rubbish at the Hare Park Sidings play area.


11/713             Planning Notifications

Comment was made about planning application 06/02189/TPO and if the trees should be altered in such a way, it was pointed out that they were only to be cleaned and trimmed as opposed to any major alteration, also the fact that the planning number had reference to a TPO, led members to raise no objection.


11/714             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid, the attached monthly accounts were submitted and approved.


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11/715             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular Note 1; members wished to take the idea of a Parish Plan further and invite the Support Officer from the Yorkshire Rural Community Council to a meeting at the Parish Centre, the Clerk was asked to make arrangements to facilitate this. Note 6 concerned a request for a memorial for a former Parish Councillor who had recently died, members decided this would not be appropriate since other former Councillors had not been recognised in this manner. With regard to Note 7, it was decided to refer this to the January meeting.


11/716             Parish matters

Cllr Duffy(K) made members aware of vehicles being advertised for sale on WMDC owned verge, the Clerk would contact WMDC Highway Enforcement to instigate action. Cllr Jacques enquired if there was any news regarding the boundary issue on Harrison Road (minute 07/657), the Clerk was asked to provide further information. Cllr Jacques also made comment about re-surfacing of the footpath and the further damage to the trees planted by the skate park in Hare Park Sidings, the Clerk stated he would check his previous correspondence from WMDC Parks & Public Realm, to see what they had agreed to do and inform Cllr Jacques in due course. With regard to the recently held Remembrance Service, Cllr Bennett suggested to members, that some form of recognition in the village would be appropriate to honour those residents who had died since the 2nd World War, members were agreeable for this to be publicised in the Smoke Signal. The subject of egg throwing was raised and that Sainsbury’s should not be selling them to youths, Cllr Hewiit had asked them to support this, however Cllr Chalkley confirmed that staff members had received instruction not to do so.


11/717             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 19th December 2006, at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


11/718             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


11/719             Matters to be discussed in private

Cllr Towns asked members to support the motion for the re-siting of the bench on Bedford Close to the Community Centre, it was agreed following a vote to do so, the Clerk would contact District Councillor Cummings to inform her of the decision and to instigate removal.



Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council