Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15th November 2005.


Present;                                  Councillors Bennett (Vice - Chairman),Chalkley, Duffy(K), Duffy(S), Hewitt, Towns, Schofield, Voros, Wrigg.


In attendance;                        District Councillors; Cummings and Isherwood.

                                                1 member of the public


Apologies for absence            District Councillor Manifield,

Councillors Jacques (Chairman), Makin, Ripley.


In his absence, the Chairman had asked that the Council record their thanks to the Acting Clerk Darren Byford.


11/189             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley (PC 1945) of the West Yorkshire Police attended and gave a written report on the Safe Scheme. Cllr Towns enquired as to details of the 4 assaults, and also about youths drinking alcohol and where they were obtaining it from, and if charges could be brought against the suppliers, PC Daley stated in most instances it was the parents who were supplying, but a lack of evidence was always a factor when considering charges. Cllr Bennett enquired as to where the burglaries had taken place, and for the Police to clarify the procedure for contacting safe scheme officers.

Cllr Hewitt mentioned that it had taken 40 minutes for police to respond to a call concerning a large group of youths that had gathered on Hare Park Lane.


11/190             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings stated that the erection of the No Through Road sign for Hare Park Lane had been delayed, the engineers had reported that they felt it would cause confusion, it was intended to conduct a survey among residents on Hare Park Lane to gauge their views, Cllr Hewitt rejected the idea it would cause confusion, Cllr Cummings would pursue further and if required, the Clerk would provide a map showing the road layout.

With regard to the hole adjacent to 34a Slack Lane the Council engineer reported that there was no hole and no 34a.

Cllr Cummings was made aware that the Headmaster of Crofton High School had declined to accept an invitation from the Council to attend the November meeting and instead had asked Parish Councillors to arrange with District Councillors to attend the school between 7.30am and 5.30 pm Members expressed their disappointment, and asked the Clerk to write again to express their feelings and to invite him again to the next meeting in December.

Cllr Cummings stated it had been a pleasure to attend the Memorial service and hoped the Council would continue its support.

Following  reports given by the District Councillors about local groups, which was commented on at the October Council meeting, the smoke signal had sent an e-mail

in response, suggesting their comments only reflected what was reported to them.   Cllr Chalkley had observed an increase in the number of children being dropped off for school on the High Street and at Fernlea Close, this was adding to the congestion in this area and attention needed to be given to the problem.

Cllr Isherwood discussed the District Council’s street surgery, and following letters sent to residents the response had been good. Concerns about after hours drinking at the Slipper and youths gathering at Jacksons Supermarket, had been noted and were being acted on in collaboration with the Police; he also felt that the outlook of the village had improved which members agreed with, and they asked the Clerk to write and thank the neighbourhood action group for their efforts c/o Cllr Isherwood.

Cllr Bennett also gave thanks for the new signs erected on Doncaster Road.


11/191             Public Participation session

A resident stated that the Carnival planned for 2006 was to go ahead and hoped the Parish Council would give their support, the event would have a Western theme.


11/192             Declarations of Interest

There were none


11/193             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th October 2005, were approved without amendment; and signed by the Vice Chairman as a correct record.


11/194             Discuss matters arising

The Clerk had received a response to the request for All Saints Parish Church to make a contribution for the Parish Centre, they wanted to know if the Council wanted  a regular contribution or a ‘one –off’ payment. The Clerk was asked to write and ask them to make a yearly contribution.

With regard to the Scout Group, Cllr Chalkley stated previous concerns had been noted and would be acted upon.

The Clerk was to contact Cllr Graham Jackson to confirm his position with regard his resignation.


11/195             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Urgent electrical works (wires to storeroom) had been carried out.

With regard the comments of previous minutes concerning the safe use of the portakabin, a letter had been sent asking the playgroup not to use the portakabin for storage.

With regard to a replacing the portakabin, Cllr Towns raised the question of why the Council should replace it, as it only served to encourage youths to congregate there, but it remains a potential liability and it was pointed out that it supports a village facility.

Cllr Duffy(K) commented that the youth group were to blame for pictures being tampered with and the misuse of the facility, members decided that they do not agree to its continued use by the group, and since the question asked of Cllr Cummings at the last meeting about how long the youth group intended to use the premises was not ascertained, it was agreed the Clerk would contact Cllr Cummings to establish this and make members feelings known.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett reported that there had been an attempted break in, which had been reported to the police. There had also been some electrical works carried out.


11/196             Allotments report

Cllr Hewitt reported that he had received notice that two allotments were to be given up in the future, he will liaise with the Clerk about approaching those on the waiting list.Cllr Voros commented on the state of the Oak Street allotments, and in particular a house that is opposite one of the allotments, that has a derelict car at its entrance, the Clerk would ascertain its number, and write to the housing authority asking them to remove it and tidy the area.


11/197             Parish Cemetery report

The Clerk was to arrange a meeting with Cllr Schofield to ensure cemetery records were up to date. 


11/198             Special Service report

Nothing to report


11/199             Discuss Traffic issues

Work had now started on the footpath between Pinfold Drive and Doncaster Road, Cllr Bennett mentioned that since a large number of school children crossed the road here a pedestrian island should be built. He asked the Clerk to follow up previous requests and write to the traffic section


11/200             Pontefract Road land lease

The option of a further year’s lease had been taken by Mr.Smith and payment had been received.


11/201             Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report


11/202             Planning Notifications

Planning application 05/33/37864/H, members asked if the Clerk would write and comment about preserving the trees on this proposed development.


11/203             Financial matters

Accounts were observed, Cllr Bennett asked for confirmation that the difference between the Receipts and Payments is not the amount of money the Parish Council held, this was confirmed.

The Clerk was requested to write to T&D Contractors and ascertain their charges for the next financial year. 


11/204             Correspondence received

Observed by Councillors without comment                     


11/205             Parish matters

With regard Edith Harrow’s bench, the Clerk had found out where the son lived and had spoken to his wife, who would get him to ring and clarify what he wanted to do, this had not happened and so members asked the Clerk to write and establish what should be done to resolve the matter.

With regard the concerns about lighting on the path that led to the Church from the Ashdene estate, the Clerk had received a response from Amey, they said the plan had been agreed and circulated to residents, however the request for further lighting had been passed to WMDC, it was agreed the Clerk would enquire as to how to progress this matter.

Further to the invitation from the Community Centre to view the building and construction works only one Councillor had attended. 

As previously reported the road sign, at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road, had not been dealt with, the Clerk was to re enquire and copy the request to Cllr Cummings.


11/206             Matters reported directly to the Clerk

There were none


11/207             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 20th December 2005, at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


11/208             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.22

Members of the public and others were notified of this requirement.


11/209            Matters to be discussed in private

Mrs Shillito the former Clerk’s wife, had presented payment of £100.00 for the computer



Signed                                       Date