Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

                                           Tuesday 16th November 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.


                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs K Duffy, Mrs G Towns, S Bennett

                                                                                                     T Chalkley, S Duffy, JR Hewitt,

                                                                                                     G P Jackson, P Jacques, G Makin, A Ripley & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:         Rev Mrs A Jordan, Mrs M Brown,

                                                                                                     Mrs R Salt, Mrs J Scott, Mr B Murphy,

                                                                                                     Mr G Schofield and Mr C Stead.


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police: Pc P McMahon


                                                                             District Councillors                   Ms M Cummings


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      Mrs W Wrigg, G Isherwood &

                                                                                                     A Manifield.


                 The chairman Cllr P Jacques presided over the meeting.


04/191      West Yorkshire Police


PC Paul McMahon presented the safe scheme report for October; which again showed that the underlying levels of crime throughout the village were relatively low, the main area of concern still been the anti social behaviour of a minority of youths. A substantial amount of resources had been deployed on 4 November, mischief night, resulting in a reasonably quiet night.


Cllr Chalkley presented a letter of appreciation from residents in which they express there thanks to Paul and his colleagues for keeping the village under control during bonfire weekend.


Chris Stead informed members that the scout’s bonfire had been disrupted by a dozen or so youths causing a nuisance towards the end of the evening. The youths refusing to leave when asked, fighting amongst their selves whilst trying to goad event stewards.


This behaviour had upset many of those attending the event, which until this year had run for 24 yrs virtually trouble free.


Mr Stead said that organisers would have to seriously look at whether the event should go ahead next year, the mindless few yet again affecting the enjoyment of over 700 parishioners.


PC MaMahon offered Mr Stead support, stating that if organisers contact him prior to next years event he would assist with policing and with the Parish Council’s permission arrange for safe scheme officers to be present. Mr Stead thanked Paul for his offer.


Cllr Hewitt observed that the bonfire site had yet to be cleared of debris, this should have taken place the day after the event. Mr Stead and Mrs Scott assured members that the site would be cleared at the weekend.




Cllr Jackson informed members that there had been trouble with youths congregating around the Shay Lane / Harrison Road seat, making excessive noise and using bad language. A local resident after having remonstrated with them had part of a signpost thrown at his front door. The incident was reported and three officers attended.


PC MaMahon agreed to keep an eye on the area.


                 The priorities for the December to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak, Medical Centre along with any other areas brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


                 To monitor use of the seat at the junction of Shay Lane and Harrison Road.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


                 Address problem with youths in the vicinity of Rectory Crescent and seat on Santingley Lane.


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.


04/192      Ward Councillors


                 Cllr Cummings presented a short report.


·           An informative meeting took place between ward councillors and Ian Thompson the Chief Planning Officer re Crofton Triangle. It transpires that under the Quarries Regulation 1999 the landlord has a Health and Safety obligation the secure the site. Wakefield Planning Department will therefore be requesting that the Health and Safety Executive contacts the landowner reminding him of his obligations. Cllr Cummings to forward notes of the meeting for information.


·           Planning Department have confirmed that access to the Webfell site should have been made closed off and restored to its former condition by the landlord on completion of works.

                        The Planning Department are to take the matter up with the landlord.


·           Road Traffic signs depicting speed humps have been repositioned to face the correct way.


·           The erection of perimeter fencing at Hawthorn Court has commenced.


·           Maureen is to be a member of Shay Lane J & I Governors.


                        Cllr Jackson asked if Cllr Cummings could take a look at the plans for the perimeter fence to the Youth Club, the position of the fence is far from ideal and should be built from stone to replace the original not metal as planned. Cllr Cummings agreed to investigate the matter.


Concerns were expressed over the possibility of the travellers relocating from the Power Station site to the Webfell site should planned road works adjacent to the Power Station reduce the size of the existing site.


Cllr Cummings expressed the view that should the road works ever take place the existing Travellers site would not be affected in any way. 


                        The chairman thanked Cllr Cummings for her report.


04/193      Public Participation Session


1.      Footpath – Slack Lane


The clerk to contact Highways concerning the creation of a footpath opposite the Weavers Green on Slack Lane.


2.      Footpaths – Moorhouse Opencast


            Mrs Salt asked if there were any maps of the footpaths across the opencast site.


Cllr Ripley explained that no new maps had been produced but he could provide the details.


3.      Rectory Crescent


Members were informed that Rectory Crescent didn’t appear of any of the road maps.


The clerk to write to the relevant authorities.


04/194      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


04/195      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


04/196      Minutes


                 The following amendments to the minutes of the meeting held on 19th October were made after which the Chairman signed them as a correct record


·           04/176/ 3  To add forth paragraph:-

                                    Cllr Jackson proposed that the Parish Council take on responsibility for the War                       

                                    Memorial undertaking remedial works necessary.  This was agreed.


·        04/184/a   To read.

The clerk reported that Frieghtliners’ appeal would not be heard until September 2005.


Cllr Jackson raised the issue on rail transport suggesting that the Santingley Lane site from which Frieghtliner wished to operate would make an ideal location for a Railway Station.

                        Cllr Jackson proposed that the Parish Council contact the Passenger Transport             

                        Executive once again to continue the debate over providing a station at Crofton.

                        This was agreed. The Transport Secretary and Local MP to be copied in.



04/197      Matters Arising 


1.           Pinfold


The clerk reported that he had spoken with Mr Bacon who had agreed to examine the fallen tree and tidy up the Pinfold.


04/198      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 The clerk reported that following a request from the playgroup the chairman had agreed to the parish centre roof being temporally covered with a tarpaulin in an attempt to stem rain water coming through the roof. The cost of this work had been £80.


                 The clerk continued by informing members that several contractors had now been asked to submit quotations for re roofing the Parish Centre.  Andersons estimate that the quotation should be in the region of 7 to 8 thousand pounds.


                 Councillors agreed that once the clerk had received sufficient quotations the chairman be given delegated authority to approve works up the value of ten thousand pound.


                 Cllr Duffy also asked the clerk to look into the provision of a new notice board.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Makin reported that all was well at the village Association.


04/199      Allotments - Convenors Report


1.      Hare Park


Cllr Hewitt reported that following the receipt of letters from the clerk tenants had been in touch to discuss the condition of their allotments.


These tenants now understood the councils’ position and would be making efforts to put things in order, tenants had also agreed to release allotments for allocation to people on the waiting list.


A positive start, the clerk would be writing to more tenants in due course.


04/200      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


The clerk to remind T & D that work on the trees at the cemetery was still outstanding.


04/201      Special Services - Convenors Report


Nothing to report.


04/202      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Ripley informed members that now that the opencast had finished, the restoration works completed and all the community funding distributed the liaison committee had held its last meeting.


                 It was therefore agreed that this item could now be removed from future agendas


04/203      Old Library Site


                 Nothing further to report, it was agreed this item could also be removed from future agendas.


04/204      War Memorial


Having had the opportunity to visit the Doncaster Road Memorial members discussed the condition of the memorial.


The general consensus was that the memorial was in fair condition but in need of minor works, the following being required;


Memorial to be cleaned.

Memorial base to be sand blasted

Perimeter walls to be pointed.

New timbers to seat.

New gate

Grass to be treated with weed killer and brambles cut back


The clerk to speak with contractors and arrange site meetings with chairman.


04/205      Cleansing


                 Cllr Jacques expressed the view that after an enthusiastic start standards were once again beginning to fall.


                 It was agreed that the clerk contacts John Skidmore to arrange a follow up meeting.


04/206      Planning


a. App No 04/99/67627 – Extension of Communications Tower at Oakenshaw Grange Farm


It was agreed that the parish Council write to the Planning department in Support of Mr Murphy’s objections to the proposed extension.


 b. Other applications


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/207      Financial Matters




                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Mrs Dodson                                                  54.70

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             284.44                                                                                   

                 J F Shillitoe                                                  971.05

                 WMDC                                                   3,503.85

                 Mr J Lund                                                     80.00 (Parish Centre roof)

                 Vale                                                              59.14

                 N Power                                                       58.94



04/208      Casual Vacancy


                 The clerk reported that electoral services have advertised that no request to fill the vacancy by election had been received, the Parish Council could therefore co-opt.


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Mr George Schofield be co-opted to fill the vacancy.


04/209      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Council Minutes

- Standards Committee Minutes

WDCSP                                             - Crime and Drugs Audit 2004.

Wakefield West NHS                          - Your Health magazine.

West Yorkshire Police                         - Independent Advisory Group.            

                 YRCC                                                 - Country Air

                                                                             - Agenda for Annual meeting

                                                                             - Position Statement on Affordable Housing

                 YLCA                                                  - Details of Seminar on Councillor Skills

                                                                             - Advice note on Freedom of Information Act

                                                                             - Advice note on new statutory disciplinary and grievance

                                                                                procedures in the workplace.

                                                                             - White Rose Update

                                                                             - Diary of branch meetings.

                 Valuation Office                                    - Details of business rating for parish Centre.

                 All Saints Parish Church                        - Letter detailing current situation with installation of new        fuel tank.


04/210      Parish Matters


1.      Doncaster Road / Slack Lane


The clerk to contact highways, the hedgerow adjacent to the junction of Slack Lane with Doncaster Road is obscuring the vision of motorists and needs cutting back.


2.      Seat - junction of Shay Lane and Harrison Road


Following recent trouble centred around this seat Cllr Jackson asked if members would consider removing the seat.


Members debated the issue, deciding that, as this was the first reported incident in that area they would monitor the situation for the time being, if the problems persist then the seat should be removed.


3.      2 Church Hill


Cllrs reported the hedge belonging to 2 Church Hill was overhanging the footpath and needed cutting back.


The clerk was asked to write to the owners of the property.





4.      Bus Stop – 523 Doncaster Road.


The clerk to contact metro asking them to cut back bushes overhanging the footpath adjacent to the bus stop.


5.      Sandown Avenue


The clerk to request that highways replace the sign informing motorists that Sandown Avenue is a cul-de-sac.


6. Speed Campaign


The clerk to contact Joanne Posanby to ascertain whether there were any plans to follow up the sticker campaign conducted in May


7.  Manorfields Avenue


Cllr Chalkley informed members that following the development of Priory Ridge, Manorfields Avenue had become a through road, which was now being used extensively as a route to the top end of the village.


The clerk was asked to contact highways to see if there were any traffic management measures that could be put in place to safeguard motorists using this route whilst protected residents from the increasing amount of traffic.


8. Youth Problem 


The clerk to invite Mr Myers to a council meeting in the near future to discuss the behaviour of youths whilst travelling to and from school and during lunch break.


04/211      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 14th December 2004.


04/212      Matters Discussed in Private


                 None discussed.












     Chairman                                                                                                                      14th December 2004.