Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21 May 2013.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns, Wrigg and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;           2 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Manifield and Heptinstall


05/019             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PSgt. Paul Brooke introduced himself to Members and explained he was the new officer assigned to the Safe Scheme, he presented the Safe Scheme report covering April and May. 

Cllr Hewitt asked PSgt Brooke to comment on the motor scooters being driven around the village in a dangerous and anti- social manner despite the fact that they were road legal and that the drivers were wearing helmets (see minute 04/001). He commented that catching the drivers in the act was difficult but that if any photographic evidence could be obtained showing misuse, then a section 59 offence could be applied which is a 1 year probation which if not adhered to, would result in the scooter being seized.

Cllr Hewitt complained about a youth who was constantly kicking a football on the street and into gardens along Hare Park Lane, PSgt Brooke would request a PCSO to speak to the youth in question.

Further to the accident that had occurred at the Slack Lane/Doncaster Road junction (see minute 05/027), Cllr Bennett commented that whilst waiting in the traffic queue (as a result of the accident) he had witnessed the dangerous driving of the recovery vehicles from a private garage used by the Police. He also stated that the way the recovery vehicles had parked whilst at the accident scene, had only added to the congestion. PSgt Brooke stated he would speak to the manager of the garage.

PSgt Brooke was asked to investigate previously reported problems concerning cars parking on Slack Lane when using Crofton Junior School, he duly noted the request.

Cllr Chalkley made PSgt Brooke aware of numerous traffic problems on Doncaster Road which had been reported to his predecessors, he sought his support to seek measures to reduce the number of accidents. He used the example that Doncaster Road had more accidents occur than that seen on Asdale Raod, yet this road had more cameras, PSgt Brooke would speak to the Traffic Dept at WMDC and obtain the RTC figures for Doncaster Road and request a Mobile Camera Unit be placed on the road.

Cllr Hewitt asked if it was illegal to shoot a goose, he was informed that it was not if the goose was on private property.


05/020                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors and gave an update on previous matters raised;

Cllr Heptinstall said that despite the response received from WMDC Highways about traffic calming for Doncaster Road and that there were other roads to be considered before this one (see minute 04/002), they would continue to lobby WMDC Highways.

The effective placement of signs on Shay Lane had now been identified and would be installed soon.

District Councillors were awaiting instruction from Members about the purchase and

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placement of Dog Fouling signs. Cllr Wilby sought confirmation that the cost of £22 included the cost for fitting them, she was informed that it did.

There was no further news to be given regarding any planning application for the

relocation of the West Yorks Sports and Social Club.

The pot holes on Kingsley Close had now been dealt with, however Cllr Schofield stated that the quality of the workmanship was questionable. Members also asked that pot holes on Harrison Road and Manor Drive also be attended to.                                                                     

Cllr Heptinstall stated that the maintenance team who had used the wrong entrance for the Sidings (see minute 04/007), had now been instructed not to use the entrance again. Should there be another instance of this occurring Cllr Hewitt was asked to take photographic evidence.                                                                                                                                                                                      

The support post for a tree on Springhill Drive (see minute 03/183 2012), had now been dealt with.

Cllr Hewitt informed Cllr Heptinstall that a tree to the rear of the Youth Club and which was overhanging onto Harrison Road, was dead. He asked that it be removed.

Members were informed that the road around the Parish Centre car park was not adopted (see minute 02/164 2012). The ownership had not been given to the Academy it was therefore WMDC responsibility. District Councillors were reminded that funding should now be available to repaint the Zebra and No Entry sign.

Cllr Makin asked District Councillors to confirm acceptance of the scalpings offered by WMDC Highways (see minute 04/007).

District Councillors were asked to report to WMDC Highways that the yellow road markings outside Shay Lane School were facing the wrong way.

The Clerk was asked to send an e-mail to Cllr Manifield to request that WMDC provide a parking enforcement vehicle equipped with CCTV similar to that used for Bradford Schools. It is to be used to help improve road safety particularly against inconsiderate drivers parking selfishly outside the schools.


05/021                         Public Participation session

A resident asked PSgt. Paul Brooke if he would ensure that a Police presence was maintained in the village on Friday evenings.

Members also made PSgt. Brooke aware of previous problems encountered when the Academy closed for the school holidays. Particular areas of concern were Hare Park Lane and Coppers Lake where youths tended to gather, he duly noted both requests.

Another resident questioned why the village had been classed as a service centre (see minute (04/010), members commented that no formal approach had been made to the Parish Council about the matter. The District Councillors were asked to seek clarification.                                


05/022                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor; Cummings.  


05/023                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Ripley declared an interest in planning application 13/00738/FUL.


05/024                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 April 2013, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


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05/025                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had been notified by WMDC Highways that the annual gully cleanse would be

carried out in May. Members commented that they had yet to see any evidence of such work being commencing.

A response had been received from WMDC Highways about escaping water from the Shay Lane bridge. They had contacted the Asset Protection Team at Network Rail and have asked their Structures Team to investigate.

He had received a response from WMDC Highways concerning alterations to Church Road. They advised that there was no funding whatsoever to carry out any sort of carriageway works, the Senior Traffic Engineer for WMDC, Bob Whyatt, asked if the

Parish Council had considered funding the works.

He had made enquiries about the cost of re-connecting the phone service to the Pavilion (see minute 04/008).  He had been informed that the cost was likely to be £100, but was also informed that a credit check would have to be taken against an individual before the service was re-instated. Since Mayfair Security had recently provided information that there was a primary and secondary source of communication used to monitor the alarm (and had installed an internal aerial in respect of this), the Clerk was asked to contact them for more information and whether a phone line was needed.

A site visit had been conducted by WMDC Rights of Way about the gate obstructing users of the path from Hare Park Lane through Larkdale Farm (see minute 04/015). They advised that the path has a recorded width of 0.9 meters and the gate is intended to prevent stock escaping from the farm curtilage, but there is a gap to the side of the gate which allows access for footpath users. Members commented that despite there being a gap to the side of the gate this was still not sufficient for cycles or pushchairs to get through, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Rights of Way to seek a solution to the problem.

Cllr Ripley commented about the 9% increase to residents despite the precept remaining unchanged (see minute 04/007). He questioned the legality of interfering with the previous formula for calculating the Precept. He asked the Clerk to seek legal advice from YLCA about challenging the decision from Central Government about the new formula.


05/026                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Comment was made that visitors to the Centre were still not giving consideration to residents and other road users when parking their cars (see minute 02/170). The Clerk would send a further request to the users of the Centre to seek their co-operation.

Cllr Kimbley had attended at the Parish Centre for the fire hydrants to be checked.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Electrical repairs had now been carried out to the external supply (see minute 04/008).

Planning permission had now been granted for the erection of 6 lighting columns for the playing field. The cabling for the lights would be placed externally on the wall and covered in a metal sheath.

The fire hydrants had recently been checked, resulting in 1 being replaced.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

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He was to divide some allotments that had recently been given back in order to create

more for those on the waiting list.

Allotments recently allocated at Pontefract Road had now been returned.

In response to a question from Cllr Schofield about what progress had been made on repairing the access road at the Hare Park allotments, Cllr Hewitt commented that scalpings were not available at present.

Members discussed arranging a meeting to discuss the allotments.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

An enquiry had been received from a resident concerning an overhanging tree in the cemetery which was causing bird debris and foliage to land on her clothing whist it was hanging in the garden. He and the Clerk had attended and established that the tree was not on Cemetery land and therefore not the Parish Council’s responsibility.

Following discussion the memorial application from Rayner & Sons was deemed to be acceptable.


05/027                         Traffic issues

Members commented on the accident that had occurred on the morning of Tuesday 23 April at the Slack Lane/Doncaster Road junction, where 3 or 4 cars were involved and

another accident had occurred on the 13 May, involving a vehicle colliding into the bridge on Doncaster Road.

Cllr Bennett stated the issue of road safety had recently been discussed at a School Governors meeting.

Further to comments made about the road safety aspect for the Bedford Farm development (see minute 04/001) having not been properly thought out, Cllr Bennett

had produced a draft letter which was circulated to members. Having noted the contents, Members agreed to submit the letter to WMDC for comment.


05/028                         Neighbourhood Plan

Further to the recent additions made to the Plan, members were informed that draft copies were to be issued to key organisations and personnel such as; WMDC Planning, Crofton Academy, District Councillors, the Doctors Surgery and Library.


05/029                         Cleansing/Environment

Following distribution of the Dog Fouling sign and the receipt of the map showing where the waste bins were located (see minute 04/002), members would use this during a walk around the village to identify where the signs and bins could be placed.


05/030                         Planning Notifications

With regard to application 13/00668/FUL for the conversion of a narrow boat, comment was made that any work should be undertaken at a reasonable time.

Confirmation was received that certain hours to carry out the work had been applied.

Members duly noted the proposed upgrade of equipment relating to the phone base station on Santingley Lane.


05/031                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

With regard to the invoice from the Electrical contractor to replace the damaged cables,

as it was considered an external supply fault the Clerk was asked to seek a refund.

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Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk informed members that to purchase a computer (see minute 04/013) that

would comply with HMRC system requirements, he would need to spend about £400

 (net value). Members agreed to the Clerk’s request.

Following discussion members gave their approval to the annual audit figures, accounting statements and annual governance statement.

The Chairman, Cllr Chalkley, duly signed the Annual Return.

The Clerk informed members that he had encountered problems when submitting the

Employer Annual returns before the 19 May deadline. HMRC had sent an e-mail

stating that only a part submission had been received. He had tried for the past several

days to submit the further information before the deadline, but had been unable to due

to technical problems, however he had eventually been able to do so but after the

deadline had passed.  


05/032                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 4; following the request from Ridings FM concerning road safety in Crofton, Cllr Chalkley had taken part in an interview about the issue.

Note 6; further to the information received about ‘No Cold Calling’ stickers, members agreed to purchase a 1000 window stickers at a cost of £310.

Note 10; Members noted the information received from Mr Jagger about a horse being placed on the land he owned without his permission.


05/033                         Parish matters

Comment was made that cars were exiting the Parish Council car park the wrong way, despite the existing signage.

Cllr Kimbley informed members that following his attendance at the meeting of the Deanfield Health Impact Assessment Steering Group (see minute 04/015), arrangements had been made for a meeting at the Parish Centre on 03 June starting at 3pm, to provide Crofton residents with information. Members were in agreement that no hire charge would be applied in this instance.

Further to Note 10 in Correspondence (see minute 05/032) since the Memorial land bordered the land in question, the Clerk was asked to make enquiries about registering the land with Land Registry.

Cllr Bennett informed members he had attended at the former Catholic Church on the May Day Bank Holiday to view recent developments.


05/034                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 18 June 2013 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


05/035             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


05/036                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing to report.


Signed ……………………                Date………………..             

Chairman Crofton Parish Council