Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15 May 2012.                             


Present;     Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

    and Schofield.


In attendance;           3 members of the public.

                                    District Councillors; Cummings, Manifield and Heptinstall


The Chair of the Council, Cllr Chalkley, welcomed District Councillor Heptinstall, who was a new Labour Councillor for the Ward.


05/019             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented his report for April/May.

Cllr Ripley had rung many different numbers to report an incident that had occurred on the 04 May, he was disappointed with the lack of response experienced. The incident involved an act of anti-social behaviour by youths thought to be from the Priory School, he had also reported the incident to a PCSO, but noticed it was not on the Safe Scheme report. PS Day would make further enquiries.

With regard to the reported burglary that had occurred at shop premises on High Street, Cllr Hewitt asked if the 2 males arrested were drunk, PS Day could not confirm this.

Cllr Bennett commented further on the incident where the occupants of a car had been found with cannabis (see minute 04/001), if such an incident had not been recorded, then how many other such incidents had occurred without being recorded.

Further to the incident on Pontefract Road resulting in a youth being placed on a stretcher, PS Day informed members that he had not received any report concerning this, however if a Police car did not attend the incident, then it would not be recorded.

PS Day was asked to patrol the area at 95 High Street, due to a further incident concerning fencing being damaged, Cllr Chalkley asked if PS Day was aware of such incidents, he confirmed that he was aware.

PS Day was thanked by Cllr Kimbley for the quick response given to a matter he had reported.

PS Day was asked to ensure that the planned speed enforcement signs due to be placed during the week was actioned, he duly noted this request.

Cllr Dart sought clarification from PS Day on the killing of a Deer. He confirmed that it was an offence, but if those responsible had a firearms licence and the shooting occurred on private land it was permitted. He suggested that such matters should always be reported to the Police who would attend.


05/020                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

The Arboriculture Officer had inspected the trees (see minute 04/002), and reported there was no existing problem, however he had visited Springhill Avenue rather than Springhill Drive, he was to arrange another visit.

Cllr Cummings provided information on further work to be carried out under the planned Highway Maintenance programme, This followed on from the preparatory patching works recently carried out on Harrison Road/High Street.  However

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this would not include Church Road. Cllr Dart asked that if there was any spare money to be spent, that it could be used on Church Road.

The WMDC Jubilee fund had been utilised by a number of groups, Community Chest money had been transferred to the fund to satisfy demand.

Following information provided about money being provided via the Landlords Scheme, comment was made that this could be provided to improve the condition of land around the shops on Ashdene Drive, adjacent to the Weavers Green public house. Cllr Cummings was asked to provide further information on such a proposal.

Cllr Kimbley asked Cllr Cummings to contact WDH and ask that they remove a large amount of rubbish from an empty property on Thorntree Avenue.

Cllr Bennett commented that flooding previously experienced on Harrison Road, High Street and Doncaster Road, had still to be resolved.

Cllr Cummings was informed that 2 lighting columns, namely numbers 5&6 on Springhill Drive which had stopped working due to power supply problems, had still to be resolved, she was asked to investigate the matter.


05/021                         Public Participation session

In attendance were Reverend Jordan and Mr Thewlis from All Saints Church. They were seeking a donation from the Parish Council towards the refurbishment of the Parish Church clock, specifically the clock faces and workings. Members suggested that Reverend Jordan submit an application for the matter to be considered further.

Cllr Cummings offered to supply funding of £500 from the Community Chest.

Cllr Chalkley suggested that an approach be made to the Constable & Pinders Charity

for further funding. The Clerk would assist by informing the Charity of the project.


05/022                         Apologies for absence          

Councillors; Towns, Wilby and Wrigg.


05/023                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


05/024                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 April 2012, were subject to change prior to signature.


05/025                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had received an e-mail from the WMDC Street Scene Estates Manager regarding the fencing in the Cemetery. It had been inspected and it was suggested that the posts would require replacing, but as the fence served little purpose, he wanted to know if members were agreeable to have it removed. Following discussion it was agreed to

respond and ask that the fencing not be removed but maintained, the fencing still

served a purpose in that it stopped people walking across the burial ground.

The ‘ Pick up or Pay’ stencilling on the footpaths in Coppers Lake and the Sidings had now been actioned. 

As no progress had been made with WMDC Highways to get the footpath sign to Hare Park Lane replaced, the Clerk had contacted WMDC Rights of Way, they had now arranged to have the sign replaced.


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Following a letter sent concerning increased costs for cover at the Pavilion, the Clerk had received a response from Mayfair Security with an explanation of why there had been an increase.

Following the request to WMDC Highways to carry out the annual cyclic gully cleansing (see minute 02/174), WMDC had reported that it had now been completed. However Cllr Hewitt informed the Clerk that 2 gullys on Hare Park Lane had not been attended to, having notified the Highway Maintenance team of this, they had attended and cleared a gully behind the wall which was blocked. It was thought this may have contributed to the constant flooding on the road, the Clerk would request that this gully be identified on the cyclical gully cleanse programme.


05/026                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

The Centre was being well used.

Polling booths had been delivered to enable elections to take place, they had now been returned.

The Working Party agreed to meet on Sunday 27 May, to discuss refurbishment works to be carried out.

Cllr Cummings confirmed that District Councillor Surgeries would not be continued, the keys had been returned to Cllr Chalkley.

Report Village Association

The Clerk confirmed that an insurance claim had now been submitted and had been acknowledged as received by the insurance company.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had noted that contractors were digging on Doncaster Road as there was a problem with the electric power supply. Since the water supply for the Pontefract Road allotments was due to be connected, he had asked the Clerk to contact Yorkshire Water so they could carry out their work at the same time and therefore save further disruption, however on making enquiries, YW had not yet programmed the work to enable this.

Members having considered the request for the placing of a shed at Pontefract Road, agreed that permission be given.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield requested that matters for discussion take place under item 18.


05/027                         Traffic issues

Cllr Chakley informed members that he had wrote to WMDC Chief Executive Joanne Roney, seeking her assistance to arrange a meeting with WMDC Highway officers (see minute 04/009), he was awaiting her reply.


05/028                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he was to going to propose arranging a meeting and invite those who had previously attended meetings about the plan and combine this with those who had objected to the Bedford Farm Court development. A date of Tuesday 22 May was suggested.


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05/029                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


05/030                         Planning Notifications

Members commented on the size of the agricultural fodder store on application 12/00807/FUL for Birkwood House Farm.


05/031                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Following discussion members gave their approval of Draft Accounts for 2012/13.

Following discussion members gave approval to the annual audit figures, the accounting statements and annual governance statement.

Since issuing the Agenda, the resident group who were wanting the Parish Council to support their application for a street party for the Queens Jubilee, had approached another constituted organisation to enable this.


05/032                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 2; Further to the information about the Armed Forces Day, Cllr Dart discussed with members the possibility of a flag pole being erected, with a suggested site being the Parish Centre. The Clerk would make further enquiries regarding this.

Note 4; Members discussed the merit of the petition from the Wakefield District Cycle Forum, it was agreed that the Parish Council would not sign the petition, but Parish Councillors could sign if they so wished. The Clerk was asked to convey this to  

the Forum.

Note 6; As there was concern over the implications of membership of the Dial-a-Ride service, the Clerk was asked to extend an invitation to the Chief Officer Helen Smith, to attend the next Parish Council meeting to explain the concept in full.


05/033                         Parish matters

Comment was made about the condition of the Scout Hut, despite assurances from the Scout Group that improvement works would be carried out. The Clerk had provided Cllr Chalkley with a report he had received from the Scout Group Executive Committee (received after issuing the Agenda), who were wanting a condition report to be issued by the Parish Council. Having considered both matters it was agreed that the Clerk would consult further with Cllr Chalkley concerning a response.

Cllr Kimbley informed members that he had been informed by a parishioner that once again the Sidings fields was being used for guard dog training (see minute 12/134), having informed the dog owners that this was not allowed in accordance with the lease, they complied and moved off. It was agreed that should there be a further instance, consideration would be given to contacting WMDC Legal Department for advice. Cllr Kimbley had taken photographs of the cars parked on the verge to collect their numbers.

Cllr Bennett provided information to members on the second meeting that had been held with the School concerning Library provision.

Cllr Bennett commented on the Hanging Baskets within the village and the lack of flowers to be seen in them.

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Cllr Chalkley had noted that the shrubs at the Post Office (junction of High Street and Manorfields Court), were in a poor condition, the Clerk would make further enquiries to establish responsibility to enable action to be taken.


05/034                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 19 June 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


05/035             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


05/036                         Matters to be discussed in private

Following advice received from the Internal Auditor by the Clerk, it was agreed that the Cemetery Mower would not be sold and would be taken as scrap by the interested party. The Clerk would make enquiries with the DVLA about the procedure  concerning the disposal of the vehicle registration document.

With regard to minute 03/189 concerning the Parish Cemetery, the changes to the Cemetery Rules had caused concern to some members and the public, following discussion it was agreed to uphold the ruling.

Following the enquiry from the Scout Group about whether the donation would be paid, the Clerk confirmed that he was still awaiting a set of amended accounts.

Members agreed that the Clerk would contact the accounts officer and request a simplified set of accounts, to enable the agreed donation to be paid.



Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council