Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17th May 2011.                             

Present;                      Councillors, Chalkley, Affleck, Bennett, Hewitt, Jacques, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Voros and Wrigg.

In attendance;           11 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield.


Cllr Chalkley welcomed Cllr Affleck and thanked outgoing Cllrs; Duffy, Healey and Smithson. Congratulations were offered to Cllr Cummings for being re-elected.


05/020             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report covering 19th April to 17th May.

A resident informed the meeting that he had phoned the Police to report anti social behaviour occurring at Cappios Pizzeria on Ashdene Drive, but the Police had failed to attend.

Comment was made that although parking had improved on Slack Lane, problems still persisted on Harrison Road at the Shay Lane School area.

Members requested that some of the hours attributed to the Safe Scheme funding, was concentrated on dealing with persistent parking issues and to patrolling the village on Friday nights.

Cllr Bennett commented on press coverage concerning the implementation of alcohol free zones being established in some areas ie; College Grove, which appeared to be obtained without difficulty, yet Crofton, despite repeated requests, had not been granted one.


05/021                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield updated members on previous matters raised;

Further to the complaint from Cllr Hewitt (see minute 04/022) about road works undertaken at the wrong time by WMDC Highway Maintenance, he had been informed by them that there was no record of such works having taken place.

With regard to the problematic dogs on the public footpath at Larkdale Farm, he had received information from the Clerk that in May last year there had been a

recommendation to erect a fence so the dogs could be contained. He was pursuing the matter with Virginia Moulton the Rights of Way Officer for WMDC.
Further to the report of travellers using the field opposite the Cock & Crown for their horses and the potential damage caused to the War Memorial in doing so, members expressed concern about the response received from the WMDC Natural Environment Manager Andy Nicholls, who advised that the Parish Council should take action, therefore distancing WMDC from any further involvement. The Clerk was asked to provide a copy of the response for the District Councillors to investigate further.
Cllr Cummings informed members;

That the WMDC Cabinet positions had been changed and in future she would be responsible for the Environment.

The seat at Holly Close which had been removed was soon to be replaced.

That Surgeries would recommence on Friday mornings in June at the Parish Centre.

Cllr Bennett asked for further news on the slow sign markings, this was duly noted.

Cllr Wrigg informed members that WMDC Officer Andy Schooler had been in

attendance and taking photographs of the disused shop on Hawthorn Avenue.

District Councillors were asked to convey a thank you to WMDC Highways for the

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work done on Springhill Avenue and Wentworth Drive.


05/022                         Public Participation session

A resident asked if there was any news about fishing returning to Coppers Lake, Cllr Cummings said she was to organise an evening meeting at the Parish Centre in June.

PS Day was informed that anti social behaviour was still occurring at the bus stop on Rectory Crescent (see minute 04/003).

A resident from Rose Garth confirmed that the tree had now been removed (see minute 04/003), but was still awaiting the wall to be dealt with.

District Councillors were asked for further news on a camera being used to check the drainage channel on Harrison Road, due to the foul smelling drains in the area (see minute 01/147). WMDC Officer Gary Blenkinsop had been due to carry out an inspection, as yet there had been no response.

A resident commented that the poor conduct of some school children when crossing the road (see minute 05/028), needed to be addressed.


05/023                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge and Councillor Towns.


05/024                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


05/025                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th April 2011, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


05/026                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

A response had been received from Jez Horsley the Head of the High School, asking for suggestions as to what should be placed on the verge to deter motorists parking there. Members were agreed that concrete bollards would be a suitable deterrent, it was suggested that a site visit could be arranged for other proposals if required.

The skip had been removed from the shop at Hawthorn Avenue, Cllr Kimbley informed members that another had now been delivered.

Members agreed to a meeting with the All Saints Church Standing Committee to discuss parking, it would take place on Wednesday 01 June at 11pm.

The WMDC Highway Enforcement officer had sent confirmation that the signs advertising the Redbeck car wash had been moved away from the road edge and the Lilac tree on Oak Street had been cut back.

Graham West the WMDC Highway Network Manager would arrange for the section of Harrison Road to be inspected again to be considered for treatment, but to resurface would not be possible due to a lack of resources.

Further to the request to clean the gully on Slack Lane, the Clerk was asked to request that the whole area should be subject to its annual clean.

There had been no response to the letter sent to David Oxley of Crofton High School regarding the planting of trees at the Pontefract Road allotments.

He had circulated to members a response from Spawforth Associates about the 9 Lakes Project, there was soon to be a press update released.

Cllr Hewitt confirmed the defective lighting column on Hare Park Lane was repaired.

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05/027                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that;

The Centre had been used for the Elections.

Arrangements had been made to have the Fire Extinguishers serviced.

The bin had been emptied so it was on the WMDC Waste Collection rota.

As a short term measure he would clean the premises until a cleaner was appointed.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Arrangements had been made to have the Fire Extinguishers serviced.

Members agreed to discuss the resignation of the cleaner under Agenda item 18.

He was due to have a further meeting with the electrical contractors concerning the timer switches for the lights, but was confident the matter would be resolved.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had attended a meeting with Yorkshire Water who were conducting a survey to enable the coupling to the water main for a water supply to the Pontefract Road allotments, the Clerk confirmed he had received a quote for £1213.94. Cllr Hewitt would seek an estimate for the work needed to dig the entrance road to lay the piping. The matter would be discussed further before any work was undertaken.

Mr Salt the tenant of the Garage site at Pontefract Road had agreed to terminate his agreement, in consideration members agreed to repay his rent.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Wrigg reported that;

A resident had informed her that a wooden cross had been taken from the family grave, members duly noted this incident.


05/028                         Discuss Traffic issues

Members were informed that a Crossing Patrol Warden had now been appointed for Shay Lane School.

Cllr Bennett commented that there were 5 Crossing Patrol Wardens for the area which was better than some other areas.


05/029                         Parish Plan

Members were informed that the plan was near to completion.


05/030                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Voros informed members that the bushes on the site of the former betting shop

(opposite Crofton WMC) were overgrown, also there was much debris to the rear of shops on High Street. The Clerk would contact Neighbourhood Action to report both matters.


05/031                         Planning Notifications

Cllr Ripley asked the Clerk if he had received a response from WMDC Planning about 19 Weeland Road (see minute 04/013), the Clerk confirmed that an application had been made in May 2010 and been approved.

Cllr Ripley also commented abut planning application 11/00413/RPP, which had now been approved. This would change the shop on Hawthorn Avenue to apartments, therefore solving the problems recently experienced.

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05/032                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Cllr Bennett observed that the value of receipts compared against the payments figure for April, left a small margin, given this was only the first month of the new financial year he enquired if there would be sufficient funding for the Parish Council to meet its commitments. The Clerk confirmed that some payments made in April were for yearly expenditure which distorted the accounts.

The Clerk informed members that the Internal Audit was complete, members approved the accounting statements and the annual governance statement which were duly signed by the Chairman; Cllr Chalkley.


05/033                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 4; Cllr Bennett was given the information from the Wakefield Together Partnership on community safety to enable comments to be submitted.


05/034                         Parish matters

Cllr Affleck informed members that Crofton High School was to become an Academy in September 2011, this would take it out of control of the Local Education Authority.

A consequence of such action could result in local pupils not been given a place at the School and a lack of consultation with governors and parents, Cllr Affleck drew comparisons with the Academy at Outwood Grange.

The information provided resulted in much debate amongst members resulting in Cllr Makin leaving the meeting.

Members were asked to vote on whether the matter should be discussed further, it was voted as follows; 2 For 3 Against, the matter was therefore rejected. Cllr Affleck stated he would reconsider his position on the Parish Council and left the meeting.

Cllr Hewitt commented on work being carried out on St Josephs Church and asked the Clerk if planning permission had been sought, the Clerk stated that a planning application had been submitted which would be presented at the next meeting.

With regard to recent comment concerning trees, Cllr Bennett asked the Clerk to provide members with an updated map of the WMDC Tree Preservation Order guide for Crofton.


05/035                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 21st June 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


05/036             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


05/037                         Matters to be discussed in private

Members agreed to the co-option of Christine Dart.

The Clerk would produce a draft job specification for Cllrs Chalkley, Bennett, Jacques, Kimbley and Makin. An advert would be placed locally for the position.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council