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Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18th May 2010.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Healy, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Smithson, Towns, and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       5 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings, Manifield and Lodge


05/019             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report for the month of April 2010.

Cllr Chalkley made him aware of a blue Subaru car that had been witnessed travelling about the village at 1am and 2am.

PS Day was made aware of a parent who was using a quad bike to take his children to school, he stated that if the quad bike was registered then no offence was being


Cllr Hewitt asked if PS Day would attend on Hare Park Lane to discourage motor cyclists gathering there and causing a disturbance.

In response to the information given by Cllr Smithson about a problematic family at 34 Beech Avenue (see minute 04/001), PS Day reported that he had observed the phone log for neighbour dispute and there had only been 6 calls recorded. This was not considered problematic enough for the matter to be classed as anti social behaviour. Cllr Smithson stated that a number of incidents had been reported directly to WDH as opposed to the Police, which therefore did not reflect the problem.

The Clerk was asked to write to the WDH representatives who had attended a previous meeting with members to gauge their understanding of the situation.


05/020                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Members welcomed Cllr Manifield, following his appointment to represent the Ward.

Cllr Cummings provided information to previous enquiries;

The cycle track on the Sidings had now been cleaned, however Cllr Jacques stated it had not, she would arrange a site visit with the WMDC Neighbourhood Manager Brian Smith, to resolve the matter.

The WMDC waste collection vehicle driver who had caused an obstruction on High Street, had been instructed to not park there again.

Confirmation was received that rabbit waste and straw was to be disposed of in household bins

She would have to enquire further about the team cutting the same area of grass three times and the black bin bags not being checked by refuse staff for their content.

Members were informed that surgeries were to be resumed again at the Parish Centre and a Carers event had been organised.

Cllr Cummings was asked by;

Cllr Hewitt, to organise a meeting to discuss flooding on Hare Park Lane.

Cllr Bennett, to report that the filling of pot holes to the Sidings cycle track as opposed to a new surface, was not what members expected.

Cllr Smithson, to what could be done to alleviate the problem on Beech Avenue

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(see minute 05/019), with respect to her position on the LMC (Local Management Committee) for WDH. 

Cllr Jacques, to liaise with the Clerk about the erection of the fence at Larkdale Farm which involved the WMDC Dog Warden service.

Cllr Lodge informed members that WMDC Environment Services were still monitoring the situation with the ‘Thai to Go’ food service.


05/021                         Public Participation session

A resident stated that a previously reported matter concerning the removal of debris from the land drainage channel to the rear of houses on Hawthorn/Thorntree Avenue, had yet to be actioned. Cllr Cummings duly noted this and would enquire further.

It was reported that following advice given by the Parish Council, the WMDC Neighbourhood Action team had been contacted in an effort to have rubbish removed, the information provided had proved successful.

A resident reported that the grass to the rear of Rectory Crescent had been cut in an inefficient manner; it was thought that this was the responsibility of WDH.


05/022                         Apologies for absence          

Councillors; Duffy and Voros


05/023                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


05/024                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th April 2010, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


05/025                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

The Dog Warden had responded to the enquiry about the fence which had yet to be

erected at Larkdale Farm, by stating they would re contact the owners to remind them

of their agreement to take action.

There had been no response yet to the letter sent to the Community Centre regarding the parking of cars and litter at the re-cycle bin, however it was reported that the bin area had been tidied.

Although there had been an acknowledgement to the e-mail sent to WMDC Parks & Public Realm regarding fencing on the Sidings/Larkdale Farm, there was no further news to report.

A response had been received to the e-mail sent concerning the unfinished track from Shay Lane to the Pavilion, WMDC stated that they had carried out the necessary work to the track, by filling the pot holes for the benefit of cyclists; members thought the track would have a new surface to compliment the existing track


05/026                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

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The Scout Group had recently hired the facilities for a football tournament.

A maintenance programme for the Pavilion was to be discussed and agreed.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had needed to purchase rat poison and that he had several new keys cut for the entrance gate to the Hare Park allotments.

Cllr Bennett commented on the amount of dog faeces that was to be seen on the access road for the Hare Park allotments, it was thought that this was a result of dog walkers using the road as opposed to allotment holders and their dogs.

An informal meeting had been held to discuss matters relating to the Hare Park allotments, this was to be discussed under private matters (see minute 05/036).

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The water tap had now been replaced (see minute 04/008). The Clerk was asked to send a letter, thanking Mr Cliff for providing his services in this matter.


05/027                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Towns expressed her disapproval to the response which had recently been received from the WMDC School Travel Plan Team in conjunction with WMDC Transportation & Highways. It would seem that fatalities would need to occur, before action would be taken to improve the crossing facility for children on Doncaster Road at its junction with Pinfold Drive.

Cllr Ripley commented on the fatal crash that had occurred outside the Cock & Crown Public House and what impact it would have, such as a change to the existing road system.

The Clerk was asked to write to Keith Bloomfield, WMDC Transportation Strategy Manager, to seek a response after they had completed their investigation into the incident.


05/028                         Parish Plan

Cllr Bennett informed members that the correspondence process was still ongoing but there would soon be a formal draft. When complete, a number of copies would be distributed to the library, the school, the church, to WMDC Planning Dept and the Council Leader, Peter Box and to Parish Councillors.  It was suggested when all members were in receipt of the draft, the order of the content could be prioritised.

Funding would be pursued by the Clerk, he was to seek match funding for the time spent by Parish Councillors to produce the plan.


05/029                         Cleansing/Environment

The Electric sub-station adjacent to the Royal Oak public house had now been cleared of debris. 

Cllr Jacques commented that the gully by the youth centre was laden with silt.

There was also a water leak at the junction of Ashdene Drive/Approach.

The drain leading from Stocks Lane to Shay Lane School was also blocked. 

Cllr Chalkley would report these concerns to Cllr Cummings.


05/030                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to the applications received.

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The Clerk informed members that a letter had been received from WMDC Planning, giving notice of an appeal against the refusal of an application to change a potato business to a car repair business at Hill Top Farm. The applicants, who were in attendance at the meeting, were given the opportunity to discuss this with the District Councillors, whilst members discussed this further in private matters.


05/031                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members approved the accounts for the financial year 09/10 and were in agreement that the annual governance statement, for the external auditor, be signed by the Chairman Cllr Chalkley, which he duly did.

Members discussed the letter which had been received and responded to, from the Business Unit of W.Y Police. It was seeking confirmation that the Parish Council would be funding the Safe Scheme for the next financial year, although members had already agreed in principle to do so via the submission of the Precept request, it was agreed to review the funding on a regular basis.

The Clerk informed members that in addition to the accounts being approved by the Internal Auditor, there was a recommendation that consideration should be given to how the Parish Council documents ie; Deeds, are protected in the event of a fire. Following discussion the Clerk would purchase a more appropriate filing cabinet and the copying of such documents to be kept (or deposited) elsewhere, would be considered at a later date.  


05/032                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 2; the Clerk would write to the Acting Group Scout Leader, to advise him that the previous financial years’ accounts would be needed and to be specific about the

amount he was seeking, in order for members to give full consideration to the request.

Note 4; Cllr Towns was given the NHS questionnaire, received from VOX.

Note 7; Cllr Bennett was given the White Rose newsletter.


05/033                         Parish matters

Comment was made about the poor condition of planters, placed by WMDC.

Despite the bus service having been withdrawn form Pontefract Road, a bus was seen in operation, however it was thought the driver had just taken the wrong turning. 

Cllrs; Chalkley and Bennett, had represented the Parish Council at the recent ‘City Limits’ meeting. This was a multi agency group meeting to discuss youth problems within Crofton Village.  A further meeting would be held on the 07th June 2010.


05/0034                       Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15th June 2010 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


05/035             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed




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05/036                         Matters to be discussed in private

With regard to matters relating to the Hare Park allotments (see minute 05/026), tenancy agreements were not issued due to the condition of the gardens, if the gardens were to be kept, then unpaid rent for the period in question would be demanded with a condition that the allotment still needs to be cleared before December.

It was agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr Smith to discuss land requirements at the Pontefract Road allotment site.

Concerning the notice of appeal for Hill Top Farm (see minute 05/030), whilst members had no objections they had concerns that parking should be greater than, that allowed under parking guidelines. The Clerk was asked to ensure this concern was presented to the Planning Inspectorate.



Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council