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Crofton Parish Council

     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19th May 2009.                             


Present;          Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Hewitt, Jacques Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       5 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


05/019                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the month of April 2009.

Cllr Chalkley asked if the 3 incidents of non payment of petrol were from the same station, he was informed they were.

Cllr Makin asked if there was any pattern to the 3 reports of burglary, he was informed they were not.

Cllr Jacques asked if the Post Office delivery vehicle which was seen parking on double yellow lines, was allowed to do so whilst unloading, PC Daley stated that this was not allowable and he would take action.

In response to a question concerning the detention of youths at a Police Station, PC Daley confirmed that the previous comment made by Inspector Brear that it was not a legal option, was correct.

He confirmed that a register was compiled to record the occurrence of repeat offenders, this information was then given to the ASB Unit. When asked if any such information had been processed, PC Daley stated that the collation of this was still ongoing.

Cllr Bennett had noted that the Police Report had shown an increase of 15 incidents on the previous month despite recent initiatives, he also made comment that the policing method was either saturated cover and then nothing, a more consistent theme was required.

In response to the persistent alcohol problem within the village, Councillors were reminded of an invitation from WYPolice, to attend the ‘Operation Buzzer’ presentation at the Town Hall, aimed at educating adults and children about alcohol.

Cllr Hewitt made PC Daley about a shop on Wood Street (Wood Street News) which was allegedly selling alcohol to underage youths. Youths from outlying areas were travelling there to buy and then bring back to their local area


05/020                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

She also provided information on the ongoing enquiry concerning Middle Lane. WMDC had now been in contact with Barratt Homes concerning ownership and progress was being made.

Further to information obtained by Cllr Cummings about the cycle track on the Sidings area, members still felt certain matters had been overlooked and further consultation was still needed. The fact that the WMDC Rights of Way officer had not attended a PC meeting, despite repeated requests to do so, was of concern. The Clerk

provided Cllr Cummings with the correspondence between the interested parties in

order for her to make further representation and to arrange a meeting.

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Residents gave Cllr Cummings a petition to present to WMDC concerning the privately owned shop on Hawthorn Avenue (see minute 02/168).

Cllr Cummings was asked to provide assistance with the following requests;

Cllr Schofield asked if she could report the overgrown vegetation in the WMDC Cemetery.

Cllr Wrigg asked if an approach could be made to WDH, concerning the poor condition of a house on Thorntree Avenue which was subject to much debris and dog fouling.

Cllr Hewitt raised concern about the WMDC policy of removing only one item of large waste items without charge, this procedure was not efficient when giving consideration to the removal of a three piece suite.

The Manager of the Slipper Public House stated that waste bins were not being attended to.

A resident stated that the Bottle Banks at the Community Centre were not being emptied.


05/021                         Public Participation session

A resident in attendance asked PC Daley if he was aware of an incident concerning the sale of alcohol to underage individuals from a vehicle, a PCSO in attendance had instructed the vehicle owner to leave the area. The resident enquired why an arrest could not be performed, PC Daley stated that the PCSO did not have the authority to do so, as he was not aware of the incident he would make further enquiries.

A resident having given PC Eddie Davis information about a vehicle being parked on the Sidings Playing fields, enquired if there was any further information, PC Daley would make further enquiries.

With regard to the above comments and other previously reported matters, Cllr Hewitt voiced his dissatisfaction with the lack of communication between the NPT (Neighbourhood Policing Team) and the PCSO’s. 

A resident enquired if there was any further news concerning improvement works to Coppers Lake, Cllr Bennett provided information from a report he had received from the WMDC Engineer overseeing the project.

Parish Councillors welcomed the Manager of the Slipper Public House, she informed those present of her aspirations for the future and to introduce initiatives such as ‘Pub is the Hub’. Members thanked her for attending and suggested that she approach the Parish Council for any support she may need.


05/022                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors Lodge and Isherwood

Councillor Voros.


05/023                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters

Cllrs Jacques, Towns and Wrigg declared their interest with regard to the Constable and Pinders Charity.


05/024                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st April 2009, were subject to change prior to being signed as a true record by the Chairman.

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05/025                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

A response had now been received from the WMDC Senior Traffic Engineer, stating that the work programme had yet to be agreed and would need to do so before the investigation concerning parking on Slack Lane/High Street, could take place.

Following the letter sent to the Service Director concerning lack of action being taken over traffic calming measures, a letter of response had been received from WMDC Traffic & Transportation Manager, stating he was investigating the matter.

The e-mail sent to WMDC Planning about the new Cycle Track on the Sidings, had asked them to confirm what act (or section of the planning act) and on what basis, are major engineering works through green belt creating a highway, to be considered as permitted development. This had yet to receive any response.

A response had been received to a letter sent to the Director of Passenger Services at METRO asking for support to bring pressure on Arriva to reinstate the service along Pontefract Road, he would be meeting the Managing Director of Arriva to discuss the matter. A letter from the WMDC Traffic & Transportation Manager had also been received stating he was also investigating the matter.

Inspector Brear had replied to the e-mail sent about a dispersal order, she stated that she would not be pursuing the matter as the number of incidents had decreased.

A response had been received from the WMDC Biodiversity Officer concerning the naming of Walton Nature Reserve to that of Crofton/Walton Nature Reserve, he stated that they had struggled to get the new bye-laws imposed and a change of name at this point would delay that process even further, however it would be registered as a Local Nature Reserve.


05/026                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing specific to report.

Report Village Association

See (minute 05/036).

Report Allotments

Members agreed to grant permission to the application from T Rogers to erect a shed on a Hare Park allotment garden.

Cllr Schofield asked what the procedure was for the removal of asbestos from an allotment garden, following comment and suggestions from members, the Clerk would make enquiries and inform members of his findings in due course.

Cllr Chakley stated that the allotments working party had met and discussed the arrangements for the improvements to the access road at the Hare Park allotments.

Cllr Hewitt had arranged for the road to be initially levelled, then quantities of road planings (scalpings) would be used.

Report Parish Cemetery

Members discussed the request from Cllr Schofield to introduce an interim charge for new residents, after due consideration it was agreed that the existing Cemetery Rules/Charges (Section 1 sub-section(ii)) made provision for any contentious issue.


05/027                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllrs Duffy and Towns had conducted a survey to identify the number of school children crossing Doncaster Road at the junction of Pinfold Drive. They were

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horrified by the risks that the children had to take to get over the road in view of the fact that there is no pedestrian refuge. They stated that they would conduct another survey in order to reflect their original figures and take photographic evidence. The Clerk would provide them with a letter of authority on behalf of the Parish Council, should they need to account for their actions.

Cllr Bennett having been given a speed/traffic survey by Cllr Cummings, had noted that some of the information was out of date, he suggested that a more recent survey should be sought.


05/028                         Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


05/029                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Towns had noted that the area at 29a Slack Lane was still in a poor state, the Clerk was asked to contact the Agents for the owners, to seek their support in cleaning the area.


05/030                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections, however comment was made on the low number of applications being submitted.

The Clerk made comment about planning application 07/02343/FUL; concerning 14 Farnham Way, which the Parish Council had previously objected to. This was now the subject of an appeal, the Inspectorate was in possession of the representations made by the Parish Council.


05/031                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Members had been circulated with a letter from the Internal Auditor approving the

Financial Accounts for 08/09.                     

Members gave their approval of the Accounts and to the Annual Governance Statement, for submission to the External Auditor.

Following information from the Clerk, a decision to award a grant to the Scout Group would need to be supported with an invoice from WMDC. The Clerk had sent the Scout Group treasurer an example invoice as reference.


05/032                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received in particular;

Note 7; after discussing the content of the letter, it was agreed to offer a donation of £100

Note 10; members agreed to the payment of the yearly subscription of £35.

Note11; after giving due consideration to the information received, it was agreed to offer a donation of £100


05/033                         Parish matters

Cllr Bennett had noted that the brick bus shelter on Doncaster Road had been demolished.


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Cllr Jacques informed members that the Constable & Pinders Charity, had given consideration to a suggestion that the Crofton Stocks (situated near to the entrance of All Saints Church) be renovated. A quote of £1050 had been received, the Charity would pay the first £450, the Parish council was asked to fund the balance of £600.

Members agreed in principle to the suggestion, the Clerk was asked to establish if such works would need any consent.

Cllr Makin suggested that the Charity may be entitled to funding from other sources.


05/034                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 16th June 2009 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


05/035             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


05/036                         Matters to be discussed in private

Members were in agreement that the Parish Council would meet the cost of paying for the Electric supply to the Pavilion in return for the Village Association paying the Parish Council the net amount.


Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council