Crofton Parish Council



Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Tuesday 16th May 2006.                                 


Present;                                  Councillors Chalkley, Bennett, Duffy K,

                                                Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Towns, Voros, Wrigg.


In attendance;                        District Councillors; Manifield and Isherwood.

                                                1 member of the public


Apologies for absence           District Councillor Cummings

Councillors Schofield, Duffy S.



05/018             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC Daley gave his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of April, of which there were 20 crimes. Cllr Makin asked if there was any pattern to the burglary of

dwellings, but PC Daley stated they were random burglaries. Cllr Jacques mentioned that there appeared to be an abandoned car on Middle Lane leading to the Community Centre, he asked PC Daley to make enquiries. Cllr Ripley commented on the cars still parking on Slack Lane which was causing mayhem, PC Daley stated that efforts had been made to improve this, but to put more effort in this area would mean a re-direction of resources, Cllr Chalkley stated that this issue could be reviewed at a later date. Cllr Hewitt spoke of an incident on Hare Park Lane the previous Friday night, where a 4x4 vehicle was seen ramming a fence, added to this the occupants were dealing in ecstasy tablets, he also reported on the smoking of cannabis behind the Youth Centre with children as young as 10 years old being encouraged to smoke it, Cllr Hewitt stated he has previously brought this matter to the attention of the police and wanted assurances from the police that this matter was given high priority and would be resolved. Cllr Voros stated he had witnessed children smoking behind the shops.


05/019             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield stated that Cllr Cummings had been offered a Cabinet Post with WMDC, Cllr Chalkley offered congratulations on behalf of the Parish Council and extended them to Cllr Isherwood for his re-election. The official opening of the Youth centre will be 13th June 2006. Cllr Manifield also commented on the work being done by WDH on housing improvements, which was behind schedule and was not up to standard, Cllr Isherwood also voiced his dissatisfaction with the programme of work and stated he had made his feelings known to the press, he stated that if members of the public were experiencing problems they should make him aware of it. Cllr Jacques commented on the poor state of Ashdene Drive and asked Cllr Isherwood to give the matter some attention, which he agreed to do so.


05/020             Public Participation session

Members listened to comments from a resident who stated that the proposed car boot sale on Doncaster Road should not take place, as he recalled that this land should be



used for nothing other than agricultural purposes, however it was confirmed that the sale had been cancelled. The resident also made members aware of the problem of mercury in crematoria, Cllr Isherwood offered to speak with him directly.


05/021             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters.


05/022             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 25th April 2006, were signed as a correct record by the new Chairman, Trevor Chalkley.


05/023             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk updated members on outstanding matters;

There had not been any response from Crofton High School, following the Clerk’s letter about arranging a travel plan, graffiti on the wall at the rear of the school and the missing stone from the perimeter wall.

A decision from Highways Enforcement was still pending regarding the boundary issue at Harrison Road/Ashdene Approach.

The Clerk had met Phyllis Baines and was dealing with her requests and concerns.

The Clerk had still not received a response from Byron Roofing, it was agreed that the Clerk contact the governing organisation of Byron Roofing Ltd.

The Clerk had not received a response from the 2nd letter he had sent to the Countryside and Conservation Service, it was agreed to wait till the next meeting before deciding on what further action to take.

District Councillor Cummings had acknowledged an e-mail sent from the Clerk (minute 04/014).

The Clerk had been informed that the property section for the Education Dept; was no longer in existence, all such matters were now the responsibility of the School.

Paul Platts from Highways Maintenance had acknowledged the Clerks letter (minute 04/010).


05/024             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy S, stated the fire extinguishers had received their annual service, Cllr Towns asked if something could be done to the area, following the removal of the portakabin as it was untidy, it was agreed that the Clerk contact T&D Contractors and ask them to do so, subject to cost. Cllr Jacques stated he had been approached about the use of the Centre for bingo, Cllr Duffy S was asked to make further enquiries or if any further information was received, to report to members at the next meeting. Cllr Chalkley stated that at some future date, consideration would need to be given for improvements to the Centre.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin gave the Clerk an invoice for payment following the repair of the doors. He also asked the Clerk to ascertain a progress report for work being done at the Sidings. The dates for the Crofton Juniors tournament were confirmed as being the 19th and 20th August 2006.Cllr Makin also reported on progress being made with regard to the installation of an all weather pitch.

Report Allotments

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Cllr Hewitt commented on work being done by the allotment committee, such as tenancies being relinquished and re-allocated, and letters issued following condition reports being produced. Cllr Hewitt also asked if the committee could act independently of the PC, this was confirmed by the Clerk who made members aware of the Local Government Act 1972 s101, following a vote, it was resolved that the committee be allowed to do so. Cllr Bennett asked for evidence to be produced that relates to a particular comment the Clerk had made about members of the public not being allowed to vote on a committee, even though they may have been elected for that committee.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report.


05/025             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley stated he would be attending the next Road Safety meeting.


05/026             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


05/027             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques had noticed that the new trees planted on the Sidings to help reduce the noise from the skate park were damaged, as the Clerk was to contact Mark Cropley about other matters, he would also alert him to this. Cllr Ripley commented on litter bins missing from 2 posts opposite each other, between the Cock & Crown Pub and the garage, they went missing and were never replaced. The Clerk was asked to contact Lawrence Deagan about the matter.


05/028             Planning Notifications

Councillors had no objections to raise, but discussed the application for a wind turbine at Santa Lina, the Clerk was asked to make further enquiries as to its position on the premises and the expected noise levels.


05/029             Financial matters

Accounts were observed without objection, the Clerk was requested to read out the cheques that were due for payment at this and future meetings. Cllr Bennett raised concerns about invoices received from PHS Group.                                                                             

05/030             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular, much consideration was given to the request for a seat to be situated on the Sidings by Phyllis Baines, although recognising the merits of this enquiry, it was agreed to initially refuse the request, but to discuss at a later date perhaps when all work on the Sidings was complete.


05/031             Parish matters

Cllr Jacques had noticed that cars were being sold on Doncaster Road/Weeland Road/ Kingsley Avenue area, this follows a previous objection to WMDC Highways which curtailed this matter, the Clerk was asked to contact John Whitworth at WMDC


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Highway Enforcement/ Social Behaviour Unit at Normanton to raise another objection and to point out that it seems to be a recurring problem.

Cllr Hewitt asked the Clerk to raise an objection to WMDC about debris and loose block paviors on the road known as Church Hill at its junction with Harrison Road, it was suggested that this objection also be sent to the WMDC Highway Enforcement at Normanton. Cllr Hewitt also reported on the condition of the public footpath from Hare Park Lane through Larkdale Farm, the farmer Mr Baines was causing large ruts to the surface as he was driving heavy vehicles on it, since the Clerk would be contacting Phyllis Baines about other matters, he would ask that the surface have infill where necessary. It was stated that May Gurney an engineering company, were carrying out works to the path and beck, on the border of Crofton and Walton, it appears that the beck has been diverted on the Walton side of the border, the Clerk was asked to write to Walton Parish Council to report the situation. Cllr Bennett informed members that of the 4 trees that had been planted on Springhill Drive, one had been damaged, as this was WMDC Highway land, the Clerk was asked to write

and ask for a replacement or the removal of the damaged parts.


05/032             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 20th June 2006                             at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


05/033             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


05/034             Matters to be discussed in private

The Clerk will await receipt of the insurance document from First Impressions.



Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council