Crofton Parish Council


                                                    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on

                                              Tuesday 18th May 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                               Councillors:    Mrs K Duffy, Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg, S Bennett, T Chalkley, J R Hewitt, G Makin

                                                                                                     G P Jackson OBE BEM JP, P Jacques,

                                                                                                     A Ripley & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:       Mrs C Dickinson, Mrs R Salt, Mrs J Scott, Mr Scott, Mr B Murphy & Mr G Schofield


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police:           Pc P McMahon


                                                                             Wakefield MDC                      Joanne Posonby          


                                                                             The Clerk:       J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                          Councillors:    A Manifield, S Duffy & D Marshall


                 The chairman Cllr A Ripley presided over the meeting.


04/086      West Yorkshire Police


                 1. Safe Scheme


                 Pc McMahon (Paul) presented his report for April.


He also informed cllrs that he had addressed all the priorities of the council, improvements being made in some areas.


Mr Schofield informed council that the situation at the graveyard was deteriorating, groups of youths can be found at the back of the church at all hours of the day, even when they are supposed to be in school.


Paul explained that the neither the police in general or safe scheme officers were in a position to monitor the Parish Church and the cemetery 24 hours a day, any problems need to be rung in and logged at the control centre.


Cllr Jackson explained that Mr Myers and his staff were doing all they could to keep pupils in check, they had visited the cemetery and spoken with several youths, some of those questioned by staff were found to be truants, they were bought back to school and there parents notified.


Cllrs voiced the opinion that more could be done by the school and that pupils should at least be kept on the premises during breaks. Cllr Jacques added that he had contacted Outwood Grange with a view to ascertaining how they deal with the problem.


Cllr Jackson reiterated that the High School was during all it could and the headteacher wasn’t in a position to force pupils to stay on the premises. 




Cllr Chalkley advised that there had been a big improvement at the Health Centre.


Mrs Brown asked if Paul could address the problem of teenage girls congregating at the Rectory Crescent passenger shelter during lunchtime break.


Paul asked councillors if it was acceptable for him to use some safe scheme resources during weekday lunchtimes at the expense of Friday evening and weekends. This was agreed.


Cllr Jackson raised concerns over the use of Crofton Triangle by off road motorcycles. It appeared that this use was more than casual as both adults and children from as far away as Nottingham are using the site.


Residents of the Brandhill estate had to suffer throughout the weekend, often while 9.30 pm Saturday and Sunday.


Paul explained that as the vehicles were on private land the matter was out of his jurisdiction.


The clerk was therefore instructed to contact the planning enforcement officer and environmental services on the matter to ascertain what action can be taken.


                 The priorities for June to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak, Medical Centre along with any other areas brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


                 To address the problem of illegal parking of vehicles on Slack Lane.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


                 Address problem with youths in the vicinity of Rectory Crescent


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.


                 2. Traffic Speed Stickers


                 Joanne advised councillors that John Skidmore had approved the use of the Slow Down stickers on wheelie bins suggesting that council concentrates on the High Street, Harrison Road and Slack Lane initially.


                 Joanne had therefore commissioned speed checks in the area which had shown that 85% of traffic was traveling at speeds in the region of 27 –29 mph. Once the stickers have been in use for a couple of months the speed checks would be repeated.


                 It was agreed that councilors would meet at 1.30 pm on 28 May to distribute the stickers throughout the area.


                 Joanne explained that, as the district was currently in the middle of an election any publicity would have to be postponed until the elections were over.



04/087      Public Participation Session


                 Nothing raised


04/088      Appointment of Chairman 2004/2005


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Cllr P Jacques be appointed Chairman for the forthcoming year.


                 Cllr Jacques accepted, thanking council for electing him to the Chair.  He also asked that the minutes note thanks to Cllr Ripley for all the work he has undertaken during his two years as chairman.


04/089      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


04/090      Appointment of Vice Chairman 2004/2005


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Cllr Bennett be appointed Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.


04/091      Appointment of The Responsible Financial Officer, RFO


                 The clerk was appointed RFO for the forthcoming year.


04/092      Appointment of Committee Convenors


                 It was agreed that the following act as convenors.


                 a. Allotments                           -           Cllr J Voros & Cllr J R Hewitt

                 b. Community Facilities          -           Cllr G Makin - Village Centre

                                                                             Cllr Mrs K Duffy - Parish Centre

                 c. Parish Cemetery                  -           Mr G Schofiled

                 d. Special Services                 -           The clerk


04/093      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


04/094      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 20th April were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


04/095      Matters Arising 


1.     Sewer – Harrison Road


Cllr Ripley advised that he had spoken with Environmental Health once more who had now confirmed that the problem was the responsibility of Yorkshire Water and not the householder. The main sewer had become blocked.



The blockage had been cleared but should the problem reoccur Yorkshire Water would need to carry out some corrective work on the sewer.


2.     Youth Services


Both the clerk and Cllr Ripley reported (from differing sources) that the delays in submitting a planning application for the new youth centre were down to the anticipated cost of the centre been well above the funds available.  These problems had now been overcome through the allocation of additional monies.  It was therefore anticipated that an application for detailed planning would be imminent.


The clerk was asked to write to the Chief Executive expressing council’s disappointment over the delay


04/096      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr Duffy reported that Mrs Lund of the playgroup had approached her over the prospect of installing a second toilet, a requirement should the playgroup wish to be recognised by OFFSTED.


                 It was agreed that Cllrs Jacques and Duffy visit the playgroup to ascertain their requirements whilst also learning a little more about how the group operates.


                 Cllrs agreed to defer their review of the hire charges for the Parish Centre until after the meeting with the playgroup. 


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that the electricity bills at the centre have soared following the fitting of a new meter by N Power. Investigations were underway as to the reason why.


04/097      Allotments - Convenors Report


Cllr Voros reported that Lee Potts had been allocated the allotment vacated by Mr Rushton. 


Cllr Hewitt reported that Mr Robinson was prepared to release two allotments; unfortunately they were not fit for growing as they formed part of the embankment.


It was agreed that the clerk contact the multi allotment tenants to ascertain whether they would be prepared to give up allotments to those on the waiting list.


04/098      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 The clerk reported Mr Joyce would be carrying out the long outstanding repairs to the perimeter fence on Thursday 20 May 2004.


                 Mr Schofield reported that, T & D had not emptied the rubbish bins for four weeks and that grass around the headstones needs strimming.


                 The clerk to write to T & D reminding them of their contractual obligations.


                 Mr Schofield asked if the gravedigger could be contracted to lay 25 flags as T & D don’t appear to have time to complete this task.


                 Council agreed that Mr Schofield ascertain the gravediggers costs and report back to the Chairman who would then give his authority, assuming the price is right.


                 Mr Schofield asked if council would consider purchasing a lawn mower in order that he could tidy up the areas that T & D miss using their tractor.


                 Councillors decided that they could not sanction this due the insurance and public liabilities.


04/099      Special Services - Convenors Report


1.     All Saints Parish Church


Councillors considered a request from All Saints’ Church for financial assistance towards the cost of replacing the central heating fuel storage tank.


It was agreed that a grant of £2,000 be made using the powers given to council under s137 of the local Government Act 1972.


04/100      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Ripley reported that the excavation of both coal and clay was now complete. Work has commenced on digging the ponds prior to restoration.


04/101      Old Library Site


                 The clerk reported that he had emailed Tim Abbott asking that contractors be brought back on site to complete works, but as yet no reply had been forthcoming.


04/102      Cleansing


                 The chairman reported that he and Cllr Ripley has met with John Skidmore and Martin Wolmersley from cleansing services, they had walked around the village and noted a considerable improvement in the general appearance.


                 Martin Womersley had supplied a map of the village prior to the meeting on which an additional 33 sites had been identified for litterbins; this had been taken away by Martin for further consideration.


                 The debris to the rear of 91/93 High Street was still a problem, which John Skidmore undertook to resolve.


                 The Pavement have not been swept due to the sweeper being broken down, when repaired this would visit the village again.


                 The road adjacent to the Hanover Developments development at Bedford Farm was in need of attention. The clerk to contact planning.           


                 Discussion took place on the arrangements for the Keep Crofton Tidy Campaign. It was agreed that the clerk contact all the schools to canvass the head teachers view on pupils entering a competition to design a poster to be used in the campaign.


                 The competition to be run in three age groups, Infants 5-7, Juniors 7-11 and Seniors 11 plus. A £10 ridings voucher would be the prize for the best design in each category with a further £20 going to the overall winner. The overall winner being the poster to be used in the campaign.



04/103      Planning


                 All applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/104      Financial Matters  


a.      2003/2004 R & P Accounts


The clerk presented a statement of accounts for financial year 2003/04 on which the annual return to the external auditors is based.


Councillors noted the contents and agreed that the figures be used.


b.     Accounts


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 J F Shillitoe                                                929.01

                 Ms Reid                                                       53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                            276.64

                 Mayfair Security                                        481.75

                 Firescreen                                                  115.87     

                 Yorkshire Electricity                                    49.80 (P Centre)

                 Wakefield MDC                                           68.11 (Election Costs)

                 Mr G Schofield                                                        80.31 (Lock for Garage)

                 All Saints                                                2,000.00


04/105      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                  - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

                 YLCA                                                  - White Rose Update

                                                                             - AGM Notice

                                                                             - Executive Committee Minutes

                                                                             - Wakefield Branch Agenda

                                                                             - Wakefield Branch Minutes

                 YRCC                                                 - Country Air

                                                                             - Sports News


04/106      Parish Matters


1.     Henry Daley Memorial Park


                 The clerk to report to leisure services that the memorial clock was in need of restoration and repair.


2.     Wayside Markers – Lodge Lane


It was reported that several of the wayside markers along Lodge Lane had been vandalised and needed replacing. The clerk to report the matter to Highways.





3.     Grass Verge – Priory Ridge


                 Cllr Chalkley reported that Highways were not cutting the grass verges alongside Priory Ridge


                 The clerk to contact highways.


4.     Footpath – Springhill Avenue to Priory Ridge


The clerk to request highways erect a kissing gate at the Priory Ridge end of this footpath to deter cyclists and motorcyclists driving along it.


5.     Hanging Baskets/Street Lighting Columns


The clerk reported that twelve of the councils chosen columns for the hanging baskets have been rejected by AMEY substitutes have therefore been submitted.


Cllrs asked that the clerk seek further details as to why the original twelve were rejected and also to ascertain when AMEY plan to commence the replacement programme in Crofton.


04/107      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 15th June 2004.


04/108      Matters Discussed in Private


                 Minuted under item 04/099.










     Chairman                                                                                                                     15th June 2004.