Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21st March 2006                                  


Present;                                  Councillors Jacques Bennett Chalkley Duffy K

                                                Hewitt Makin Ripley Towns Schofield Voros Wrigg


In attendance;                        District Councillors; Cummings and.Isherwood


1 member of the public


Apologies for absence            District Councillor Manifield

Councillors Duffy (S)


03/270             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley gave his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of February 2006, he particularly mentioned the stealing of wheelie bins for misuse. Cllr Hewitt stated that there seemed to be persistent problems at the bridge on Hare Park Lane, and in particular one early morning incident when a loud bang was heard. PC Daley asked him to report anything on the non-emergency number 0845 6060606 the more calls received to this number would help divert resources to the area, if more people ring and inform the police of such incidents, it creates more intelligence which in turn helps solve crime. Cllr Bennett mentioned that rather than having to use this number, the fact that the Council pays extra money for policing, that they should expect the problem to have priority, if not, it calls into question the payment of such money. PC Daley stated that priority could be given to patrolling at certain times, however Cllr Jacques suggested that the safe scheme money should not be used for a ‘one off’ incident, and that safe scheme arrangements should not be changed.

Cllr Towns asked if PC Daley was responsible for speed checks, he was not but he would pass any comments to the traffic control, if he did get involved he would have to re organise his priorities. Cllr Voros brought up the subject of parking on Slack Lane, Cllr Jacques commented that the closing by the club of the barrier gate, where some cars were parking, had now added to the ongoing problems, it was suggested that a re-direction of safe scheme priorities for a limited period of time may help the situation. Cllr Ripley suggested the use of traffic wardens to help solve the problem.

Cars parking on yellow lines are in breach of the traffic regulations, this needs to be enforced, PC Daley said he would raise the matter with the department.


03/271             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors


Cllr Cummings stated that the Neighbourhood Police Team meeting held in Walton was well attended by residents of Walton and Crofton, there will be a similar meeting to be held in Crofton at the Community Centre at 6pm on the 28th April. The removal of graffiti from the Parish Centre had been started but the cleaners were having difficulty removing the paint due to the type of paint that was used. Keys for the new Youth Centre were handed over to Cllr Isherwood, therefore the opening was imminent. There will be a street surgery held by District Councillors at Hawthorn Court on the first Friday in the month (7th April), Inspector Bailes from the West Yorkshire Police will be in attendance. Cllr Chalkley had observed on several occasions that the heating in the new Youth Centre seemed to be constantly working, and wondered if anyone was responsible for the apparent wastage, Cllr Cummings stated that any costs would be on the builders supply. Cllr Bennett asked if the Police Community officers had the same powers of arrest as the police, they do not, but they can detain till police back-up arrives. Cllr Schofield mentioned the fencing at the Youth Centre (minute 01/231), and asked if any finance was left to enable it to be extended, Cllr Cummings said she would point this out to Lister Baines. Cllr Ripley told members he had cause to stop someone using a motorbike on the footpath at the Santingley/Long Row Open Cast site (Santingley Lane), the person stated that there were no signs saying that they should not, Cllr Ripley stated this was true, and so asked the District Councillors to help resolve this matter. Cllr Cummings asked Cllr Ripley to provide a plan of the area and to plot where any signs would be most beneficial, and she would endeavour to get the project completed.


03/272             Public Participation session

Resident Mrs Salt, brought to the attention of the Council the untidy condition of the sub station at Beech Avenue, and also the amount of litter lining the hedge at Pontefract Road, in the vicinity of the Priory Centre. It was agreed that the Clerk would report this to Loz Deagan of the Wakefield MDC Cleansing and Environment Dept.


03/273             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard planning matters


03/274             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes for the previous meeting held on 21st February 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman


03/275             Discuss matters arising from the previous minutes

The Clerk stated there had been no response from Tom Forrest of WMDC Traffic Management with regard to the Councils offer of funding for a traffic island at Doncaster Road/Pinfold Drive and A frames at Priory Ridge, however he would endeavour to get an answer for the Council, it was suggested that another source of help could come from WMDC Road Safety who supported safe routes to schools, the Clerk would make enquiries and report back to members. The Clerk informed members that the planning dept had advised that there appears to have been some encroachment onto Highways land at the junction of Harrison Road/Ashdene Approach., this may now become subject to enforcement action.Cllr Jacques said that he would make arrangements for the removal of the portakabin, he confirmed that the electricity supply had now been disconnected. Stuart Nicholls from Amey had responded by letter, to a request from the Council to attend the Council meeting, he was not willing to come to the meeting, but confirmed that the siting of the new posts had been done via a street survey, not by plotting the positions using a map. Members however are still not satisfied with this response, and it was agreed that the Clerk write another letter, asking them for a site meeting with Cllr Jacques, and other members sometime in May. The Clerk confirmed that the paths/tracks on the Walton Nature Reserve on the Walton/Crofton border, were able to be used by horses, however members were concerned about the number of horses using the facility and if it was a potential danger, the Clerk was asked to enquire with the Countryside and Conservation Service (who are responsible for the management of the area), if they were aware of the situation and to ask for their comments.


03/276            Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy(K) reported that the Trade waste bin had not been emptied for two weeks, it was probably because the bin was not being left outside the gates for fear of being pinched, and the waste collectors were not entering the property to collect it. It was decided to leave it outside the gates for it to be emptied, and for members to discuss at a later date, whether the service was still required in view of the reduced use of the Parish Centre. The Clerk was asked to write a letter to the cleaner asking her not to deposit the waste from the litter bin into the wheely bin, and also write to the environment dept; to ensure they keep to their responsibilities for emptying the litter bin. Cllr Duffy also commented on the guttering to the front of the building which was damaged, the Clerk would write to the roofing contractor and check the guarantee.

Cllr Jacques had received a quote from C Parkes for the erection of the new notice board, members agreed to accept this.


Report Village Association

Cllr Makin stated that he was still awaiting for the doors to be repaired by the blacksmith, following the attempted burglary earlier in the year. Cllr Chalkley  had noticed a football team training on the Sports Pavillion fields, he recognised them as Wakefield City AFC (part of West Yorkshire Sports Club) the Clerk was asked to write to their secretary stating that the facilities are not for general use.


03/277             Allotments report

Cllr Hewitt stated that the collection day had been a success, to date only two people had not paid their fees. Cllr Jacques asked that he and any other members of the Council not on the allotment committee, be provided by the Clerk with a set of procedures with regard the allocation of allotments. 


03/278             Parish Cemetery report

Cllr Schofield stated that no progress had been made with regard the new concrete plinths (minute 02/258), however Cllr Chalkley stated that Mr.Yates had been asked to conduct an initial inspection, the Clerk was asked to find the name of the contractor who had previously done the work. T&D Contractors had not been in touch with him to arrange a site meeting concerning the removal of waste.A number of trees (some dead) needed to be cut down within the cemetery, the Clerk would arrange to meet Cllr Schofield to discuss which trees needed removing, they would utilise a tree preservation order map supplied by Cllr Bennett to help them, the Clerk would then arrange a site meeting with T&D to implement the plan.


03/279             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report


03/280             Parish Leases

Nothing to report



03/281             Cleansing/Environment

The Clerk was asked to contact the Environment Dept; to ensure that procedure was being followed with regard to all litter bins being emptied (see minute 03/276).

Cllr Ripley had observed what he thought was tipping of waste at the rear of the Redbeck Motel.


03/282             Planning Notifications

Councillors had no objections to raise


03/283             Financial matters

Accounts were observed without comment, the Council agreed, following a vote, to pay Mr.Marshall £50 towards his compensation claim. It was also agreed to pay for the facilities at Shay Lane Primary School on behalf of the Rainbows.


03/284             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, one particular item for discussion was to agree the charge for the use of the Parish Centre for the forthcoming elections, it was agreed to charge the same as the previous year £150.


03/285             Parish matters

Cllr Bennett provided the Council with a plan showing trees that had a preservation order on them, it was given to the Clerk to hold, and is available for inspection by any member at a future date should they wish to consult it or make enquiries about a particular tree they think should be on the list. Cllr Jacques raised the matter about Phyllis Baines becoming a Councillor, it was stated that she felt she would be unable to commit herself to the task. Cllr Jacques also stated he had sent an e-mail to Mark Cropley, asking him to arrange a site meeting at Crofton Sidings, as there was concern regarding the swampy conditions of land works being carried out, Mr Cropley had stated that he too was concerned, but the weather was a contributing factor to the situation.


03/286             Matters reported directly to the Clerk

The Chairman, Cllr Jacques, made members aware that the Clerk had received an invitation from Mrs Shillitoe, inviting them to a ceremony at Mackie Hill School at 3.30pm on the 07th April, for the former Clerk, John Shillitoe


03/287             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 25th April 2006                             at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


03/288             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.21

This was duly noted


03/289             Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place prior to the Parish Council meeting on the 25th April 2006 


Signed                                       Date                


              Vice Chairman Crofton Parish Council