Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 20 March 2012.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt,  Kimbley, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Wilby.


In attendance;                       9 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield

                                                PI Clare.


03/182             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented his report covering 21 Feb to 20 Mar.   

Cllr Towns commented on a 16th birthday party that had taken place at the Royal Oak Public House. Due to a disturbance the Landlady had to close the party, drunken youths then started fighting on the street outside. PI Clare who was travelling through the village at the time, stopped to assist while other Officers arrived, by which time the youths had dispersed, Concern was raised about where the youths had obtained the alcohol from as the Royal Oak had not sold it to them due to the age restriction.

Comment was made about the amount of youths in the village from other areas and how the Police could resolve this matter, PI Clare commented that they had no power to stop youths being present.  

Cllr Wilby commented on the use of Mounted Police being used to disperse youths at a disturbance involving Horbury School.

Cllr Dart enquired about what facilities were available for youths to occupy themselves, comment was made about the Youth Club being available on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for youths, but it was noted that the facility was not well attended.

Cllr Hewitt commented on the matter being discussed at a recent Police PACT meeting, but although there was always much discussion, the problem was not being resolved.

PI Clare commented on the Bye Law signage in the new play area on Hare Park Sidings, the restriction of the park being closed from dusk till dawn was proving most effective. It was suggested that the restriction be applied to the surrounding area, District Councillors were asked to make further enquiries regarding this suggestion.

Cllr Kimbley stated that the ginnel off Brand Hill Drive (see minute 02/164), had now been cleaned, but there was still evidence of drug taking, also the parking problems on Holly Close (see minute 12/128), had resulted again, PS Day was asked to take action on both matters.

PS Day asked who he should contact concerning Safe Scheme expenditure between meetings, he was asked to contact Cllr Chalkley.


03/183                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings introduced Faith,  a future Labour Candidate for Ward 5 to members.

Cllr Cummings provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

With regard to the planning application for a metal container at 541 Doncaster Road (see minute 03/193), she thought that WMDC Highways would object to the proposal.

The former bookmakers site on Slack Lane had now been cleared of debris.

A new bus shelter was to be erected on Doncaster Road.

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With the help of the PCSO’s, the area to the rear of the Post Office and Shops on High Street had now been cleared of debris, they had sought the support of residents to enable this.

Cllr Manifield was thanked for his effort and support in getting the footpath on Doncaster Road to the bus stop completed.

Cllr Cummings informed members that the Police had been contacted about an incident concerning the smearing of excrement on the slide in the new play area.

The Police had arranged a meeting to discuss the use of mobile speed cameras between Nostell and Heath, also in attendance was WMDC Highway Officer Bob Whyatt who was to arrange for 40 mph speed signs to be erected in the same area.

Cllr Manifield informed members that he was aware of the consultation letter that had been distributed to some residents, concerning the proposal to erect houses within the village, he had contacted the consultant concerned and asked for an extension of the deadline for responses beyond the 30 March. He had also asked WMDC Director of Planning Ian Thompson, to attend a Parish Council meeting to discuss the matter.

Cllr Manifield and Cllr Cummings both confirmed that they were willing to support the Parish Council in objecting to this proposal.

Cllr Kimbley sought confirmation that the former flats for elderly people which are to be demolished, were to be replaced with bungalows, this was confirmed.

Cllr Wilby reported that there was a substantial amount of mud on Shay Lane, at the entrance to the railway track at the bridge. As there had been a traffic accident in this area, she asked that District Councillors report this to WMDC Highway Enforcement.

Cllr Bennett also asked for them to take action for the inspection of trees near to 8 Springhill Drive as they were rotting at the base and constituted a hazard.


03/184                         Public Participation session

Richard Sellens from the Community Cafι group gave thanks for the donation received from the Parish Council which would be used towards the hire of the Parish Centre. He informed members that he was organising an event for the Queens forthcoming Diamond Jubilee.

Another resident thanked Cllr Hewitt for his help given to mend a fence.


03/185                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors;  none received for Cllr Lodge.

Councillor Wrigg.


03/186                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Chakley declared an interest in planning application Ref. No: 12/00392/AGR.


03/187                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 February 2012, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


03/188                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

Following an enquiry to WMDC Highways, it was confirmed that Church Road is adopted as an all purpose highway.

Further to information received from Cllr Wilby concerning an incident with one of

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the Guides, a report had been submitted to raise concern about the condition of the fencing in the WMDC owned part of the Cemetery. An acknowledgement had been received and WMDC Officers were to inspect.

Cllr Chalkley had received a request from the owner of St Josephs Church (see minute 02/178), asking if a letter could be issued stating that the Parish Council had no objection to the change of use of the building.                                 

Cllr Bennett had not attended the meeting to discuss the review of the Standing and Financial Orders, as he had left the meeting prior to the date being agreed for the meeting and had not been subsequently informed (see minute 03/194).


03/189                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Chalkley reported that;

He had made enquiries about alternative heaters for the Centre, he had provided Cllr Dart and the Clerk with information, who were both in agreement about their suitability. Following discussion it was agreed that the heaters would be replaced with 2 High Level Fan Heaters.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

There was still a large amount of salt available for collection.

The final bill had now been received, to enable an insurance claim to be submitted.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

The car park at Pontefract Road had now been completed and was of good appearance.

He had received information from the Clerk concerning a tenant who had relinquished their allotment, the allotment would be reissued.

The reallocation of Allotment garden 20 at Hare Park (see minute 02/171) needed to be resolved, it was agreed to discuss this at a later date.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The diseased tree (minute 02/171), had now been removed.

Following information received from the Clerk concerning the wrong documentation being used and confusion over the status of a resident, it was agreed that he would write to the Funeral Director and inform him that the information received results in a non-resident status. Further to this, it was agreed that the Cemetery Rules would be changed to advise all suppliers that they must use the appropriate correspondence, also that all purchases for a grave or casket space would be charged at the non-resident rate, when resident status had been decided, a refund would be then issued

It was also agreed that the planting of spring bulbs was to be permitted by agreement.


03/190                         Traffic issues

Comment was made concerning the amount of traffic within the village, it was felt that photographic evidence was needed to demonstrate there is a problem.      

Cllr Schofield commented that the extra stencilling (see minute 02/170) to enforce ‘pick up or pay’, which had been agreed, had yet to be carried out.


03/191                         Parish Plan

Members were informed that this was still ongoing.

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03/192                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Makin had informed the Clerk that new fencing had been erected which had resulted in blocking access from Thorntree Avenue on to the School fields, he was concerned about the extent of the fencing and that it had blocked access to the Sidings. Following investigation it was confirmed that Crofton High School had instigated the work to extend their perimeter fence so that dogwalkers would not be able to gain access to the grounds as they were not removing waste and therefore pupils could not play safely. The Clerk had also contacted WMDC Public Rights of Way who informed him that there was no recorded Right of Way.

Cllr Hewitt felt that the fencing effectively cut the village in half.


03/193                         Planning Notifications

The Clerk was asked to submit comments concerning application 12/00484/FUL the retention of a steel container and erection of single detached garage at 541 Doncaster Road.  As well as the ownership of the land being questionable, members felt that there were other reasons for planning to be refused such as a loss of amenity to others and the lane used for access was oversubscribed.

Members asked the Clerk to submit comments concerning application 12/00392/AGR, an agricultural building for storage of dry fodder at Birkwood House Farm, 20 Weeland Road. Concern was raised as to why planning was needed.

The Clerk was also asked to enquire with WMDC Enforcement, that a previous application for the change of use of an existing barn and land from agriculture to a  plant operating training centre which was refused, was not now operating.

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he had wrote to the WMDC Chief Executive Joanne Roney, about the LDF examination, she had replied and stated that the Council had complied with the process


03/194                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk was to re-issue the amended Standing and Financial Orders to members with a final decision on adoption to be confirmed at the next meeting.

Following discussion members decided against increasing the Cemetery Charges.

Having given due consideration to the work being carried out at the Pontefract Road allotment site, the payment for the water connection of £1213.94 was agreed.

Members gave authorisation to changes to the Community account and also agreed that that the mandate given to Barclays Bank, be amended to add and remove individuals.

It was agreed that the Clerk would seek to add Cllrs; Chalkley, Kimbley and Towns as signatories.


03/195                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 5; the Clerk was asked to register with Metro to receive regular updates concerning consultation about public transport.

Note 9; members duly noted the date of the Elections, Cllr Chalkley offered to open and close the Parish Centre to enable this. The hire charge for the Centre was also

discussed, members voted, For; 3, Against; 5, to not increase the current hourly

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charge rate for the elections.

Note 11. Cllr Ripley stated he had been contacted by Bill Birch of the Co-Operative Mining, to offer advice on Bio-Diversity matters relating to his planning application

for a micro mine.

Note 14. Cllr Makin was given the documentation concerning Community Transport to develop a Ring and Ride service in the area.


03/196                         Parish matters

Cllr Hewitt stated that some wording was missing from the footpath sign on Hare Park Lane, the Clerk was asked to make enquiries concerning this.

Cllr Towns stated that she had been in conversation with a Parish Councillor from Crigglestone, concerning their dissatisfaction with the Safe Scheme. It was suggested that a meeting be held with other Parish Councils to discuss the matter further.

Cllr Chalkley commented on the recent meeting that had taken place about the 9 lakes project, he felt the team behind the project had restricted their intentions to bring the project to a reality.


03/197                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 17 April 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


03/198             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


03/199                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.



Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council