Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15th March 2011.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


03/182             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report covering 15th February to 15th March.

Cllr Hewitt informed members of a man acting in an unusual manner. He had departed Sainsbury’s and had sat in a car outside which did not belong to him, when the driver returned he was asked to move. He was then observed walking along Hare Park Lane where he was seen entering without permission a residents house. Eventually the Police were called to deal with the matter.

Cllr Hewitt asked for PS Day to conduct inspections of vehicles regularly seen on Hare Park Lane, as he had overheard that they were not insured.

Cllr Towns asked for PS Day to patrol the car park at the old Library site as it was being used by youths for skateboarding which was hindering the parking of cars. She also offered her thanks to him for dealing with an unlicensed car regularly parked on Church Hill.

Cllr Kimbley informed PS Day of 3 cars regularly parking outside 5 and 7 Harrison Road, they were collecting children from Shay Lane School but were causing an obstruction to the residents. When challenged they were abusive to the residents.

Cllr Kimbley informed members of a dog biting incident that had occurred, the vehicle details had been taken and the matter had been reported.

Cllr Bennett thanked PS Day for dealing with a previously reported matter of a vehicle causing a disturbance on Springhill Drive.

PS Day informed members that PCSO’s were to be given additional duties which would encompass the work of the Neighbourhood Patrol such as dealing with dog fouling.


03/183             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

Members were informed that WMDC had agreed to provide funding which would result in PCSO’s being retained in a support function to the Police.

With regard to the notification from WMDC that there was no area on High Street in which to safely place a pedestrian crossing (see minute 02/165), Cllr Bennett asked the Clerk to contact the WMDC Traffic Safety Officer, Bob Whyatt  and ask him to attend a site meeting with Parish and District Councillors to find a solution. The meeting should be also at a time when the area would be busy ie 02.50pm.

She had received information from WMDC that there was no funding available to be spent on Coppers Lake, but they would be willing to work with any community group formed to help improve the facility. Cllr Cummings asked if she could use the Parish Centre as a venue for any meeting, members agreed to this request.

With regard to comments made at the previous meeting about the length of time it

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was taking to cross Doncaster Road due to the layout of the footpath, funds were being sought to address the problem.

Arrangements had been made to replace the Stocks Road sign with another named Church Hill.

She informed members that a list of works had been identified for action to be taken on the Crofton Neighbourhood Action Programme.

Cllr Kimbley reminded Cllr Cummings that a request for action to be taken on the seat at Holly Close had yet to be done, she duly noted this.


03/184             Public Participation session

The resident from Rose Garth (see minute 02/166), informed members that with the assistance of Cllr Cummings, she was now hopeful that the problem with the tree and the wall would be resolved.

With regard to the previously reported foul smelling drains (see minute 01/147), a resident reported that WMDC Environmental Officer Gary Blenkinsop, was now to investigate further.

Further to the Parish Council pursuing the installation of a wind turbine, a resident asked where it was to be sited. It was confirmed that the proposed site was on the Sidings playing fields near to the Sports Pavilion.

Members were informed that a resident in the village had been the victim of a deception. An individual had entered the house and taken money, the matter had been reported to the Police and investigations were taking place.


03/185                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Lodge and Manifield.

Councillors; Chalkley, Healy, Jacques and Ripley.


03/186                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


03/187                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 155h February 2011, were amended and signed as a true record by the Acting Chairman, Cllr Bennett.


03/188                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had still to receive written consent from WMDC for the erection of a turbine despite several attempts to do so (see minute 03/196).

He had received a response from WMDC Family Services (Education), concerning the grassed area of the old Library site, the property was the responsibility of Crofton High School via a grounds maintenance contract. The Clerk had contacted the Head to seek his comments and was awaiting a response.

He was still awaiting a response from WMDC Highway Maintenance (despite repeated attempts to ascertain an answer), about a replacement sign for Stocks Road, the introduction of 20mph signage and the dedication of the footpath at the Church.

The resident at Rose Garth had received information from WMDC which offered a solution to the situation (see minute 03/184).


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He had contacted WMDC Highway Maintenance, to report missing traffic safety bollards along Harrison Road and at the entrance of the High School.

In response to the concern about the effects of Ivy growing on trees on Doncaster Road, WMDC had conducted a safety inspection and confirmed that no work was required on any of the trees.


03/189                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Arrangements had been agreed with the contractor for the electrical work to be commenced (see minute 02/171).

Cllr Bennett had met with the company responsible for providing the security system

for the building. Following an inspection they confirmed the current system was adequate but had suggested an upgrade, they had been asked to provide a quotation for such improvements which would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Members agreed to discuss the duties of the cleaner under item 18.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Rent payments were still outstanding for some allotments, the Clerk was to issue 7 day notice letters to those who had not paid.

He was concerned that David Oxley, who was responsible for the Crofton High School allotments at Pontefract Road, was not adhering to the instructions he had been given concerning procedure. He would monitor the situation and if required he would instruct the Clerk to write to him about such concerns.

Comment was made by members about the lack of activity on the allotment tenanted to Mr Salt at Pontefract Road.

The Clerk informed members that an application for a water supply to be installed at Pontefract Road was due to be submitted, it was agreed by members that the cost of the application was to be paid by the Parish Council, but the cost of installation would be met by the High School.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

He had consulted further with the contractor (see minute 02/171), about using a membrane for the groundworks, he confirmed that the quote would be inclusive of this requirement.


03/190                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Kimbley informed members that he had contacted the Clerk to report missing traffic bollards along High Street and Harrison Road (see minute 03/188).

He also asked if a reflective safety plate could be placed on the stone wall on Harrsion Road as he felt it was a hazard. The Clerk duly noted the request.


03/191                         Parish Plan

Cllr Bennett informed members that there were still elements of the plan to be discussed further before printing would take place.


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03/192                         Cleansing/Environment

Members were reminded about the Crofton ‘clean up’ week scheduled for w/c 21st March (see minute 02/178).

Cllr Schofield requested that an article be placed in the Smoke Signal about the unacceptable level of dog fouling around the village.


03/193                         Planning Notifications

Members discussed the applications presented;

With regard to application 11/00289/FUL, a single storey detached dwelling at 337 Doncaster Road, the Clerk was asked to provide further information on the location.

With regard to application 11/00321/FUL, a detached double garage at 523 Doncaster Road, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Planning to raise concerns about over development of the site and if there was an adequate turning facility.

Cllr Towns stated that she would examine the information attached to application

11/00413/RPP for alterations and extensions to form 6 No. two bedroom apartments at 4A Hawthorn Avenue. Should the information raise any concern, it was agreed that the Clerk would be asked to contact WMDC Planning to submit comments.


03/194                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk informed members of an offer from Zurich Insurance (the existing insurance providers to the Parish Council), to secure a long term agreement which would reduce the premium, after due consideration it was agreed to accept the offer.

Members agreed to discuss the new ruling from HMRC under item 18.

Members discussed the outstanding cheque payable to the Scout Group. The Clerk had received a phone call from the Group wanting to collect the cheque, he said that it would be conditional on receiving a set of keys for the Scout Hut, since then there had been no further communication. The Clerk was asked to contact the Scout Leader about the matter and state the concern that members had expressed about the ongoing situation.


03/195                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 10; Cllr Bennett informed members that he was aware of the content of the proposals regarding Crofton, he had placed a written comment in the Smoke Signal.


03/196                         Parish matters

The Clerk provided information on the forthcoming elections involving the Parish Council. It was agreed that a meeting would take place at the Parish Centre on Saturday 26th March to confirm nominations.

Cllr Makin provided information on the recent visit to a wind turbine site at Brighouse. It was considered that the turbine was quiet and not too large a construction for it to be a problem on the proposed site at the Sidings. The next stage in the process would be to have a survey conducted, however there was much concern about the financial implications involved and it was agreed that the requirement for a turbine was still not justified. The Clerk was asked to create an Agenda item so the initiative could be discussed at length before any further action was to be taken.


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03/197                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 19th April 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


03/198             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


03/199                         Matters to be discussed in private

There had been a marked improvement in the efficiency of the cleaner, however having reviewed the situation further it was agreed that a new job specification would be produced to cover the cleaning of the Pavilion and the Parish Centre. A meeting would be arranged to confirm the details prior to the next meeting, applications would then be invited for the position.

Following discussion about the information received from HMRC, the Clerk would change his status to a PAYE basis.



Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council