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Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 16th March 2010.                             


Present;          Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Healy, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Schofield, Smithson, Towns and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       7 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


03/182             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PC Day presented the report for the month of February 2010.

Cllr Chalkley voiced his concerns about the number of hours available against the Safe Scheme but were not yet used, PC Day responded stating that due to an administration error, the schedule showing the number of hours available was incorrect. He also confirmed that he would be managing the Safe Scheme.

Cllr Towns had noted that only 1 policeman was visible in the village on a Friday night, given the size of the village she felt that this was not sufficient.

Cllr Hewitt voiced his concerns about the provision of the NACRO Bus (part of the street safe scheme), he felt it only encouraged youths to congregate and this subsequently created noise and nuisance in the area where the bus was due to arrive.

He also informed members that there were over 60 youths congregating on Hare Park Lane, however when police arrived to investigate they did not leave their patrol car to question the youths.

Cllr Smithson wanted to know who funded the provision of PCSO’s, as he was concerned that payment for their services should not be met from the Safe Scheme.

Cllr Cummings commented that it was funded by WMDC.

Cllr Bennett asked if PC Day could provide information on whether the number of crimes over the previous 12 months had increased or decreased, he also asked for him to resolve the matter of an alcohol free zone in the village.

Cllr Towns made PC Day aware that the supply of alcohol to youths in the village was thought to be from the Post Office, in response PC Day said that there had been successful test purchases from the premises, however it was thought that youths were wise to any planned action.

Cllr Duffy was aware of an accident that had occurred involving a car driving into the rear of a bus, she enquired if this was related to problem parking at Sainsbury’s.


03/183                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Following a report provided by Cllr Cummings concerning the condition of the road surface on Ashdene Drive, it confirmed that the material used was sub standard, a meeting had now been arranged with the contractors to decide a plan of action.

Following concerns raised by members that the usage of Crofton Library had not been accounted for in a recent consultation process (see minute 02/165), Cllr Cummings had information confirming that there had been more than 30000 visitors to the Library, such use would help maintain its existence.

Following comment concerning vehicles being parked on grass verges, it was confirmed that if any damage had resulted from such action, then those responsible could be prosecuted.

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WMDC Strategic Housing had been asked to resolve the rubbish problem associated with 91/93 High Street.

Cllr Cummings informed members that there was to be a consultation meeting to be held week commencing 19th April in Crofton Library concerning the Playbuilder initiative.

Cllr Jacques asked if Cllr Cummings would instigate the regular cleaning of the new cycle track on the Sidings.

Cllr Wrigg asked if Cllr Cummings was able to confirm the ownership of garages on Thorntree Court, following a request by a resident to lease one of them. She would investigate and provide a response.

Cllr Wrigg also informed members that residents had again complained about the previously reported condition of the house on Thorntree Avenue (see minute 05/020).

It had been noted that a number of test holes had been recently been put down on a pavement on Hare Park Lane, it was thought this was for electric cable, Cllr Cummings would seek confirmation.

She was also asked to contact the High School and seek their co-operation to ensure

the problem of littering was avoided in certain areas around the school.

Following the recent ‘walkabout’ involving WMDC Neighbourhood Action Teams

 (see minute 02/174), Cllr Duffy had noted that the road sweeper, had been unable to remove the build up of mud on Claremont Crescent due to the parking of cars resulting in an obstruction. It was suggested that residents should be sent a leaflet informing them of the date cleaning of the road would take place so that they could remove their cars.


03/184                         Public Participation session

A resident commented that cars were creating problems by parking at the roundabout leading onto Hare Park Lane, PC Day was asked to give the matter some attention.

A resident made members aware that the border fencing for the Sports Pavilion, adjacent to the Shay Lane entrance, was in a state of disrepair. Some of the fencing was missing resulting in a track developing which in turn had created an alternative entrance, there was also much litter and debris. It was thought that this was the responsibility of WMDC Parks & Public Realm, Cllr Cummings would investigate further and suggested utilising the Community Payback scheme to resolve the issues. Cllr Makin was to be kept informed.

Representatives from the Scout Group stated that they now had a new management team and asked that they be given an opportunity to resolve the problems identified following the inspection of the Scout Hut (see also minute 03/196). A decision on the continued use of the hut would be discussed under agenda item 03/199.


03/185                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge and Isherwood

Councillors Ripley and Voros.


03/186                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


03/187                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th February 2010, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.

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03/188                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

No response had been received to the letter sent to Lord St Oswald of Nostell Priory

concerning the abandoned Sunblest Van.

A response had now been received from the Public Rights of Way officer, who has arranged for fencing to be erected between the hedge and the cycle track to restrict 

the parking of cars on the grass.

WMDC Land Records confirmed that the ginnel leading to the Church from Ashdene Crescent, was not registered as either being adopted or a Public Right of Way.

The Clerk would also ascertain if any maintenance works had been carried out by WMDC Highway Maintenance. However under section 31 of the Highways Act 1980, it is Crofton Parish Council’s understanding, that if there was 20 years uninterrupted use then it would be deemed a Public Highway. The Clerk would therefore seek to have this status confirmed.

Further to the report received about dogs not needing to be kept on a lead on a Public Right of Way, it was reported that there had been incidents involving dogs causing an obstruction to the public. The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Transportation and Highways, to request an order be made and sign erected, under section 137 of the Highways Act, to prevent dogs causing an obstruction.


03/189                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Repairs following the flood damage were now complete.

A letter had been received from the Security Company wanting to arrange a site visit.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

A number of freezers had been abandoned at Hare Park allotments, he had contacted WMDC Neighbourhood Action to have them removed.

An Oak Street allotment tenant had contacted him objecting to the content of a letter he had received from the Clerk. It referred to the Garage he had rented and paid for over several years, but he no longer used it as a garage but as a garden shed. The Clerk had sent a letter stating that if he still wished to use the facility, rent was still payable, if not then he was required to remove all contents.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The garage door skins were in need of replacement, he had made enquiries to obtain alternatives and sought members approval for such work to be carried out. Members agreed to the request. 


03/190                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Schofield informed members that the traffic warden for Shay Lane School, had been absent for quite a while, although the Police had been in attendance this was not effective.


03/191                         Parish Plan

Cllr Bennett informed all present that there were still a number of written comments

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and suggestions being received and that a second draft plan had now been produced.

A representative of RAY (Rural Action Yorkshire), had attended a recent parish plan discussion meeting to offer comment. It was suggested that although consultation had taken place with residents, more needed to be undertaken, this was to be arranged by combining the Community Coffee morning with members of the parish plan team being in attendance and also arranging a youth engagement open evening.

The purpose of inviting RAY to the discussion, was to receive advice on producing an effective plan but also to seek funding, members were asked for their comments on whether to proceed with the parish plan should funding not be forthcoming.


03/192                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Towns informed members that she had witnessed the street sweeper in operation, also that the Electric Sub station adjacent to the Royal Oak, was in need of cleaning, the Clerk was asked to arrange this.

The Clerk was asked to enquire when the street gully cleansing would take place


03/193                         Planning Notifications

Members asked the Clerk to lodge an objection to the planning application concerning Oakenshaw Grange.

The Clerk was asked to register concerns concerning the planning application for 35 Springhill Drive.

An appeal had been made against the enforcement notice concerning the unauthorised change of use of land at the Redbeck Motel. The Clerk was asked to inform members when the inquiry would be heard as they may wish to attend.


03/194                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid by cheque and those that had been paid via bacs transfer, received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Members discussed the Standing Orders for the Parish Council;

The Clerk was asked to check that the first item on the Agenda for the Annual Parish Council meeting (section 6), was the election of the Chair.

Members voted For; 3; Against; 4; about changing the wording in the; Working Party’s (section 12).

Members agreed to discuss the Financial Standing Orders under agenda item 03/199.

Members discussed the Risk Management Assesment for the Parish Council;

it was agreed to change the wording in the Budgeting for Annual Precept section.


03/195                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 4; the Clerk was asked to circulate to all members, a copy of the letter that was received from the Ministry of Justice concerning the maintenance of War Memorials.

The content of the letter would be discussed at the next meeting.

Note 8; Cllrs; Bennett and Schofield had attended the VOX Community Empowerment Network meeting on the 11th March at Sharlston Community Centre. A major issue discussed, was transport between the villages of Crofton, Walton and

Sharlston, this could lead to the possibility of new bus routes and the provision of a community bus to travel around local estates.

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Cllr Bennett asked the Clerk to arrange a meeting for VOX to attend at Crofton Parish Centre for the 20th May at 7pm.

Cllr Bennett also informed members that a sports leisure and tourism destination was being planned which involved Nostell Estates and other land owners. Since Sharlston Parish Council had been invited to attend the consultation, the Clerk was asked to contact the architects, Spawforth Associates, to register Crofton Parish Council’s desire to also be involved.


03/196                         Parish matters

Cllr Towns asked the Clerk if any feedback had been received from WMDC following the meeting that had taken place concerning the proposed crossing at Pinfold Drive /Doncaster Road (minute 05/027).

The Clerk informed members that he had sought and received quotations from qualified tree surgeons, for the removal of trees on the copse to the rear of Pinfold Drive. Members agreed to accept one of the quotes tendered and for work to commence in the next financial year.

An inspection of the Parish Council owned Scout Hut had taken place prior to the Parish Council meeting, members agreed to discuss this under agenda item 03/199.


03/197                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 20th April 2010 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


03/198             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


03/199                         Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed to change the wording in the Budgetary Control (section 3) of the Financial Standing Orders, to include expenditure for non urgent items during the financial year.

Following concerns from those members in attendance at the inspection of the Scout Hut (see minute 03/196) and taking into account comments from the representatives of the Scout Group (see minute 03/184), members voted; For 8; Against 2; to allow the continued use of the Hut subject to strict criteria being adhered to.


Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council