Page 1.                            Crofton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17th June 2008.                             


Present;          Councillors,             Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K,

Hewitt, Makin, Schofield and Towns.


In attendance;                5 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Lodge


06/037             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of May 2008.

Cllr Chalkley thanked him for the article placed in the Smoke Signal.

Cllr Towns informed members that the horses from Crofton Riding Stables were not those reported as being on the Sidings.

Cllr Schofield made members aware that All Saints Church had been burgled, although the Police had initially attended there had been no follow up visit, PC Daley duly noted this.

Cllr Bennett enquired if there was any further information about Crofton becoming an alcohol free zone, PC Daley informed members that it was not Police policy for them to be involved, the Parish Council would have to make representation to WMDC, however the likelihood of success may be low due to the time taken to implement and the size of the area involved, however PC Daley would have a representative from WMDC contact the Clerk.

PC Daley was asked if he was aware of the success of retractable spikes being introduced in the South of England and if it could be introduced at the Redbeck petrol station, which had been subject to petrol theft, he informed members that a Police Officer was assigned to give support and advice to Petrol Stations he would enquire if he was aware of such an initiative.        

PC Daley was made aware of cars causing obstructions, one being a gold coloured Rover ( with Trade registration plates) on Slack Lane, the other being at the junction of Pontefract Road/Weeland Road which was causing a visible obstruction, he duly noted both situations.


06/038             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Reports

Cllr Lodge reported that;

Gully cleaning was now imminent and had become a matter of priority.

Further to the enquiry about whether the village could receive a substantial clean following the closure of schools for the summer, she was informed that the village received a regular clean (every two weeks) with the newly introduced sweepers, the Parish Council could also pay for an extra clean if so required, Cllr Bennett suggested that the fortnightly clean should coincide with the summer closure of school.

Cllr Cummings reported that;

Further to last months meeting, the problems experienced with waste collection had now been resolved.

The road sign at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road would not be replaced as WMDC stated it had been damaged on several occasions.                                         She had spent a Friday evening with the Police in Crofton, it was observed that youths

from Featherstone and Ackworth were present in the village, alcohol was seized and safe scheme officers were observed on patrol.


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The problem of drainage on Hare Park Lane was the responsibility of the landowner, as the drain was on their land, however she was informed that that the drain in question was on the Highway, she agreed to meet with Cllr Hewitt and identify exactly the position of the drain.

She was informed that the fencing on the Sidings had still not been repaired, she would contact the impact team and inform members at the next meeting.

Cllr Chalkley asked Cllr Cummings if she would arrange for the WMDC Pest Control Officer responsible for rats, to attend at Coppers Lake, the headwall had a number of voids which were housing them.

Following reports of overgrown grass in several areas of the village, she was asked to report this to the WMDC Environment Department, Cllr Chalkley had noted that Manor Drive was in particular need of attention.


06/039             Public Participation session

A resident enquired if potholes that had appeared on Ashdene Drive were to receive attention, it was confirmed that they were to be dealt with, covering the length of the road up to the shops.

Residents in attendance voiced their concern about the current state of Coppers Lake, the appearance had deteriorated and presented a danger.

The original plan and costings for the proposed works to improve the Lake which were prepared two years ago, had not been adhered to, although representatives from WMDC had previously attended a Parish Council meeting to provide information on the work that had been carried out, their response was not acceptable, Cllr Towns thought they were liars and residents suggested that a complaint be lodged.

The Clerk informed all present, that the office of Jon Trickett MP, had made representation to WMDC concerning some of the issues. 

Residents felt that WMDC should be asked to provide a project plan and financial proposal to improve the area.

Those present were informed that the Parish Council had held talks with a representative of WMDC in order to establish a plan of action to improve the area.

Cllr Brown suggested that a community group could be formed to pursue action and seek funding from independent sources.


06/040             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Isherwood.

Councillors; Jacques, Ripley, Duffy S, Voros and Wrigg.


06/041             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


06/042             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th May 2008, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


06/043             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk had requested and received confirmation from WMDC Neighbourhood Action, that the Pick up or Pay-up signs would be placed on Ashdene Ave/Approach.

Nostell Priory had responded (via the National Trust), to the request for the removal of soil and bricks, however the matter was being referred to the agents Carter Jonas.

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The e-mail sent to WMDC Arboriculture had been acknowledged, but no answer had been given to the question of whether the trees on Doncaster Road were hazardous.


06/044             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy K reported that;

The replacement glass for the damaged window had been ordered.

The new tables had been ordered, delivered and were being used for the meeting.

An enquiry to hire the Centre had been received from slimming world.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Decorating was now near completion, the work so far carried out was satisfactory.

Mayfair Security had carried out maintenance to the alarm system.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Letters had been sent to allotment holders at both Hare Park and Oak Street, stating they were not adhering to the rules of their tenancy agreement, in one instance the tenancy had been revoked.

He had attended at the Hare Park allotments to deal with an escaped goat.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

Following a site inspection by Councillors, it was agreed a contractor be engaged to deal with the damaged gate/post, this work had now been completed.

The Clerk was asked to write to T&D Contractors to advise them to take due care when entering the grounds.

It was reported that the trees at the Churchway end of the cemetery, were becoming quite dense, the Clerk would confirm in the first instance if they were subject to a TPO (Tree Preservation Order).


06/045             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Bennett had noted that the traffic signals on Doncaster Road/Black Road, which had been the subject of a letter sent to WMDC Transportation and Highways Service, had been altered, this had alleviated traffic congestion.  


06/046             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


06/047             Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


06/048             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to the planning applications, it was noted that the application for houses 6 to 14 Harrison Road to have residential curtilage from Highway land, had received permission.


06/049             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts, Cllr Bennett requested the headings be adjusted for easier reading, the Clerk duly noted this.

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The accounts for the Crofton Village Association were discussed in private matters.                                                                                  

06/050             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular;

Note 5; the Clerk informed members that it was not possible to hold an event on the Pontefract Road allotment land, as it was a condition of the sale agreement and lease to B.W.Smith that the land could only be used for allotment gardens.

Note 6; Cllr Towns offered to attend the next VOX meeting on behalf of the Parish Council, the Clerk would ascertain the venue and inform Cllr Towns.

Note 8; members had no objection to the link between Jon Trickett’s web site and that of the Crofton Community web site..

Note 10; the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC and request that the Santingley Lane phone kiosk not be removed.


06/051             Parish matters

Cllr Duffy K informed members that a resident on High Street had complained about overhanging trees on Bedford Close causing sap to cover his conservatory, it was thought that the trees were the responsibility of WDH, Cllr Cummings had made enquiries and had been informed by the WDH Estate Manager that if the trees were his responsibility he had expended his budget for the entire year, only essential work could be done ie; which constituted a risk of damage to persons or property. The Clerk would check if there was a TPO on them.

It was reported by a resident that the rear column supporting the brick bus shelter on High Street was loose, the Clerk was asked to contact Metro about the matter.  

The Clerk informed members of the conversation he had with the Solicitor who originally dealt with the purchase of land at Pontefract Road and what was required to register the land, before any decision was made, members agreed to visit the area.

There was no requirement to confirm the date for a meeting regarding Coppers Lake as it had taken place the previous evening.


06/052             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15th July 2008 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


06/053             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/054             Matters to be discussed in private

Accounts for the Crofton Village Association were distributed to members, the content was duly noted.

Further to complaints received from residents, the Clerk had visited WMDC Planning at Newton Bar to view documents (via public access), concerning Middle Lane, he would make a request to the Enforcement officer to investigate further.

The Clerk would clarify with Cllr Chalkley the subject of resident status within the cemetery rules, before a response was sent to the letter received concerning charges.


Signed                                                                                Date                                       

                   Chairman Crofton Parish Council