Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19th June 2007.                             


Present;          Councillors,             Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K,

Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.

In attendance;                        5 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield.

                                                Mr.Beswick from the Metro Bus Company.


06/823             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of May 2007.

Cllr Bennett asked if it was feasible to be given information of where the offences reported had occurred so that emphasis could be placed in those areas. Cllr Hewitt made PC Daley aware that the sleepers on the banking at Hare Park Sidings had been set on fire, he also stated that eggs had been taken from Mrs Baines’ Lark Hill Farm and thrown throughout the village. Cllr Schofield made PC Daley aware that youths had been seen drinking on Friday and Saturday night by Coppers Lake, this resulted in beer cans and litter being left behind.


06/824             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings informed members that following a meeting that had taken place about the Youth Centre, it would now be open on more occasions in the future, more courses for studying would also be offered via Connections. With regard the planning application for Birkwood House Farm she informed members that WMDC would be submitting an objection. With regard to the condition of the roads in the Ashdene and Brand Hill areas of the village, they would receive surface dressing during the financial year. A report on the condition of Coppers Lake was left with the Clerk for inspection by members, Cllr Manifield suggested that an on-site meeting should be arranged with WMDC Service Directors, the Clerk would be notified of any developments and inform members in due course. Cllr Chalkley took the opportunity to tell all persons present at the meeting, that he felt that the project was an ecological disgrace and was also concerned that the level of exposed silt was a health and safety issue that needed to be addressed immediately. Cllr Hewitt wanted to know where the fish had been kept whilst the works were carried out and indeed wanted to know if they would be put back. Cllr Ripley stated that if WMDC Parks & Public Realm had carried out maintenance work over a number of years this problem could have been avoided. Cllr Towns voiced her concerns with regard safety issues and that some fencing should be erected, she was informed that indeed some fencing had been erected but had been subject to vandalism. Cllr Bennett said that WMDC had a duty of care to leave the site in a safe condition, but appeared to have failed to do so, in response Cllr Cummings suggested that any schemes to be carried out within the village, should be subject to consultation with the Parish Council.

Cllr Cummings provided the Clerk with further drawings of where dropped kerbs would be sited within the village (see minute 04/789). Cllr Schofield voiced his concerns to the District Councillors, about promised work to the Cemetery and to the area by the Cock & Crown by June Rothwell, WMDC Environment Manager, had not

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taken place. Cllr Chalkley informed members that he had received a letter from Tessa Jowell MP, concerning licensing issues that had been initially directed to local MP Jon Trickett, it suggested that any issues should be referred towards District

Councillors, Cllr Cummings stated that any efforts made towards supporting enforcement action by local groups had not been reciprocated by the Police.


06/825             Public Participation session

Residents in attendance voiced their concerns over the situation at Coppers Lake, however they were pleased to know that the Parish Council were taking a keen interest in the situation. Another resident mentioned that the loose drain cover (minute 04/789) adjacent to the Parish Centre, had still not been attended to, the District Councillors were asked to make further enquiries about when the problem would be rectified.


06/826             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Isherwood.

Councillors; Duffy S.


06/827             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters.

Cllr Chalkley declared his interest with regard to the letter from KW Garden Maintenance to be discussed in Agenda item 14.


06/828             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th May 2007, were subject to an amendment asked for by Cllr Jacques, before being signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


06/829             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk informed members that a response had been received from Paul Platts, the  foliage surrounding the horse riding sign on Pontefract Road, would be cut back when the technician responsible for that returns from holiday, since his department had been streamlined, he had no cover for him. With regard to gully cleansing this was now to be carried out once a year, problem gullies such as that on the High Street adjacent to Sandown Avenue, which had received extra attention, would in future not do so

because of financial constraints. No reply had been received from the Manager of Jacksons /Sainsbury store, however members were informed that the letter had been received and passed onto her superior. The Clerk had made enquiries, without much success, with the Insurance Company about etching on car windows, however Cllr Jacques informed members that he was hoping to make arrangements for an event to take place involving the short stay car park. A letter had been received from the Headmaster of Crofton High School, confirming that certain year groups will be held on site from September 2007, also that work will start on the car park extension in August. The banner above the tanning studio was still in place, the Clerk stated he would follow up his earlier request to have it removed.




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06/830             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques informed members that a meeting had been held on site with the building contractors about the next phase of works, a quote had been received for £6500.00 plus VAT; it was not clear if this included the electrical works, members agreed by a vote of; 4 for 3 against, to accept the quote, the Clerk was asked to seek clarification if the quote included the electrical work, if it did not then an additional £500 would be acceptable to members, any price in excess of this would have to be referred to the next Parish Council meeting for approval.

Report Village Association

Members were informed that the lighting over the entrance door was in the process of being replaced.

Report Allotments

Due to holiday commitments members of the allotment committee decide to re-schedule the next meeting to the 08th July 2007. Cllr Hewitt informed members that he was continuing with the programme of rat baiting.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield asked the Clerk to contact T&D Contractors about clearing the bins and that the verge edges were in need of cutting back, it was suggested that root killer should be used to bring an end to the problem. The garage roof which had recently been replaced, was retaining water, the Clerk was asked to inform the contractor Robinson Roofing, of members’ concerns.


06/831             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley informed members that there was a meeting of the Wakefield/Normanton Road Safety Committee on the 21st June 2007, he asked members for any comments that they wished to be raised at the meeting.


06/832             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


06/833             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Chalkley informed members he had sent a letter to Jon Trickett MP, making him aware that June Rothwell WMDC Environmental Manager, had attended a Parish Council meeting, to discuss the conditions within the village. Cllr Jacques asked the Clerk to contact the above to ensure a general clean of the village took place following the end of the school term for the summer holiday period.

Cllr Towns suggested that access to the Electrical sub station would prevent the build up of litter in that area, the Clerk when writing to Mr Cook, would mention this.  

Cllr Bennett mentioned there was a noticeable amount of empty pizza boxes to be seen on Springfield Drive, pressure should be brought to bear on local shops in an effort to stop this. He also informed members that although there was a bottle bank situated at the Community Centre, there was not another in the village, the Clerk was asked to make enquiries about this.


06/834             Planning Notifications

Cllr Chalkley asked the Clerk to lodge an objection against planning application


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number 07/01506/FUL, this property had previously submitted two applications that had been refused, the Clerk was asked to ensure this was noted.


06/835             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid, he also confirmed that the Internal Auditor had approved the Financial Accounts for 2006/07, they would now be submitted

to the External Auditor for final approval. Cllr Bennett noted that the VAT receipt was not showing in the totals column, the Clerk noted this, he would rectify and re-issue.


06/836             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 2; in response to the letter of complaint received about the removal of the bench from Meadowfields Drive, members wished the Clerk to reply and reassure the complainant that it had been removed in response to a request from District Councillors, it had since been renovated and re-sited at the Community Centre.

With regard note 6; members agreed to vote for Councillor Towns only.

With regard to note 7; the Clerk was asked to acknowledge the letter from KW Garden Maintenance and inform them that consideration would be given to their inquiry when the Parish Council next tendered the maintenance contract.


06/837             Parish matters

Mark Beswick from the Metro Bus Company presented a report to the Parish council stating that because of safety and traffic issues, an existing brick bus shelter on Shay Lane by the Primary School, should be replaced with a plastic one. Cllr Bennett suggested relocating the existing brick shelter, Mr Beswick responded by saying that it was not a company policy to provide new brick built shelters, members referred the matter to private discussion. Cllr Ripley made it known that that waste bins sited on the old shelters were not being replaced on the new shelters, Mr Beswick duly noted this. It was agreed by members to defer a decision on adopting the Model Code of Conduct (see minute 05/819). Cllr Bennett gave mention to the condition of the hanging baskets in respect to the fact they appeared to not be in full bloom for the time of year, Cllr Chalkley noted his concerns and had indeed spoke to First Impressions about the matter.  


06/838             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 17th July 2007 at 7pm in                               Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


06/839             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/840             Matters to be discussed in private

The Chairman informed members of the Clerks interest in a position with Crigglestone Parish Council. Members agreed by a vote of; 8 for, to keep the brick shelter, the Clerk was asked to duly notify Mr Beswick.


Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council