Crofton Parish Council



Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  20th June 2006.                             


Present;                                  Councillors, Bennett, Duffy K, Duffy S,

                                                Hewitt, Towns, Wrigg, Jacques, Chalkley, Makin, Ripley and Schofield


In attendance;                        Vicky Moorhouse from Crofton Youth Centre

2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Manifield and Isherwood.


Apologies for absence           District Councillor Cummings.

Councillor Voros



06/035             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC McMahon gave his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of May 2006, of which there were 26 crimes. Cllr Towns enquired about the mail thefts of which there were 4. Cllr Chalkley asked for attention be given to Slack Lane on a regular basis, in an effort to restrict cars causing an obstruction. Cllr Bennett mentioned cars were still parking on the footway outside the High School. PC McMahon duly noted the comments.


06/636             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield gave an update on previous issues. Cllr Ripley commented on the new bus shelters that had been recently installed, although they were much improved with the raised kerbs for alighting and the dropped kerbs for push chairs, he was concerned that some did not have litter bins, he asked the District Councillors to discuss the matter with the passenger transport. Cllr Ripley also asked them to enquire about the removal of a Parish Council owned, metal bin which had been replaced with 2 black ones, outside the shops on High Street. Cllr Chalkley stated that the dog bins did not seem to be getting emptied regularly, the Clerk would contact Loz Deagan of the WMDC Cleansing/Environment section to raise the concerns. Cllr Chalkley asked the District Councillors if there was any substance to a suggestion that the Thorntree Sheltered Housing complex was to be demolished. Cllr Isherwood responded by stating that he was unaware if that was a fact, but knew that a review of all sheltered housing within the District was being undertaken.


06/637             Public Participation session

One resident commented on the condition of the Pinfold and not being able to read the brass sign, however some members who had been to the site did not necessarily agree.

Another resident asked if the sign missing for Lodge Lane, could be replaced or the  posts removed as they were potentially dangerous, the Clerk would contact Paul Platts in Highway maintenance about the matter.

In attendance was Vicky Moorhouse the Lead Practitioner from the new Youth Centre. She commented on the programmes, events and workshops, such as the Duke

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of Edinburgh award, that the centre was doing. She also informed members that they were addressing local drug and alcohol problems. She feels it is working well at the moment, they were advertising to attract more youngsters, at the moment they had over 40 attending, her target age range was 13 to 19 year olds, the opening hours were 6.30 – 9.00 pm, the days of opening being Monday and Wednesday, at the moment. Cllr Duffy S believed that 21 year olds were visiting the Centre which only served to intimidate younger children, Vicky assured members that intimidation or bullying, or the use of drugs and alcohol would not be tolerated. Cllr Jacques asked if there was a specific catchment area, there was not, youngsters could attend from any area, at present 98% were from Crofton, she confirmed that records would be kept for tracking purposes. Cllr Makin asked what capacity the Centre had, she stated that it had a capacity for 200, the supervision for this being 2 supervisors per 15 children. Cllr Towns raised concerns about the age range.

There was a possibility that a younger mini youth club could be formed for 11 to 13 year olds, and in response from a question by Cllr Ripley for the provision of more openings, she responded by stating that since it is a new venture, it would be an evolving process, taking into consideration such requests.


06/638             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


06/639             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th May 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


06/640             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk updated members on outstanding matters, such as the receipt of a letter from the Headmaster of Crofton High School, which was sent in response to the Parish Council’s initial letter, Cllr Chalkley had spoke with the Headmaster about the matters raised (minute 05/023) he stated he would be willing to allow the Parish Council to improve the stone perimeter wall, however Cllr Bennett raised concerns about the Parish Council’s liability, in the event of any mishap. The Clerk was still awaiting news from WMDC Highways Enforcement about  boundary issues (minute 05/023).Although WMDC Planning had stated they would send more information on the planning application for the wind turbine they had not, the Clerk had made another request for the information. The Clerk had received no response from WMDC Environment and Cleansing about replacing the bins on Doncaster Road but he would ask again, and Walton Parish Council had not yet responded to an enquiry about the works being carried out by May Gurney on the Walton /Crofton border, but it would be discussed at their next meeting on the 04th July 2006, the Clerk would then be in a position to report to members their response, hopefully in time for the next Parish Council meeting.


06/641             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Further to minute 05/024, Cllr Duffy S, stated that the bingo group were happy to stay where they were for the imminent future. Cllr Chalkley reported on the damage done


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to one of the windows, and asked members for a solution to the problem and to decide on a long term strategy for the upgrade of the centre. It was agreed to discuss this

further on Sunday 25th June 2006 at 10.00am at the Parish Centre. Each member was to be sent a copy of the Structural Report for the Centre commissioned in August 2004.

Report Village Association

The Clerk confirmed that the Insurance company had sent payment for the claim submitted for damage to the doors.

Report Allotments

Members were informed that an Allotments Committee meeting was arranged for Sunday 02nd July 2006 at 06.30pm.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report


06/642             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley updated members on the last meeting of the Road Safety Committee, and Cllr Bennett commented on schemes for the Wakefield area in the future.


06/643             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


06/644             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques asked the Clerk to contact Loz Deagan of WMDC Cleansing /Environment, to conduct a clean up of the area immediately following the end of school for the summer holiday period. The request was made last year without success.


06/645             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections, but the Clerk was asked to lodge a response to Agenda item number 14(7) concerning an appeal made against WMDC Planning Dept’s decision to refuse permission for a development at 1 Harrison Road.


06/646             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid and the attached monthly accounts were submitted and approved.

Members noted the Internal Auditor’s letter and their comments, stating they were satisfied with the procedures and controls. A Risk Assesment notification had been agreed with the Auditor, each member was to be given a copy of this.


06/647             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 3, which concerns an enquiry from Paul Maddox, members felt that due to the nature of the enquiry it would be discussed further at the next Parish Council meeting. The Clerk was asked to give a copy of the letter to each Councillor for consideration.

Also note 4, which concerns funding for All Saints Church, members felt that due to the nature of the enquiry it would be discussed further at the next Parish Council meeting.




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06/648             Parish matters

Cllr Bennett enquired about when the hanging baskets/displays, could be expected to be completed, Cllr Chalkley advised members that he had had talks with the contractor, who advised him there was a delay at the moment due to concerns about possible  wind damage, which had caused problems last year. Cllr Schofield had noticed a build up of water on Sandown Avenue, the Clerk was asked to contact Highways Maintenance about having the drain cleaned or checked for blockages, which may resolve the problem. Cllr Duffy S, raised his concerns about the goalposts on land at Springhill Drive/Avenue, which appeared to be leaning and therefore a potential hazard, the Clerk would contact WMDC Parks and Public Realm about the matter. Cllr Jacques raised the subject about the vacancy on the Parish Council still being outstanding following the resignation of Cllr Jackson, the Clerk confirmed that the position had been advertised in accordance with procedure, but there had been no enquiries, the Council could maintain just the number of Councillors it had at present, by changing its Standing Orders to reflect this. Members discussed the agenda item which noted the change of licence holder for the Weavers Green Public House. Councillors were receiving information that this public house and also the Slipper public house were not adhering to the terms and condition of their licences, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Licensing office, to draw their attention to this and for action to be taken.


06/649             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting be held on Tuesday 25th July 2006 at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


06/650             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/651             Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing was discussed


Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council