Page 1.                                   Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18 June 2013.                             

Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns, Wrigg and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;           4 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Cummings, Manifield and Heptinstall.

                                    PSgt. Jonathan Day.


06/037             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented the Safe Scheme report covering May and June.           

He commented as follows on the report that had been sent by PS Brooke to the Clerk and Cllr Chalkley;

A request had been made to the Mobile Camera Unit to consider Doncaster Rd, WMDC have secured funding and also applied for the same, he was awaiting a decision from the unit.

He had spoken with Michael Blaymire, the manager of Bridge Garage whose units attended at the incident that had occurred at the Slack Lane/Doncaster Road junction (see minute 05/027), he would speak to the drivers concerned about there actions.

He had left a message for the team to ensure a presence at Crofton Academy (see minute 05/021) to deal with problems encountered when the Academy closed for the school holiday, This was subject to their commitments, so there was no guarantee they would be able to.

He had asked a PCSO to speak to the youth who was constantly kicking a football on the street and into gardens along Hare Park Lane.

Cllr Hewitt provided information to PS Day about a white coloured vehicle seen tending to the horse that had been placed on land at Pontefract Road without the owners permission (see minute 05/032).

Further to the response from WMDC Highway Enforcement who had concluded that the trees from two properties did not make any manoeuvre out of the junction at Doncaster Road and Pontefract Road any worse than it is. This was because the trees in question are cut back within the limits of their property and do not reduce further an already reduced sightline. Cllr Hewitt asked if PS Day would make approach WMDC Highway Enforcement to enquire if any action could be taken.

PS Day informed members that the Police were using a dedicated vehicle to identify motorists exceeding the speed limit on Doncaster Road.

Cllr Wilby commented on vehicles parking in such a way as to cause an obstruction to residents on Meadowfields Drive, PS Day duly noted the comment, he would make a verbal request to those concerned and follow this up by issuing a letter.


06/038                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

Further to the recent work on pot holes on Kingsley Close and the request from members at the last meeting about other pot holes needing attention, members were

informed that they were awaiting further information but were able to confirm that

work would be carried out in the WMDC Highways 2013/14 programme of work.                                                                

Following the information given to Cllr Hewitt by Cllr Heptinstall (see minute

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05/020) about the maintenance team using the wrong entrance for the Sidings, a new lock had been purchased with a key given to Cllr Hewitt.                                                                                                                                                                                

Members were informed that the Education Dept; were to place an order to have work carried out on the road around the Parish Centre car park.

The yellow markings outside Shay Lane School which were facing the wrong way had now been attended to.

Members were given information about the proposed housing development to replace the demolished Hawthorn Court. District Councillors had met with WDH & Strategic Housing regarding the type of houses that were to be built. Following discussion it was agreed that District Councillors would arrange a meeting with WDH to discuss the proposal further.

Following the ‘walkabout’ with WMDC Street Scene officers in April, it was suggested that that another meeting be held around the Hawthorn and Thorntree areas with Cllrs Kimbley and Wrigg being in attendance.

District Councillors were asked to take action on the following;

To check that the American style Yellow school bus seen in Wakefield centre and around Crofton, was correctly licensed. It was causing a nuisance by blocking footpaths, leaking oil and producing large volumes of diesel fumes.

Cllr Chalkley asked that they visit and consult further with residents regarding the recent Health Impact Assessment consultation concerning the Deanfield mining site. They stated that they had received little response from a previous exercise to highlight the development, but agreed it would be timely to do so again.

Cllr Bennett asked them to report the inadequate cutting of grass in the Springhill area. He had contacted Ian Jones, WMDC Street Scene Manager about similar problems across the Ward 5 area.


06/039                         Public Participation session

A resident asked District Councillors if there was any information on the proposed

initiative to have a bus shelter erected in place of the seat at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road (minute 02/164), he was informed that the request was refused as the usage did not warrant it. Cllr Cummings offered to supply him with the information regarding the criteria used to arrive at such a decision.

In response to the enquiry from a resident about why the village had been classed as a service centre (see minute 05/021) a response had been received from Neville Ford
WMDC Service Manager Planning and Transportation, stating that the Parish Council and residents were consulted prior to the adoption of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy document on 15 April 2009. The document contains a settlement hierarchy based on appraisal evidence, Crofton was classified as a ‘Local Service Centre’ in the document. Members disagreed with the statement that the Parish Council had been consulted, District Councillors were asked to acquire evidence that any such consultation had taken place. Cllr Wilby questioned why District Councillors were not aware of such a situation which would have such an impact on the village.


06/040                         Apologies for absence         

None to report.


06/041                        Declarations of Interest

None declared.


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06/042                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 May 2013, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


06/043                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had received a response from Mayfair Security about the phone service to the Pavilion, they were seeking advice from the engineering department and would advise accordingly.

He had contacted WMDC Rights of Way about the gate obstructing users of the path from Hare Park Lane through Larkdale Farm to Shay Lane. They had conducted an investigation and stated that the owner was trying to prevent stock escaping from the farm curtilage, but there was a gap to the side of the gate which allowed access for footpath users. Members asked the Clerk to respond and state that the gap was not sufficient for those with prams or bikes.

Having issued a letter regarding Bedford Farm to Ian Thompson the Borough Planner for WMDC Planning, he had yet to receive a response.

He had now contacted the Parish Centre users about inconsiderate parking, the Yoga group stated that most of their group walked to the Centre, whilst the 1st Class Learning organisation stated that their clients were parking so as to not obstruct the driveways, but also pointed out that there are no parking restrictions on any of the streets close to the centre, and parents would be within their rights to park.

An enquiry had been made to Land Registry regarding ownership of the Memorial land but he was having difficulty establishing a post code for the exact location, to enable a title deed to be obtained. He had therefore contacted the War Memorial Trust to ascertain if they could clarify ownership.

He had contacted YLCA seeking legal advice about challenging the decision by the Government department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), who were responsible for the introduction of changes effecting the Precept, He had not yet received a response.

He had sent an e-mail to District Councillors requesting that WMDC provide a parking enforcement vehicle and was now awaiting a response.

Members asked the Clerk to contact WMDC Highways to confirm whether the annual gully cleanse had been carried out (see minute 05/025), as there was no evidence to show it had been.                            


06/044                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report

Report Village Association

The Clerk confirmed he had contacted NPower (see minute 05/026) to claim a refund for the cost of electrical repairs to the external supply, he was awaiting a reply.

Cllr Kimbley commented that the door to the store on the Cricket ground had been left open which had caused the alarm to be activated, Cllr Bennett confirmed the Cricket team had been contacted and the matter had been dealt with.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

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He had allocated some allotments at the Hare Park site and had taken a delivery of scalpings to improve the road surface (see minute 05/026).

He had purchased a new lock for the Hare Park site, a notice had been posted informing tenants that a key could be obtained from him.

He had fixed a new tap at the Pontefract Road site.  

He had received an application from Mr Price for an allotment, he informed members that having given due consideration to the request he had refused the application.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report


06/045                         Traffic issues

Cllr Schofield commented that Ashdene Drive was being subjected to regular speeding cars and motorbikes, it was suggested that Safe Scheme officers be deployed there to act as a deterrent.

Cllr Towns informed members that she had seen a car parked on the pavement just past Slack Lane Junior School, on 11 June in the morning and again in the afternoon. When asked, the occupant in the car said he was doing a traffic survey on behalf of WMDC. Cllr Bennett had enquired further and ascertained that it was a traffic count on behalf of the Road Safety team, he suggested to the occupant that the figures would not be accurate as the Academy was not fully operational, the comment was duly noted. The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Road Safety to ensure the comments had been taken into consideration.


06/046                         Neighbourhood Plan

Members agreed to discuss the plan on Sunday 23 June.


06/047                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Towns commented that the Street Sweeper had been in action around the village.


06/048                         Planning Notifications

Members discussed the application, 13/01384/FUL, the residential development on the former Weavers Green site. The Clerk was asked to submit an objection on behalf of the Parish Council, citing reasons such as that the site was out of character, was not approved as part of the LDF proposals and had not been located in a sustainable location.


06/049                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts, it was noted that the Clerk had now purchased a computer.

The Clerk informed members that he had been contacted by the insurance company representing the car hire company, they had agreed to pay for the damage to the memorial wall and would send a payment forthwith ( see minute 01/159).

Further to the distribution of the Crofton Village Association Accounts for

2012 – 2013, Cllr Bennett provided information to members on their content.


06/050                        Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 1; With regard to concerns raised by All Saints Church about the footpath from

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Ashdene Crescent to the Church, the Clerk was asked to contact the Secretary of All Saints Church and suggest a meeting be arranged.

Note 2; As the WMDC Planning Officer Neville Ford (who had informed District Councillors that Crofton had become a Service Centre), was to be in attendance at the YLCA Wakefield Branch meeting, the Clerk would attend and seek further clarification about the matter.

Note 4; Since some members were not invited to a discussion with WMDC Wakefield Speaks about the changing Policing landscape, the Clerk was asked to contact them to enquire if another meeting was to be arranged.

Note 8; With regard to the information received from YLCA, Cllr Wilby asked for an explanation of what the New Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was. She was informed that it is a new levy which District Councils (but subject to WMDC deciding to do so), can charge on developers or landowners when they build new developments. The money raised will help to pay for the infrastructure, those Parish Councils with a Neighbourhood plan will receive directly 25% of the funds.

Note 10. Cllr Bennett was given the information received from Healthwatch concerning health and social care.


06/051                         Parish matters

Cllr Makin informed members that the annual football gala was starting on Saturday 22 June 2013.

Comment was made about the recent condition of the Scout Hut area, an improvement had been made but members voiced there concern. Cllr Chalkley suggested that the Scout Leader be invited to a Parish Council meeting, he would liaise with the Clerk to arrange this.

Cllr Towns commented on the low number of hours allocated to the Safe Scheme, however comment was made that this was not so unusual given the time of year.

With regard to the impending decision to identify where rubbish bins were to be sited, Cllr Bennett requested that some be placed on Springhill Drive and Springhill Mount.

With regard to the continued provision of the Library, Cllr Bennett asked that all Parish Councillors become members and actively use the service.


06/052                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 16 July 2013 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


06/053             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/054                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing to report


Signed ………………………………                       Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council