Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19 June 2012.                             


Present;          Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Ripley,

         Schofield, Towns, Wilby and Wrigg.


In attendance;            7 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Manifield and Heptinstall

                                    2 Representatives from Connect/Wakey Bus


06/037             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Matt Jackson, presented the report covering May/June.

Cllr Hewitt commented that some of the inhabitants of 91&91a High Street had been suspected of drug dealing, he asked that the Police should approach the Agent responsible for the letting, to enable action to be taken against the landlord.

Cllr Hewitt stated that a number of sheds on the Hare Park allotments had been burgled, it was alleged that hedge trimmers and transformers had been taken.

Cllr Kimbley commented that a television had been thrown through a window at a house on the junction of Holly Close/Thorntree Avenue, he asked if the matter had been resolved, PS Jackson was not aware of the incident but would enquire further.

Cllr Bennett queried that the number of thefts recorded in the report did not tally with the spread sheet figures, PS Jackson agreed with the error and would amend.

The report also stated that a drug offence had been recorded at the Priory Centre but was not noted on the spread sheet, a separate heading was requested to show this.


06/038                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield gave an update on previous matters raised;

The property on Thorntree Avenue had now been cleared of rubbish.

With regard to the 2 lighting columns on Springhill Drive which had stopped working, WMDC Officer David Blackburn had been contacted and this had now been dealt with, Cllr Bennett confirmed this.

With regard to further information being provided for the Landlords Scheme, Cllr Cummings was still gathering information. Cllr Dart suggested that a site meeting be arranged to identify that there is a flooding problem and serious deterioration of the wall and steps down to the shops on Ashdene Drive.

Cllr Wilby commented that some tarmac reinstatement had recently been carried out.

Further to comment about flooding on Harrison Road/High Street, upon investigation, an obstruction was found in the drain connected to Shay Lane School, this would alleviate the problem.

WMDC had been approached about the tidying of the former betting shop site on Slack Lane, he was awaiting a response.

The Jubilee lunch held at the Parish Centre had been a success.

Members were provided with update on the proposed Bedford Farm Court development, several objections had been submitted (see minute 06/048).

District Councillors’s had contacted WMDC Highways about the outline planning application, however Graham West, WMDC Service Manager for the Highway Network stated he had not received sufficient information yet.

 A local petition had received 300 signatures in objection to the development.           The Clerk informed members that he had received an enquiry from an allotment

owner concerned about the future of the Oak Street allotments which was on the land.

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Cllr Ripley commented that there had been a better opportunity to object to major

planning issues under the previous UDP than there now was with the LDF, which had

replaced it, where only minor issues could now be changed.


06/039                         Public Participation session

A resident who was a childminder within the village, informed members that she was

extremely concerned about the problem of parking at school pick up time, with vehicles parked partially blocking pavements. She had reported this to the Neighbourhood Policing Team and had made contact with Shay Lane Primary School where the issue was most prevalent. PS Jackson duly noted the concern, he stated that it was something they were aware of and would be liaising with the school to resolve the matter. Cllr Chalkley added that the Parish Council had conducted a survey which WMDC acknowledged and agreed that there was a prevailing problem.

Cllr Towns suggested that Safe Scheme money could be used to patrol the area.

The two representatives from the Dial-a-Ride service provided information to members about the provision of a free bus service between Sharlston, Crofton and Streethouse, should the Parish Council agree to become a member of the scheme this would avoid many individuals having to apply for membership Other Parish Councils had signed to become members of the scheme but they wanted to know why Crofton had not. Members explained that they had concerns about exposure to any financial commitment, following confirmation that the Parish Council would not become liable for any costs (and would receive written confirmation to that effect), members agreed to approve the application for membership.


06/040                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor; Cummings.  

Councillor; Makin.


06/041                         Declarations of Interest

The Clerk informed members that they would be subject to new obligations resulting from the 2011 Localism Act in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests in matters being considered at a meeting. Following discussion,  members agreed to review the existing 2007 Code of Conduct which included the Nolan principles of conduct in public life, but would also consider adopting a new code of conduct to take effect after 1 July 2012, which would include provisions in respect of the registration and disclosure of ‘pecuniary interests’ .


06/042                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 May 2012, were subject to change prior to signature.


06/043                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had obtained two quotes for the supply and erection of a flag pole, following discussion it was agreed to defer a decision.

Cllr Kimbley had consulted with Cllr Manifield and Sgt Richard Green of the Carrgate Dog Centre, about what further action could be taken about the guard dog training (see minute 05/033), a legal action of trespass would need to be pursued.


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06/044                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

The Working Party had met and agreed a procedure for refurbishment of the Centre. The first task would be to replace the heaters, followed by decorating and changing the window blinds.

The provision of grab handles for the disabled was also to be provided, but concern was raised about the strength of the building fabric to enable this, further enquiries would be made prior to installation.

An electrical inspection would be carried out when refurbishment was complete.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett reported that;

There had been problems with the alarm system but this was now resolved.

The cleaner was doing an excellent job.

The Fire Safety company Firesreen had attended the premises.

The water system was due to be checked.

Report Allotments

Cllr Wilby reported that;

An allotment had been given back and a new request had been received.

A review of the Hare Park allotments waiting list was felt necessary.

The Clerk was asked to check on the progress on having the water supply connected at the Pontefract Road allotments.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report.


06/045                         Traffic issues

Cllr Dart had noted in the Wakefield Express an article from WMDC promising to improve the road networks with its 15 year plan. Although the plan had to be approved by the cabinet committee, it also stated that £130000 would be spent on speed cameras and CCTV. The Clerk was asked to contact the District Councillors to ascertain if the Crofton section of Doncaster Road would benefit from this.


06/046                         Parish Plan

Comment was made that the plan needed revising to reflect recent changes.

Cllr Bennett informed members that WMDC had sent a receipt for the copy of the plan they had been sent.


06/047                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


06/048                         Planning Notifications

Members discussed the contents of an email received from a resident concerning land at Doncaster Road, it was agreed to consider further a response at the next meeting. In preparation a brief history of the land would be produced and circulated to members.

Cllr Ripley asked if there had been any further information received concerning 19

Weeland Road, (see minute 02/170), the Clerk would make further enquiries.

The Clerk was asked to submit an objection to planning application 12/01060/OUT

a residential development of up to 200 dwellings at Bedford Farm Court.

It was noted that the resubmission of a previously refused scheme 11/01687/FUL

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concerning the Redbeck Filling Station, had been refused again, comment was made that any future submissions would be closely observed.


06/049                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk informed members that the request to Barclays to add new cheque signatories had now been accepted.

Following discussion it was agreed that the Crofton Village Association accounts

would be discussed at the next meeting.

After giving due consideration to the application from All Saints Church for funding

to enable the refurbishment of the Church clock, Cllr Towns suggested that £1000 be

given, Cllr Schofield suggested that £2000 be given.

Members voted as follows; £1000, For 1; Against 0. £2000 For 6; Against 0.

It was therefore agreed that £2000, be given, the Clerk was asked to inform All Saints

Church about the decision, a cheque would be raised when an invoice for the works

had been received.


06/050                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 2; Members duly noted information from Metro about plans for the future.

Note 9; further to the notification about the proposed changes to the recording, diverting and extinguishing public rights of way, members felt it appropriate to have the recorded Rights of Way for the Crofton area. The Clerk would contact WMDC to request the information.


06/051                         Parish matters

Cllr Towns asked that future presentations be organised separate to the Parish Council meeting, to avoid the meetings lasting too long.

Cllr Bennett informed members he had attended a meeting concerning funding for the Libraries. He informed members that the WMDC proposed plan could result in Crofton Library being upgraded to hub status.

Comment was made about the access gate on Church Road which was to be used by the resident for their caravan. It was noted that the resident now had a motor home, therefore the current use was not as agreed, following discussion, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highways for further comment.   


06/052                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 17 July 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


06/053             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/054                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing to report.


Signed            ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council